Pit bulls - The Breed of Peace


Buzzfeed Editor
I was torn. But in the end I was rooting for the popo. I wonder if we can use catch poles on crazy people.

I didn't have sound on, didn't she just feed the dog treats with sedatives?
She was an utter raging white trash dumb cunt blaming everyone else. Id shoot her right before the dog


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
She was an utter raging white trash dumb cunt blaming everyone else. Id shoot her right before the dog
I was talking about the dog catcher at the end that helped the young bucks. I don't know what the owner was trying to do. Pretty sure it would take a whole bottle of benedryl sedate a dog. My dog has allergies and the vet told us to give her about 10 bennies a day. We saw no lethargy in her when we did that.


Buzzfeed Editor
I was talking about the dog catcher at the end that helped the young bucks. I don't know what the owner was trying to do. Pretty sure it would take a whole bottle of benedryl sedate a dog. My dog has allergies and the vet told us to give her about 10 bennies a day. We saw no lethargy in her when we did that.
They used a needle on a stick which was visible blind man


<Gold Donor>
More than one benadryl makes me fidgety and antsy, which is the exact opposite of what is supposed to happen. The doctor suggested it to me years ago to help me sleep when I was in pain but not enough pain for the good stuff. That turned into a fucking nightmare as I couldn't get comfortable, my skin felt like it had bugs underneath it, etc. I legit wanted to die if it would just let me rest. Not saying that pit wasn't just fucking normal pit insane, but who knows. I'd have gone insane if that cunt was my owner, that's for sure.


Ssraeszha Raider
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
This could easily have gone in the cops that suck at their job thread.

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Avatar of War Slayer
A good chunk i believe are unarmed, they use special armed response units
While I know UK police are mostly unarmed, the people in that thread are saying that Northern Ireland police still all carry due to the history of violence against the various employees of the occupying government.


<Prior Amod>

At her funeral, Morey's personal items, including her mobile phone, Alexa voice service, and a vape, were displayed at the altar. Additionally, a can of Red Bull and a scratch-off lottery card were presented as a reminder that “Nicole was always full of energy and would try her luck on anything”.
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Trakanon Raider
I would rather have this kid as my partner then that Irish cunt...Im referring to the man in the video btw.
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<Silver Donator>
I was talking about the dog catcher at the end that helped the young bucks. I don't know what the owner was trying to do. Pretty sure it would take a whole bottle of benedryl sedate a dog. My dog has allergies and the vet told us to give her about 10 bennies a day. We saw no lethargy in her when we did that.
One of our dogs is a 60lb lovable idiot with apparently an allergy to some common plant we have yet to identify in our back yard. She gets these bumps under her fur which we can tell itch. Vet has us give her Benadryl when she gets into something. 3 bennies and in 15 minutes she'll be sluggish, usually in 30 minutes she's napping.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
This could easily have gone in the cops that suck at their job thread.

Little buggar was just playin. Lookit that tail.

I LoL'd out loud when the citizen was like "give me your baton" and the cop gave her a weapon.

Did the thread say anything about why the cops were harassing that innocent citizen and her little dog too? Whatever it was, it seems to have gotten a lot less important once she lost her shoe.