So after a bunch of experimenting and playing around with stuff trying to learn more about actually making a build that works I finally came up with something.
➤ Life: 3,480 [92%]ㆍES: 834ㆍMana: 209ㆍeHP: 37,175 ➤ Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/74% ➤ DPS: 25,657,992ㆍSpeed: 6.28ㆍHit Chance: 100%ㆍCrit Chance: 39.12%ㆍCrit Multi: 195% ➤ Config: Pinnacle, Frenzy, Power, 15x Wither
Not sure why it shows 3500hp, I have ~4600 in game.
I like Forbidden Rite as a skill and it allows you to make use of some interesting interactions. I put that build together for about 12div. I still need to work out phys max hit, unsure if I want to push Armour or Evasion. I've been switching between Olesyas and Gravens (Gravens + Ralakesh lets you completely ignore the charge downsides of Eater alters because you are only generating Absorption charges, with Olesyas on I'm actually generating power charges as well, which is dicey)
As it stands its fairly defensive and can melt 8 mod T16s damage wise (with Punishment and monsters at low life it's almost DOT capped, even league juiced mobs are fine to deal with). The damage is honestly higher than it needs to be to do any and all content including ubers so I plan on working on making it more defensive. I didn't want to just throw on Stasis Prison like everyone else and Progenesis is lol expensive this season.
After all the experimenting and leveling several characters fresh through the campaign I think I can actually league start FR and even play through the campaign with it. The recoup nodes are nutty while leveling.