I save my currency to buy key (cheap) uniques that guides reccomend. and just use analogues for the rest. do you understand the vendor recipies? honestly i mostly only identify scroll items that have slots and are the types that i want. the rest i do not identify. I pick up any items that clearly match vendor recipes (3 link of r-g-b) etc, but a ton of things I just leave behind and chase more valuable loot.Played this game a few years ago, got to level 50ish and just couldn't handle bosses anymore. Just started again. I'm following the noob advice now (max resistances at all times, guided build) and just finished act 3. I'm doing much better than before. Sort of confused about the best way to gear up though. Do you just wait for the right rare to drop? Sell drops to get orbs? Doing SSF currently.
Also is there some way of getting items identified other than scrolls of wisdom? I'm always running out of them.
Played this game a few years ago, got to level 50ish and just couldn't handle bosses anymore. Just started again. I'm following the noob advice now (max resistances at all times, guided build) and just finished act 3. I'm doing much better than before. Sort of confused about the best way to gear up though. Do you just wait for the right rare to drop? Sell drops to get orbs? Doing SSF currently.
Also is there some way of getting items identified other than scrolls of wisdom? I'm always running out of them.
Most micro skins are too much for me. I would love to have a skeleton skin, but I don't need to be a hovering green glowing ghost with flags for wings and skulls trailing in my wake.
Generally defense first.First off, thanks for the guild invite! If you're wondering who the dude with the racist name is, PokeFliedLice is, it's me. PorkFliedLice was already taken, lol.
What an amazing update, SO much content, especially for dudes like me that took a year off from playing. It's the first total weekend sperg out I've had in a game in years. So much so that I called in sick to the girlfriend so I wouldn't have to hang with her Sat night and Sunday.
Playing and ice occultist seems like a good choice. Tried to make Ice Spear work but felt WAY too clunky compared to Winter's Orb. Finally dropped WO to go Cold Snap/Vortex. Clear is amazing but big boss fights don't feel amazing since you have to get in the middle of the shit to drop vortexes. Maybe get a Vaal Storm Call for linked for that? I think my biggest decision will come after Merciless Lab and deciding whether I should go CI or curses. Thoughts?
Thanks! So I guess the decision with Occultists is Cold or Curses, but not both since ES is so strong with them that it's a must have.Generally defense first.
you need defense for yellow tier maps. Then offense for red maps and beyond.
Basic skills will innately scale about up to t10-13. thats about where you hit gem level 20. At that point their damage stagnates, due to no longer leveling. and when you need passives, quality, 6l, etc to push past. so defense first, then uberlab will give a dps boost with your last 2 ascendancies to push futher into maps.
CI can be wonky in this as the question, "do I have enough base ES?" is relevant. Which granted as occultist. the answer is always yes you do. Assuming you did get vile bastion first like you should have.
I'm running Blashpemy/Frostbite which just makes everything assplode with Vortex and Cold Snap. If I get the second curse node what would be a good choice to be less squishy in those out-of-the-blue Syndicate gang bangs that happen all the time? I was thinking Enfeeble/Herald of Ice. I am running Orb of Storms as well.I thought winter orb might replace orb of storms for cursing, but def not. it is very wonky to use. long charge up, short duration.
Brands are much better for it actually.
The Banners are odd. cheap, and reasonably effective. but odd stats imho. I suppose they are intended to help counter ele conversion.
They 100% count as auras. commander of darkness. "inc effect of non curse auras"
"cast socketed spell on skill use" CD is apparently per skill. alot of talk of this for curses. but its only on WEAPONS. Which great for casters I guess. but pretty rough on attack skills, given viable weapon affix real estate..
Imprison = small progress every turn for 3 turns, enemy ranks downHas anyone have a guide on the Betrayal stuff? I'm just killing or sparing dude on a whim.
So all 3/4/x will hit the same target then? I've been using it as my clear skill while levelling since storm call isn't great yet and using that for syndicate/bosses/high hp mobs. Just have it linked with added lightning, innervate and crit chance.