Some more questions as I try and relearn how this game works, basically newbie questions even though I've been a supporter since closed beta..
1) Is a build required to reach end game or could I literally throw skill points as the passive tree and be alright?
2) If a build is required for end game, are there some good ones that don't require any unique items?
3) Exalted Orbs are blowing my mind, I've been browsing the forums looking at builds and even the "cheaper" ones require 5-10 of said orbs:
A) Given the rarity of these orbs, posts i've read saying some folk with 300+ hours only finding 2 or 3, how in the bloody hell are people buying/selling unique items for 30ex?
B) Are you able to craft these? Trade for these? (whats the exchange currency?) Or is there some secret RMT crap going on?
4) Sockets, Is there a level cap or rarity cap for how many sockets can be on an item? I picked up a
Shiversting - Path of Exile Wikiway back and was thinking of maybe trying to make a build using it but it only has 1 blue socket.