Honestly, making sure, no really fucking sure this fucking time, that the rockets always fucking render would have probably been fine. Even at 800 yards, most tank drivers can easily countershell back... and being in a tank and all, they win.
But this? With the auto-callout on turrets, expect to be no better than a heavy at tank killing. aka, only successful against the noob, the distracted, or as part of the zerg. With the ridiculous terrain limitations on turrets, easily 3/4 of my attempts to use it result in a) Sniped or tanksniped before I can even find that 1 tiny sliver of green placement square, Sniped as soon as I hop into it (due to the spawn in time giving cloakers plenty of time to zero in, or c) countershelled into oblivion after the first rocket.
TR accuracy buffs do seem a tad odd, it *feels like* I get absolutely drilled at 60+ meters by TR all the time, without any stray tracers.