Pillars of Eternity, Obsidian's new CRPG in the vein of Baldur's Gate


Molten Core Raider
Wow chaps, thank you allsomuch for the detailed breakdown around PoE vs BG. One of the main reasons I always check these boards for game advice... If you ask serious questions, you're very likely to get some seriously well thought out answers. =)

@ Azrayne
Regarding playing BG1 first, I do see your point, especially since all of it will be completely new to me. Literally just finished re-installing NWN2, and with a truckload of new Texture, Model and UI mods, and some help from Reshade/Sweetfx it looks really really good. In fact I can hardly believe justhowdamn good it looks. Going to play the BG Reloaded mod first (includes TotSC) before I even buy the BG2 EE. (apparently the mod is quite faithful to the original quests and dialogue) to get my head around the original storyline.

Thanks for the advice, it's downloading now, can't wait!
The first time you cast magic missile with 3 more 4 missiles do it in character mode like behind character that casts it. Turn up sound, shit is awesome.

Spell effects in nwn2 are really great.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I tried my hand at Path of the Damned for a little while, but it's too ball busting for me to enjoy. I prefer to go with the hardest difficulty at the outset because I rarely ever do multiple plays of games like these, but PotD seems overly masochistic.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Oh man, I really wanted to like that game, but the combat was slow and awful, the UI was awful, the environments were mostly but the character models were awful (just grey blobs in cloaks), there was no story at all, barely any quests, it was just one twenty minute fight with a pack of generic mobs after another. Not quite as bad as Pools of Radiance, but close. Getting interrupted while resting is one thing when you can blow through a pack of bandits or whatever in a minute or two, but when every single character's turn takes at least 30 seconds, it's a fucking nightmare. I didn't get down past the first level of the temple in my first playthrough, and I was about half way through the second when I decided to give it another chance only to decide I was sick of gameplay that was about as fun as a trip to the dentist.

Am I the only one who found the Jaheira romance weird, creepy and borderline incestuous? I mean you meet this woman who's what, twice your age, when she's an old friend of your adopted father, during which time Gorion has been retired from adventuring, so to be close and trustworthy friends he must have been adventuring with them a while before he retired (so probably more than twice your age, as you start BG1 18 - 21ish), you play through the entirety of BG1 with her husband in the party and her giving off a "team mum" vibe, then you start BG2, Irenicus has already killed her husband, you literally watch her discover his mutilated corpse, and then... she almost immediately starts hitting on the adopted child of her old adventuring buddy who's less than half her age? What the shit?

The others aren't much better. There's Aerie, clingy elf chick who won't stop whining about losing her wings and playing serious mind games with you, Viconia fucked up evil elf chick who blows you off if you're too nice, but then turns to neutral if you act evil (lady make up your mind), oh and randomly tells you about the time she was imprisoned and raped repeatedly.

That's not even touching on whats his face the douchebag who was the only romance option for female PC's. I don't know what his deal is because he was so fucking annoying I never accepted him into my party. Literally never done his sidequest in probably at least 10 playthroughs, but I can only imagine how fucked up and weirdthatromance sub-plot must be.

At least it was made back before this shit went out of control. These day's you'd have to fend off Jan Janssen's approaches or end up in a seriously weird cutscene of a bi-sexual threesome with the gnome illusionist who has a creepily specific turnip obsession and Viconia's definite BDSM vibe. Hell, these days Viconia would have been kicked out of the Underdark because the Drow are transphobic or something.
Oh yeah dude. The douchebag Paladin that was so annoying I never ever took him in. The old grizzled ass Paladin was so much better. Having him and Kurgan fight about shit was hilarious. Its also hilarious to see Aerie bail because Kurgan is so nuts.

I lost it when I thought about Jan Janssens turnip based sexual approaches. So thanks for that Ser. That and him fighting with Viconia and after some remark about how he loves the sound of his own voice he comes back with how he's deaf and can't hear his own voice anyway. The character interactions with BGII are just so... perfect. Douchebag Paladin with badass Paladin have some pretty cool interactions from what I've read though.

Slightly humorous that they had to have two different Paladin characters to choose from since one is so shitty and being able to wield the Holy Avenger is very appealing. Last playthrough I used a Shapeshifter Druid that was SUPER OP. Kensai/Wizard shenanigans are probably the most hilariously badass things in that game though if you work at it.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I really only found it masochistic at the very start for the first two levels or so and the very end, past that it eases up considerably. Encounters being twice the size means you're also leveling faster which ends up chopping off a lot of the difficulty lvl 3-10~(encounters are harder but you end up 1-2 levels above their intended difficulty to compensate), and then it gets kinda masochistic again late game because you've hit the lvl cap but the encounters are still much harder.
The difficulty ifference is night and day between hard and PotD, at least in the first hour or so. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that means I'm going to be in full blown tourist mode soon.

I couldn't get past a couple encounters in the Temple of Eothas on PotD. When I go to those encounters on Hard, I didn't even bother to fight in a doorway because shit died so quickly.


Molten Core Raider
Just beat the game on hard. Good experience, end fights were fun but man, that story ? I had ZERO interest in any of it. Maybe some will like it but it did absolutely nothing for me.


I had interest in the story during Act 1 but it started going off the rails for me. Still a super fun game but not huge on the story.


Trakanon Raider
Just beat the game on hard. Good experience, end fights were fun but man, that story ? I had ZERO interest in any of it. Maybe some will like it but it did absolutely nothing for me.
I agree. I could have given a flying fuck about the story, but the side quests were really fun to try and figure out, and I played on hard, so the encounters were a pain in the ass at points, but rewarding. I think some of the loot left something to be desired. I'm part way into act III and haven't been wowed by any of the weapons in the game yet. Most of the stuff that I have that is really good is stuff I enchanted myself. Guess I'm used to games like diablo where it's all about the loot. Still having a blast playing. Not liking Twin Elms as much as I liked Defiance Bay, though. Think I may just crawl through more of Ciad Nua tonight instead of completing more side quests. Also, can not even come close to breaking into the ogre cave in Elmshore. Getting face raped.


Molten Core Raider
I agree. I could have given a flying fuck about the story, but the side quests were really fun to try and figure out, and I played on hard, so the encounters were a pain in the ass at points, but rewarding. I think some of the loot left something to be desired. I'm part way into act III and haven't been wowed by any of the weapons in the game yet. Most of the stuff that I have that is really good is stuff I enchanted myself. Guess I'm used to games like diablo where it's all about the loot. Still having a blast playing. Not liking Twin Elms as much as I liked Defiance Bay, though. Think I may just crawl through more of Ciad Nua tonight instead of completing more side quests. Also, can not even come close to breaking into the ogre cave in Elmshore. Getting face raped.
The fight at the ed of Cad Nua was great. It felt like a raid to me i was thinking raid strats. The fight at the end end, was a bitch. But like with D&D its all about what spells work on what mobs, a bit of luck and positioning... fun stuff !!!!!!!


Trakanon Raider

Patch Notes: 1.04 - Obsidian Forum Community

These are the patch notes for 1.04, which is now available on Steam. It may be a bit before it's available on GOG and Origin, as they manually put it up.

We are now working on patch 1.05 and will launch the beta for it during the week of April 20th. We're continuing to read through support threads and e-mails. Thank you, everyone!

Items, Spells, and Abilities
AoE indicators should now properly resize if the caster has a sub 10 Intellect score.
Fixed an issue with over-time aura spells not applying the correct value on the final tick.
Knock Down will now correctly be applied for the full duration of the effect.
Mantle of The Dying Boar will now trigger at 33% Endurance with the effect of 5 Endurance a tick.
Talisman of the Unconquerable will now give a 1.25 Focus multiplier instead of .25.
Blooded should trigger properly in all cases now.
Boar Animal Companion bonus damage should now work as intended.
Prone Reduction mod should now work correctly.
Quests and Companions
Fixed Aloth and Kana speaking when they weren't in the party in one of the last levels.
Sagani's fox-specific banters now require the appropriate items in the player inventory.
Falanroed's dialogue no longer displays a script node.
Durance will now properly discuss your dream with you if you've already discussed his staff.
Relaxed some constraints on Durance's quest conversation. This allows all characters, regardless of background or stats, to finish his quest.
Players can now loot the nest in Oldsong.
Fixed an invalid conditional check in one of Pallegina's conversations.
Heritage Hill tower will be fully revealed when exploring the map.
Fixed spawn issue in a scripted interaction near the end of the game.
Fixed an invalid creature spawn in the Ogre Lair in Od Nua.
Sagani no longer references the antagonist by name before you know it.
A container in the Catacombs of Od Nua will now remember if it was looted.
The "Master's Tools" quest will now work if you have the required items before starting the quest.
The "A Two Story Job" scripted interaction will not require a second grappling hook to climb down from the window if one was already used to climb up.
General Fixes
Fix for camera movement problems when the game is paused or in a cutscene.
Fix to retroactively restore party movement in saves that display movement speed problems.
Made some fixes to movement speed problems that were being reported (e.g. Boots of Speed).
Fixed stacking health problems with the gul's "Vomit Blood" ability. This fix should retroactively fix your saved games.
Optimized Save/Load game system for better performance.
Optimized how scene transitions are handled for better memory usage on 32-bit machines. This may allow players to transition to new areas without running out of memory.
Sound Sets from hired companions will now be properly restored when adding them to the party from the stronghold.
"All Stronghold Upgrades" achievement now checks 25 upgrades instead of 26. This will properly reward the achievement if you already have fully upgraded your stronghold.
The "Kill All Dragons" achievement will now properly fire if they are killed indirectly (like by a trap). This is a retroactive fix and will be rewarded if the dragons are already dead.
Fixed issue where store prices were getting exceptionally large after receiving a discount.
Fixed issues with gaining infinite XP from bad Stronghold data.
World time will not get very large in some cases after Save/Load.
Modelling offset with Durance's head has been adjusted.
Icon scale is now correct on Hearth Harvest and Reghar Konnek.
All shaders will now compile properly under DirectX 11.
Restored all the missing effects in the intro cutscene.
Removed Blunderbuss item from an early game loot table.
Changed the cursor type on the blood pool in the Temple of Skaen to conversation.
Fixed a few save game issues with dead summoned creatures.
Fixed issue where occasionally a crash would occur when initializing the Steam API.
Draggable windows are now handled properly when running at very high resolutions.
Swamp Lurker's animation won't spaz anymore when the game is paused.
Fixed an issue to prevent binding mouse buttons to window controls.
Game will now pause if you Alt-Tab during a cutscene in full screen mode.
Audio will now resume properly if the game loses focus.
Fixed an issue with infinite load screen if you transition while hovering over a container.
Characters will now wait for their idle animation before trying to reload which fixes an animation sync issue.
Damaged characters performing AoE attacks will not overload their AI state stacks anymore.


Molten Core Raider
Combat was fun in POE , but man I am playing BG2 and i get into a room ( party level 10ish ) with 3 wizards in ambush mode. they buff with so much protection i cant dispell cant do shit.

So i cast blade barrier and go at em with cleric and tank, my wiz debuffs them and blade barrier takes me out.. just awesome battle. I never felt stuff like that in POE. Maybe the next one they can get combat to the level in D&D, more unique encounters... that is key.


Trakanon Raider
The end fight with Thaos was a pain in the ass. I may play this game through one more time, though. There's a bunch of stuff that I missed the first time through. I fucked up at the beginning and wound up vendoring the first quest piece for the sword in Caed Nua. Think I hit most of the side quests, but still missed a few here and there. Gotta admit that the last act felt really rushed. Like, they were running out of money, or time (or both) and just wanted to ship it. It took me two full weeks to get through act II, and I got through act III in a couple of days. The final dungeon was way too short as well. I mean, Caed Nua was 15 levels and was a bitch. The Sun in Shadow (or whatever the hell the final dungeon was called) took me less than an hour to reach the temple to fight Thaos. Still a solid game. Hope they have an expansion some day.


So! I am going to be grabbing a new game after the weekend and am torn between Pillars of Eternity and Wasteland2 - Opinions?

I loved all of the original D&D Games and have them already (BG1/2 and all of the expansions, IWD 1/2, NWN 1/2. ToEE, etc). Which one will give me more bang for my buck?


Golden Squire
They are both worth your time, wizards or guns, you decide.
This. Both are great. Wasteland, the story was a bit more engaging, PoE, the combat and classes are better. PoE is the harder of the two. Both took about the same amount of time for me to beat. Both are great and worth the money.


Trakanon Raider
Wasteland 2 is probably in a slightly more polished stated as PoE will probably get a few more patches as its only a month old or w/e. That might be a consideration to go wasteland 2 first if you have no preference.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Another thing that may be worth considering is they are updating the Wasteland 2 engine/graphics in the near future, so you may want to just hold out. Although, graphics aren't what makes the game so good.


Trakanon Raider
So! I am going to be grabbing a new game after the weekend and am torn between Pillars of Eternity and Wasteland2 - Opinions?

I loved all of the original D&D Games and have them already (BG1/2 and all of the expansions, IWD 1/2, NWN 1/2. ToEE, etc). Which one will give me more bang for my buck?
Aside from the story, Pillars of Eternity was one of the best games I've played in years. Took me almost 80 hours to complete on hard (doing almost all the side quests, which I recommend because the game would be too short otherwise). Yes, there are some minor flaws here and there, but they just don't make a lot of great games like this anymore.

P.S. If you play on hard, be prepared to die often, especially at the beginning before you get used to the game. And pause often during combat. The NPC's are fucking morons without your guidance.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Another thing that may be worth considering is they are updating the Wasteland 2 engine/graphics in the near future, so you may want to just hold out. Although, graphics aren't what makes the game so good.
They're updating more than just the graphics. All the stuff they're adding to the console versions is getting patched into the PC version as well. People who haven't played Wasteland 2 yet should probably just wait until August and play the 'definitive edition'.