Path of Exile


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Just played my first few rounds of I the only one who immediately thought ff7 fort condor battle?


Goonsquad Officer
Just played my first few rounds of I the only one who immediately thought ff7 fort condor battle?
haha yea that reminded me of that. rock tumblers 4 life!

hilariously i went to the dead area to trade with some one, did the trade, he started a match and it pulled me in. i did 2 matches with them (super face roll), just because i didn't leave the group fast enough.

then i quit the group pulled me in again. with not being in the group at all. i had to sprint for the exit because the guys were on auto pilot haha.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
haha yea that reminded me of that. rock tumblers 4 life!

hilariously i went to the dead area to trade with some one, did the trade, he started a match and it pulled me in. i did 2 matches with them (super face roll), just because i didn't leave the group fast enough.

then i quit the group pulled me in again. with not being in the group at all. i had to sprint for the exit because the guys were on auto pilot haha.
I've also had some weird stuff happen in the dead area (psn). If I have my stash open on the currency tab and attempt to transfer a currency item from my inv to the stash, even if the little highlight says "move to stash", it drops it on the ground .

Edit - not a random event either. Happens 100%. You have to manually move all currency or enter a new area.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Can't seem to find an answer on this. If I buy a totem shaper shield with shitty stats, can I reroll it without losing the extra totem?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Can't seem to find an answer on this. If I buy a totem shaper shield with shitty stats, can I reroll it without losing the extra totem?
No you can't in the normal sense of the word. Things might be different if you use meta crafting.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Or find a fractured version. Won't be cheap.

You can search via ~frac totem or something like that

Edit oh wait i don't think you can fracture influenced items nevermind


Log Wizard
There's no longer a +1 totem enchant. It's an affix only found on shaper shields.

Your best bet is just to try to find a decent one for sale as you can't specifically target the totem mod as it has no tags associated. The other trick is to buy an item with +1 totem as the only shaper mod, buy another shield with something like 30% reservation efficiency of socketed gems on a Hunter item as the only hunter affix, then woke orb them together. The rest of the stats are a gamble, but those two together are a very good combo. Also +2 min frenzy/power/endurance charge instead of mana reservation is good.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>

Opened a torment strong box which happened to be right next to an essence.

I'll pass on this one.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
tota is most certainly rewarding now, but it's still a terrible league mechanic that i really dislike playing :(. So I'm gonna challenge and quit as usual probably. I'm just a lame gamer that wants ez mode shit and not have to run around a big ass area to randomly spread out vendors every damn round.


Tranny Chaser
tota is most certainly rewarding now, but it's still a terrible league mechanic that i really dislike playing :(. So I'm gonna challenge and quit as usual probably. I'm just a lame gamer that wants ez mode shit and not have to run around a big ass area to randomly spread out vendors every damn round.

I'm not sure what it is with it but I find it taxing/stressful enough that after two or three runs I'm sorta ready to stop playing all together. In Sanctum league I was logging on to blast maps as fast as possible to do as many Sanctums as possible just one after another with fatigue being someone else's problem. It would be late as fuck and I'd think, "just one more." Even when I got fucked in the ass I wanted to get back in there and try again but when TotA gives me the D I want to log off.
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Got something right about marriage
tota is most certainly rewarding now, but it's still a terrible league mechanic that i really dislike playing :(. So I'm gonna challenge and quit as usual probably. I'm just a lame gamer that wants ez mode shit and not have to run around a big ass area to randomly spread out vendors every damn round.

I don't understand why devs do this. Why cant the vendors just be in one small circle?
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Tranny Chaser
I don't understand why devs do this. Why cant the vendors just be in one small circle?

Flavor, verisimilitude. I'm fine with it aesthetically and if someone wants to run around go ahead but there could also be a window you can open where you can navigate everything with some clicks. The doing the fighting part and the different units and items and shit is there but the minutia of the mechanic is just so halfbaked.


It just feels like these two things would take less a week to get implemented and we still don't have either.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
There's no longer a +1 totem enchant. It's an affix only found on shaper shields.

Your best bet is just to try to find a decent one for sale as you can't specifically target the totem mod as it has no tags associated. The other trick is to buy an item with +1 totem as the only shaper mod, buy another shield with something like 30% reservation efficiency of socketed gems on a Hunter item as the only hunter affix, then woke orb them together. The rest of the stats are a gamble, but those two together are a very good combo. Also +2 min frenzy/power/endurance charge instead of mana reservation is good.

You can force +1 totem shaper shields by locking suffixes and using the harvest 'reforge an influenced item including an influence modifier' - +1 totems is the only shaper prefix that exists so you'll always hit.

If you're totems like shockwave or whatever usually just spam spell crit essences or chaos res until you hit suffxes you like, lock them and reforge for +1 totem then just craft life.
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Log Wizard
That's actually super helpful to know. I knew it was the only prefix but I don't think I've ever fucked with the added influence harvest mod myself. I was wondering about it since it takes a Sacred Blossom, and that's a really good use for it.

I'd still probably go for the woke orb 30% mana reservation with the +1 totem, but that leaves a lot up to Chris God. Hitting some good ones on an Awakeners orb can be pretty awesome feeling. Hitting a shit one feels bad except the past few leagues where woke orbs were like 35c or some shit. God bless Uber Sirus farmers and that dumb flask.


<Bronze Donator>
finally bored of d4 and wayfinder, start up a shadow thinking going hexblast build.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Several people wanted me to post my tree (WHICH ISNT OPTIMIZED BTW I SUCK AT THAT) and what I do for essence farming.

The options are: 1. Do it high tier w/eater mobs when you want to play f'real. 2. Pull out 2 WS and just do T9 beach map over and over for ezmode netflix and chill while printing divines.


For sake of argument, let's just assume #2. What I did this weekend with my friend, which we net over 30 divines playing casually ON ESSENCES ONLY and about 30 divines on other misc. things (raw drops, etc) and NOT counting a duped apothecary drop. We only ran T9 beach maps, because we were casual, braindead, and relaxed. We didn't want to stress over anything.

Process is simply alch and go. Use rusted scarabs only. No need to waste money on bigger boys. I bought 300 of each, and they lasted all weekend, and you get sso many scarabs too that I still had over 100 left over at the end of the weekend. I also bought 200 Remnant of Corruptions and made off like a bandit.

1. Alch maps that are safe for you to run.
2. With 5 way map device, run a T9 beach w/Rusted Torment, Ambush, Elder scarab. Add a single sac fragment or another scarab if you want.
3. Select Essence on the map device for 2c cost.
4. I used Remnant of Corruptions only on 5+ essenced mobs. Higher chance for Horror/Insanity/Etc if you do it on RGB ones, but I didn't even bother with that.
5. ???
6. Profit

I've sold a LOT of my essences, but still have quite a lot left. You can see the increase of net worth here, but again bear in mind, we were playing very casually. I have NOT sold any scarabs, and nearly every scarab listed here was earned from this farm except the torment/ambush/elder's which I use.


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Log Wizard

Should be interesting. Nerfed some mobs that needed it (Spear Dancers). Buffed a bunch of mobs that were low/no-threat. Not sure if it'll be easier or not, but some of the mobs having their HP reduced to reasonable levels means you can out-DPS a lot of the mechanics now. Bring on the Sparker 100m DPS farmers!

Also the 3:1 tattoo thing is a godsend. I was vendoring them for ID scrolls. Fuck Stun threshold/duration bullshit.

Also got 2k Rating last night. Around 1950 I started losing like 50% of tournaments and I'd say I had a ~65% win rate from there to 2k. I'm probably like 9-3 at 2k rating, but a lot of these changes will help. Spear Dancers could end your game immediately. Besides them one-shotting everyone from off screen, the problem is they're a base unit so nearly every team would have one. So I'd run over to see what their defenses looked like and BAM! Insta dead from spear dancer on defense. Then my base loses 2-3 flankers ASAP and I lose the game. Happened most of my losses. Spear dancers were responsible for probably 80% of my overall losses. The other 10% were Goliath/Warcaller gang bangs insta killing me at spawn or when I dashed somewhere. The other 10% is probably weird synergy/defense units breaking my units (Fieldmasters, Mystic Prophets + Death's Guide, Thunderbird Defenders) and I'll admit I KNOW I lost 1 or two I just made the wrong decision to attack at a time when I should've defended.

Overall I'm lucky I had a good builld (Skelly Mages Guardian) for this league as I've found it VERY rewarding, pretty time-consuming, and RIGHT on the edge of challenging and infuriating at times. When you have a come back it feels fucking great. When you get deleted and lose and your units sit around jerking each other off with your full elite unit squad with equipment it feels real, real bad. But I'd much rather do this with a much less degree of RNG than Sanctum which is honestly close to/worse than profits per hour if you care about that.


Got something right about marriage
Flavor, verisimilitude. I'm fine with it aesthetically and if someone wants to run around go ahead but there could also be a window you can open where you can navigate everything with some clicks. The doing the fighting part and the different units and items and shit is there but the minutia of the mechanic is just so halfbaked.

View attachment 489324

It just feels like these two things would take less a week to get implemented and we still don't have either.

The lack of a respawn timer is just kind of a comedy of the usual "errors" GGG makes. Every mechanic has a distinct lack of UI information when its released. Like the crucible progress bar last league. Im not sure what their testers do that they just never suggest "Hey how about a respawn timer so you know whats going on with your character and when its going to spawn in again"