Path of Exile


<Bronze Donator>
I'm not playing that guy anymore(because I deleted him), feel free to sell them or let someone else use the items.

I've lost track of how many times I've gotten frustrated with this game(or any for that matter), delete stuff in game to prevent myself from playing again, and then getting the itch to play just a few days later. I deleted all my characters on my PoE account, which I'm not sad about because I only play leagues. Now I want to play that Reave build Mathil featured.

Deleted my entire Hearthstone collection. That actually worked, haven't gone back to that game, but was back playing Gwent the last couple days and getting mad at the game. Who the fuck plays dimeritium shackles? Fucking noobs fucking up my consume deck by playing the wrong cards.

The fuck is wrong with me? My wife suggested pot as a solution and I'm starting to wonder if she's right.
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Trakanon Raider
I'm not playing that guy anymore(because I deleted him), feel free to sell them or let someone else use the items.

I've lost track of how many times I've gotten frustrated with this game(or any for that matter), delete stuff in game to prevent myself from playing again, and then getting the itch to play just a few days later. I deleted all my characters on my PoE account, which I'm not sad about because I only play leagues. Now I want to play that Reave build Mathil featured.

Deleted my entire Hearthstone collection. That actually worked, haven't gone back to that game, but was back playing Gwent the last couple days and getting mad at the game. Who the fuck plays dimeritium shackles? Fucking noobs fucking up my consume deck by playing the wrong cards.

The fuck is wrong with me? My wife suggested pot as a solution and I'm starting to wonder if she's right.
Any kind of offline activity is just fine, working out or some creative hobby is probably the best. I'm always running with the question: "Am I having fun?" If the answer is "Not right now, only when I'm winning/stomping/will get over this hump" I just quit. It's that simple.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If you're bored with softcore, you should play hardcore. If you're bored with hardcore, pick up They Are Billions for a bit and come back next league.


Trakanon Raider
If you're bored with softcore, you should play hardcore. If you're bored with hardcore, pick up They Are Billions for a bit and come back next league.

Yeah I am getting bored of leagues earlier lately, think I might try hardcore next league. Getting kind of sick of the economy on SC as well.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I was really surprised how much more fun the game got on hardcore, it's definitely designed to be played that way. I haven't looked back since I made the switch in Talisman.


<Bronze Donator>
I'm not sure it's boredom that's the problem. Though, some of those achievements are quite grindy, extending far beyond reasonable item chase times. The frustration stems from bullshit deaths that you don't see any way to fix. But you can see if you continue on whatever you're working, you've got a lot more bullshit deaths in store.

Derkon Derkon what specifically is your complaint with the softcore economy that wouldn't be in hardcore?


Trakanon Raider
Mostly how items tend to keep value. Not to mention prices on SC are like 2-3 times what they are on HC.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If you hate dying so much, you should definitely play hardcore.

Hardcore economy is definitely much better -- it's so much easier to sell mediocre items on hardcore because they keep getting deleted from the system.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I was really surprised how much more fun the game got on hardcore, it's definitely designed to be played that way. I haven't looked back since I made the switch in Talisman.

I first played Hardcore back on my second character in Diablo II and havnt been able to go back since. Theres something about the rush of your health dropping low.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The trick is you build your character in such a way that you can survive those. I promise you it's possible, people make it to 100 all the time. You should try it before dismissing it out of hand like that, see how far you can get you know.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I would do hardcore but often I am playing very stoned and do not make the best decisions or have decent mechanical reflexes to dodge exploding corpses :p

I'm starting to turn into Mathil in terms of how I enjoy this game: making up new builds or putting my own spin on old builds. Once that gets boring, then I just start collecting hard to find items(like +1 curse volls, headhunters, +1 end-charge harbinger belts, etc) in league to bring back to Standard where I make dank builds work cause I am rich. It definitely takes a level of autism that I have developed just for this game to enjoy it that way.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
ya I use to play hardcore but realized I like to watch shows / twitch, drink, smoke, talk to my wife, ect when i'm playing. It's just not worth it.


<Bronze Donator>
Anyone know how autotargeting and reave works? As in, as reave's AOE grows, will multistrike choose targets that are now reachable?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Nah, but if you're keeping up your Vaal Reave stacks it doesn't really matter, you just right click once in a general direction and everything dies. I've done Reave a couple of times now, and keeping up Vaal Reave stacks is not fun at all imo.


<Bronze Donator>
I hear ya, I'm still new to the skill, level 40ish. So, I'm still waiting on higher density and quicker movement between packs before I judge how annoying Reave stacks are. I'm also considering dropping the increased duration link on my Vaal Grace and just using two Vaal Reaves.

Also, I was kinda of bored with Sunder. Reave, if you can maintain the stacks, looks like it clears just as well as Sunder, if not better. I'm not too sure about that, I've been having real trouble quantifying how long Sunder's wave is. And if you really want to clear as well as Reave, bleed explosion almost seem necessary. Reave has better single target options too for long boss fights.

I was actually going through the list of skills easier, what melee skills are actually good at map clearing? For example, I would say Blade Flurry with bleed explosions is ok to decent. Molten Strike with Ancestral Call is decent too. Almost any Cyclone build. Above those, actually good skills, I would only put Flicker Strike, Frost Blades, Spectral Throw, Wild Strike, Reave and Sunder.

Hmmm, maybe that's not so bad of a list. Played them all except Reave, maybe that's why I'm trying out Reave.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I like Sunder a LOT better than Reave, it has similar range to max stack Reave (slightly less) and yeah augmenting it with bleed explosions really pushes it over the top. If you ever drop stacks in Reave (including Vaal Reave stacks), you become significantly more likely to die, and it's a pretty common scenario for some boss fights.