I dropped the build but it was about this when I stopped:
Goal after that would be to get more hp in the middle, the 3pt cruel blade sword node in duellist area, Frenzy charge in duellist then go through Frenzy charge in Ranger and get Fitness and then go up toward Shadow area to get the Frenzy Charge there and the massive 8% block 4pt node on the way.
I stopped because tbh it's too clunky to use, you have to use a trap, then drop a totem, then Enduring Cry to stay alive/get shit off the totem. It costs a lot of mana but Blood Magic is fairly far away so not necessarily viable and with the auras I had too much reserved to really play with, I guess I'd need to drop Wrath or Grace but then you lose quite a bit. Could also go IR+Unwavering and fuck Evasion and max armor instead but saw no point in doing so. The biggest issue really overall is 1) Detonate Dead totem pulls aggro ALL THE FUCKING TIME, like literally I cast it it detonates one corpse every mob goes for the totem, I was playing defend the totem more than having to survivie myself 2) Spell totem massive 50% cast speed nerf in alpha would run the totem efficiency anyway.
The build could be salvaged and transformed though into a Lightning Strike 1h+shield build which is probably very very strong, by doing a few things differently, mostly getting less block and focusing on weapon elemental dmg more, going in the shadow area for the 30% lightning faster. Not sure if they're gonna nerf LS or what but it's dumb.
Current build that I'm trying out, but the char is very low level, is explosive arrow fire witch. This is my current planned build:
The logic here is that Explosive Arrow is a peculiar attack, while the initial hit will be based on typical attack stats like attackspeed, physical damage and so on, the explosion of the arrow is a non attack non spell fire aoe projectile. The key here is non attack non spell, which means castspeed and attackspeed are irrelevant, so is the actual damage on the bow or anything of the sort. I'm planning to use Quill Rain because of it which is a low lvl unique bow that has +100%attackspeed but -50%dmg. The point with it is to stack the 5explosive arrow charges asap, as the damage of the initial hit is irrelevant and the dmg reduction won't affect the charge. Then I stack fire and aoe passives, and link explosive to concentrated area for MORE damage % which means it almost doubles the damage of an aoe spell, Elemental Proliferation which means if it procs burning, it will spread it to everything around it, Increased AoE to compensate for the downside of concentrated and eventually just increase it and either Mana Leech if I need it or Fire Penetration to do more damage. The logic is you stack 5explosive arrow on a mob then Flammability the pack and watch everything burn. Explosive arrow will detonate, doing a large amount of dmg due to having 5charges+tons of firedmg/aoedmg passives, then each of the mobs hit will have a chance to ignite due to Flammability and crits, and if it does ignite, then all mobs around burn for the same dmg with proliferation. The initial blast should kill most mobs but in the case it doesn't, the massive ~200%dmg dot will kill everything anyway.
The build is very unrealistic for a new OB char though, it needs so many stupid spells that the witch doesn't get or even spells that are drop only(elemental proliferation for example) but it should be fun. I'm still only 20ish atm however so for now it's mostly spamming poison arrow and fire traps while having way too much mana for my own good. Explosive arrow looks like a huge mana sink though so the witch starting area should be great to support that.