Got him a new therapist lined up for late next week. Baby steps.
With 4 kids it can be hard to find the time, but I'll consider that once I can get some other things sorted (therapy for him, myself, etc). He's 100lbs and I'm 5'10" and 250 so I have leverage in my favor in the short term. Gone are the days of carrying him up the stairs and shit though that's for sure.
For those not familiar, I've painted a picture of our situation in this thread previously... everyone's just a year or two older, different meds, different therapy, etc etc. Change is constant.
My life as a parent right now: My son, 11: ODD, ADHD, explosive tendencies. Has to be restrained about once a day at the moment as meds seem to do less and less (which continue to be adjusted). Has kicked a hole in one wall and multiple holes in his door. During a tantrum this morning while...