I am loving it.
my main complaints.
yes. adds, and getting overwhelmed in a few of those early fights.
many fights feel almost like bullet sponges. they just won't die.
first ascendry trial requires not getting hit. thats retarded. if I have full life, don't make me fail. its rally stupid, and must make some builds really hard. melee...
hit detection, and ground markers are often really bullshit. so many fights, attacks, get hit by some aoe that is 20% larger then the visual. stupid rocks falling from the ceiling and you can't tell where they are going to land in the 3d isometric. stupid silver gorilla in act3, with his slam which hits 20%outside the visual, and has a projectile thats basically invis, and totally unexpected. There is alot of this BS. they need to tight up the visuals versus hit box. and this is on top of the same problem from poe1 with so many spell effects you can't actually see the hostile ones.
bosses don't stop. just constant attacking. hell, im playing freeze sorc, so I get some time, when I freeze them periodically.
some kind of mana bar or something for bosses..
debuffs aren't really easy to read.
what even is the orange bar under the enemies?