Was pretty informative. I didn't see the 'pump' bug though. I definitely knew about the shotgun delay when not ADS, I pretty much always try to ADS unless they're close enough to me that they should die.
I actually used to be pretty good with the shotgun and I could wreck entire squads with it, but this was months ago. I think the killer was when they added limb damage reduction. Suddenly my meaty shots went from 80%+ hp in one shot to closer to 50% or less because so many pellets were hitting their hands. A lot of the times in these situations it's early game and they're trying to punch me or pan or some shit so their hands are blocking the pellets. Hopefully limb penetration helps when they add it to live.
On my video of those 20ish shots of AK I shot, I only expected 3 or 4 to be hits and of those only 1 was a guaranteed hit. The one I screenshotted I realized while shooting I was fucking up so if you slow it down you can watch me take my reticle from their top left, run it down to their feet, then raise it up to their face/neck/chest level (because I didn't expect to headshot, I just wanted to hit him to scare him off) and nothing happens. The fact the bullet, downhill, on the WORST bullet drop rifle goes OVER him is just a sign that something is wrong. I used to play TPP so when I spectated people I saw the "true reticle" so I know when firing your gun with recoil the red dot isn't actually aiming at the correct spot, but in that clip I reset long enough for the barrel to come down and reset recoil.
Didn't play today, I probably will play tomorrow. I've been trying to work on shit like Shrouds stupid quickloot and trying to spam M16's like shroud/grimmmz/doc etc do rather than going for steady accurate shots. Maybe when I hate myself enough I'll go back to duo/solo drops at school and just do shotgun bullshit.
I have felt like the pistols are better off lately. I actually don't mind getting them now for starts. Actually thought about getting them on purpose with a suppressor for sneaky stuff outside of popping parked tires.
It's like an ever-changing revolving door of which weapons suck total dick. Pistols are okay, shotguns are terrible, M4 is the only weapon anyone needs, and the AK is still garbage beyond arm's length!