PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
The clothing system is very strange to me. I feel like at one point during alpha they had clothes using their own carry capacity stat so you'd pick them up as you went for more capacity, but then scrapped it at some point and just left all the clothes lying around?

I'd like to see at least something done with the clothing, as just having random pants scattered all over the game that do absolutely nothing is pretty lame. Just remove it all from the item tables and adjust spawn rates to balance if they aren't gonna do anything, don't clutter the game up with useless shit.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Feel like more shit should work like fences.

I had a kill at about 3:30 in this where it works like I think it should. Destructible environment is realistic.

And forgive me for the artifacting in my video. Still trying to figure out the whole editing videos thing (going to try out Vegas Movie Maker trial for my next one).


FoH nuclear response team
I pretty much disagree with all of these except 5.

1. I have about 30 hours in the game and I can zero in on someone in like 2 shots, and I suck. Brighter muzzle flashes would be super unrealistic and weird looking too unless only SLIGHTLY brighter. If you're relying on muzzle flashes to find people you're probably boned already.

2. It's hard as hell to hit with snipers if the target isn't standing still. Most aren't 1-shot kills either. There's already some sway (that's what holding your breath while scoped offsets), I can't imagine adding more having any effect besides making them worse for new players than they already are

3. Play first person servers. Camera look is pretty much core to third person play

4. Not every house should be filled with useful loot. There's enough loot in the map every game to give 100 people a fighting chance, even with clothes spawning. Can it be hard sometimes? Sure. That's kind of the point of random loot.

5. There's a lot of pseudo-cover that makes firing as the person supposedly in the advantageous spot much worse which is indeed terrible. I don't know how much bullet penetration this game really needs but the bars on the windows need to be toned the hell down for sure. Destructible handrails on stairs and such would be great too.

You apparently haven't been shot from long distances with some dude leaning behind a tree. You can't see them at all some times.

I don't expect all houses to be filled with loot, but remove shit that no one picks up, there is no reason for it to be in game otherwise.

Snipers ruin the fucking game if you ask me, I'd even be okay with them limiting the number dropped. Almost every group has one or two snipers in the final few circles of the map, that shit isn't fun. I'd definitely play a no sniper map once they drop custom servers.
  • 1Salty
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Adding a delay to tab looting is a step backwards. Looting already takes too god damn long in this game.
  • 1Solidarity
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Mr. Poopybutthole
It's weird because there was a huge fuss a couple months ago when everyone thought the tab looting was being changed, but it turned out we misread the notes. But now not much talk about it.

And I think first person mode should fix some of the sniper issues. When you can't spot from behind the tree, pop out and snipe immediately after, it won't be as bad. Hopefully.


Lord Nagafen Raider
IMO everyone that thinks 1st person will fix sniping and camping issues is going to be sorely mistaken. I already get pissed when someone gets a bullshit kill on me, I can't even imagine my rage level when I get shot in the fucking back.
  • 1Solidarity
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FoH nuclear response team
Yeah, I'm jonesing for First Person servers.

I'm sure I'll play both but I'll take the FPS servers more seriously.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
IMO everyone that thinks 1st person will fix sniping and camping issues is going to be sorely mistaken. I already get pissed when someone gets a bullshit kill on me, I can't even imagine my rage level when I get shot in the fucking back.

It will definitely help. No more being able to play bush wookie or lay prone in grass and be able to see all around you with easy. Even crouching behind a tree gets way, way worse as you can't see shit without peeking and even then you'll only get a very limited view.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It will definitely help. No more being able to play bush wookie or lay prone in grass and be able to see all around you with easy. Even crouching behind a tree gets way, way worse as you can't see shit without peeking and even then you'll only get a very limited view.

You would think the answer to that would be the obvious "Well just move around more and be aggressive", but I think people will find a LOT more campers sitting with their backs in corners.


Lord Nagafen Raider
You apparently haven't been shot from long distances with some dude leaning behind a tree. You can't see them at all some times.

I don't expect all houses to be filled with loot, but remove shit that no one picks up, there is no reason for it to be in game otherwise.

Snipers ruin the fucking game if you ask me, I'd even be okay with them limiting the number dropped. Almost every group has one or two snipers in the final few circles of the map, that shit isn't fun. I'd definitely play a no sniper map once they drop custom servers.

I've been shot from behind cover at long distances plenty. If they don't 1-shot you, you should be able to tell within like 20 degrees or so exactly where they are. It is impossible, without abusing bugs or cheating, to be shooting at someone at have them not be able to see you if they look at you. If they do one shot you, none of your suggestions would change that. "snipers ruin the game" is opinion, not logic, and out of all the shooters I've played snipers probably feel the most fair in PUBG. As far as I've seen sniper rifles account for like 5%-10% of the kills per game, which is pretty low for something that "ruins the game". Even AWM don't 1-shot without a headshot with armor and even then level 3 helmet stops it from 1-shotting at long range. That's on top of the shooter having to deal with bullet velocity and bullet drop in this game compared to every other shooter released basically, and on top of the sway that does exist.

I doubt I'll play 3rd person anymore once 1st person hits. The game as a whole should really benefit from it. There'll be some meta adjustments once it starts up but I expect things to work out for the better by a lot in the end. Just how heavily it'll weaken the "hide in grass" camping is probably worth it.

I pick up random clothes sometimes just to have fun with it. It's not practical and surely does not lead to more wins but it can be fun and that's really what a game is supposed to be about :p I guess you could argue there's even skill involved in spotting good loot littered amongst bad which sort of fits in with the scavenging theme but that is a stretch.
  • 2Picard
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FoH nuclear response team
Preach on captain 30 hours.

195 hrs on record
last played on Jul 30"
  • 1Smuggly
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Preach on captain 30 hours.

195 hrs on record
last played on Jul 30"
I guess get good then? If I have no issue spotting people shooting at me with snipers from 500+ range at 30 hours, you should be able to do it before they even shoot, right?


Log Wizard
Guys, I have 444 hours and I stopped playing for a cumulative 5 weeks.

You'll listen to MY opinions and respect them. I am the alpha here.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Guys, I have 444 hours and I stopped playing for a cumulative 5 weeks.

You'll listen to MY opinions and respect them. I am the alpha here.
No we must bow to the 30 hour master that is able to observe all, no matter what the distance is.
  • 2Worf
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FoH nuclear response team
I was just making an opinion, hence the "my wishlist" and home dude came out swinging, now I'm just poking fun.


Log Wizard
Well, to be fair, he was right about a lot of it.

1: Muzzle flash is fine, but unless they're supersonic bullets you should be able to track down the shots from the firing.
2: Snipers are rare. The reason everyone has them is a thing in the biology world called bio accumulation. A bunch of little creatures (players) get items, get knocked off by a bigger player. He loots them all. Then, another player kills that player and others like him, amassing all the loot of not only 2 people, but all the people they looted. So if there's something they want, by the time it's top 20 and they've got 5+ kills, they've probably found it. K98 is a shit gun on moving targets. It literally takes 3 shots to kill most people in the body. SKS is hot garbage, just 4x or 8x an AK instead. The crate snipers are from crates, so they're rare anyways. The key to beating a sniper is never remain still. Sometimes they'll still headshot you. That's just the way it is. I got killed by 3 uzi bullets at 50 feet with a 3 helm on yesterday top 15. Just how the dice roll.
3: This could be fine, but there's already FPS servers. All you're doing is making campers stronger and hindering people who have to move. And moving from point A to point B in the end game in this game is the absolute worst part already.
4: I agree with this. Clothes are shit. They need to seriously tone down all the spawns or make some sort of advanced unlock system for skills if you win a game with every shirt or pants or some shit. They won't though. They will tune down spawn rates eventually.
5: I agree with this. The only way this is okay is when they add bullet pen (Schedule for July, pushed to August, probably pushed to September). House camping with no way to get in besides through the camped door is super fucking annoying.


FoH nuclear response team
Snipers are rare my ass, Every time we encounter a group one of them has a sniper. Regardless of how they are getting them, there shouldn't be that many. 1-2 per match at most.


Buzzfeed Editor
Heko bro, to be a little impartial. Do you think your sniper opinion is swayed any by you hate using them? At least early on I thought you said you were bad with them too or something. Possible that's doing some subconscious tainting of the pool of analysis? If nothing else, a lot of it I think is a psychological thing since snipers no matter how good/bad seemed to be hated in every fps ever.

I've noticed flashes, I think I'd be down with making them a hair flashier, but nothing too dramatic because I'd agree it would look silly.

One thing I've noticed seems to be inconsistant rendering distances. Lately having a buddy that can't see even terrain I'm pointing out, but happened to me too. In some cases they are looking at say a building with a 4x way way out, and with an 8x the buildings are doing that wierd tesselated kinda abstract looking non real render effect. This was before and after reshade and settings pretty much maxed.