PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds


Pathetic Reaction Bot
looks like that black lightning guy is already banned. no stats showing up now on


Log Wizard
I checked him immediately after he killed me and they had 0 record of him. Probably new account started today.


FoH nuclear response team
Stumbled across this on Youtube, looks pretty good has bullet penetration and destructible environments. Can't tell if it's coming to the U.S. or not bu tit looks pretty damn good.

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<Bronze Donator>
I feel really bad about this death, but after I watched the kill cam and saw what happened I could not stop laughing at how long it took him to kill me. I couldn't understand who was just shooting metal

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Pathetic Reaction Bot
I feel really bad about this death, but after I watched the kill cam and saw what happened I could not stop laughing at how long it took him to kill me. I couldn't understand who was just shooting metal

Is that the mobile version? Aim looks like he was using a touch screen.


Pathetic Reaction Bot

At least this level of hacking is so blatant and comical that I wouldn't be mad. the way the car just nosedives would have had me dead from laughter anyway.
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<Bronze Donator>
Is that the mobile version? Aim looks like he was using a touch screen.

Nope, PC. I had came into the building and upstairs to look out the window and shoot the guy you can see me hit a few times. I didn't expect there to be a guy in there because this was a pretty long drawn out fight, and this guy did nothing the whole time. So I came up and just started shooting, kept hearing metal get shouldn't and couldn't figure it out. After I died and watched the death cam I was pretty much in tears, the guy had 4 bullets left in his clip after, and i was just standing still 10 feet away. I've never laughed so much after getting killed.
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Log Wizard

I want to play the game, but it's not worth it. Played it 3 hours. Got 3rd place twice because the other two teams decided to team up on us and we had no cover. That's the nature of the game, but it's too grating. That + desync + broken game shit like my AK shots that never hit a stationary target. Fuck it.

At least I had fun in Sea of Thieves afterwards, even though that game is also a rocket hurdling towards easy-preventable doom.
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Pathetic Reaction Bot

I want to play the game, but it's not worth it. Played it 3 hours. Got 3rd place twice because the other two teams decided to team up on us and we had no cover. That's the nature of the game, but it's too grating. That + desync + broken game shit like my AK shots that never hit a stationary target. Fuck it.

At least I had fun in Sea of Thieves afterwards, even though that game is also a rocket hurdling towards easy-preventable doom.

No offense, but while he was stationary your dot was usually to the left or right of him for 90% of that clip. It also looked like you were firing before the recoil subsided completely.

AK is garbage yes. even more garbage with a RDS at that range. lol.


Log Wizard

That shot didn't hit him. That's the only one I'm REALLY mad at. If you can't tell it's at throat level. Maybe it went too low? No. I checked. The bullet went over his head and hit behind him.

The game is broken.


FoH nuclear response team
It's amazing how within 2 weeks of the last patch where it was in an incredibly good place they've managed to fuck it up again without testing any changes they are making to the servers.

I really want to play this but I have no desire to deal with the De-sync and other issues anymore. GG Bluehole.
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Molten Core Raider
I can't analyze it all that well, because phone. I can't see bullet clouds either because quality.

But it geniunely looks like on second peak, after he AD the bulk of your shots.. the point in which he stands still is around 5th and 6th shot. Recoil pattern ejects the ak recoil through the roof after the 5th for burst pattern and just thinking of personal experience with the ak, just doesn't seem like enough time for any sort of reset. I refuse to use the ak for range fighting, horrible velocity, recoil, and it's abysmal esp watching how your shots are whispy in acog at range, I could only image the similarity in the rds.

It's a great gun for cqb, mid range. I'd rather pull an m4 or m16 at that range and I'm sure you'd see far more success.

AK seriously needs to be allowed a vert grip attachment esp for moments like that.


Log Wizard
Was pretty informative. I didn't see the 'pump' bug though. I definitely knew about the shotgun delay when not ADS, I pretty much always try to ADS unless they're close enough to me that they should die.

I actually used to be pretty good with the shotgun and I could wreck entire squads with it, but this was months ago. I think the killer was when they added limb damage reduction. Suddenly my meaty shots went from 80%+ hp in one shot to closer to 50% or less because so many pellets were hitting their hands. A lot of the times in these situations it's early game and they're trying to punch me or pan or some shit so their hands are blocking the pellets. Hopefully limb penetration helps when they add it to live.

On my video of those 20ish shots of AK I shot, I only expected 3 or 4 to be hits and of those only 1 was a guaranteed hit. The one I screenshotted I realized while shooting I was fucking up so if you slow it down you can watch me take my reticle from their top left, run it down to their feet, then raise it up to their face/neck/chest level (because I didn't expect to headshot, I just wanted to hit him to scare him off) and nothing happens. The fact the bullet, downhill, on the WORST bullet drop rifle goes OVER him is just a sign that something is wrong. I used to play TPP so when I spectated people I saw the "true reticle" so I know when firing your gun with recoil the red dot isn't actually aiming at the correct spot, but in that clip I reset long enough for the barrel to come down and reset recoil.

Didn't play today, I probably will play tomorrow. I've been trying to work on shit like Shrouds stupid quickloot and trying to spam M16's like shroud/grimmmz/doc etc do rather than going for steady accurate shots. Maybe when I hate myself enough I'll go back to duo/solo drops at school and just do shotgun bullshit.

I have felt like the pistols are better off lately. I actually don't mind getting them now for starts. Actually thought about getting them on purpose with a suppressor for sneaky stuff outside of popping parked tires.

It's like an ever-changing revolving door of which weapons suck total dick. Pistols are okay, shotguns are terrible, M4 is the only weapon anyone needs, and the AK is still garbage beyond arm's length!


<Bronze Donator>
I'm pretty sure you have to aim a little lower when shooting steep down hill because bullets arc a bit, also consider the zero is 100m.

Pistols are fine, just don't ADS


Log Wizard
Better day today. No squad/duo wins but I won a solo (which started with me proning with only bandages and my dignity on the Pecado arena balcony for 4 minutes straight) and got #2 in a solo because I didn't account for crazy. No rage filled highlights or bug complaints. Just me being awful.

and me being less awful

My squad also did a Winchester/Shotgun/Rhino only game and got second place. It ended up being one of our teammates top 15 alone and just going prone in the right place after doing all the wrong things. At one point two teams are fighting AROUND him. I WISH the fucking replay would've let me see it, but I was already dead so it stopped recording for me. Kinda long (6ish minutes), but pretty worth it for the luls.