Saw it with the wife, I thought it was good, but she loved it (definitely a chick flick but it had enough sci-fi elements to keep me interested..). There's one thing that kinda bothered me about the ending though.. it's mentionned at least once that the ship has spare parts to build pretty much anything they could use on the colony world Homestead II : houses, hydroponics, etc... Since Chris Pratt is a space mechanic and is shown several times reading manuals and shit to learn how to build or tinker with things he's never seen before, I expected him to convince Jennifer Lawrence to get into the medical pod for hibernation, with teary farewells thinking that's the last time they see each other, then fast forward to 88 years later and she gets awakened by the crew, they ask her about her story and then they find out later that Pratt found all the parts required to build another medical pod in the cargo hold, because they would probably have needed one on the colony... it would make sense. Maybe it would have been too happy, but the movie wasn't too bleak either so heh.