Yet you just cant keep your fingers off of touching all of us in the anus, can you?
That's not me bro
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Yet you just cant keep your fingers off of touching all of us in the anus, can you?
We need a real-life get together, so we can hash out our differences face to face.
Yeah I don't think that's what they're saying.
I'm pretty sure that image is saying
We need a real-life get together, so we can hash out our differences face to face.
This is how I envision this meeting going down...
Millie was a guy?
I've thought of that before. People shouldn't forget we're all gamers and saying stupid shit is old news. We're used to it.The politics thread is therapeutic for me. No matter what any of us believe in we can just get it out without any fear to our families or lively hood. We are also gaming culture so we are used to being called nasty shit and calling people nasty shit. I have no doubt 99% of us if met in real life no matter what side of the argument we are on would have a great time just sitting down and having a beer. This is not the case in the real world. People are losing their fucking minds over this shit and if you say anything remotely out of line it could cost you.
So even though a_skeleton_03 and the rest of you are a bunch of faggots, you're my faggots.
Some people can't help being batshit crazy. I'm not a political person so I suppose that's aimed at me, to which I would simply retortI mean this is what is being posted currently on my facebook wall. Hard to be civil when the other side has clearly abandoned all notions of the concept
Are there studies about whether people change their opinion in the face of open hostility? Is this even a topic worth discussing?
I can't help myself and can argue politics all day on FB but I won't touch the Pol thread here with a 10 foot pole. The dogpileing is ridiculous so even if you are having a solid debate with one user, there are 10 others posting bad memes and personal attacks you can't help but give up.
Don't know about you but I've only seem em with hair like 4 times in the past 10 years.
That's such a sad god damn statement.
It just makes me sad.
That hair in the back of my throat that just won't cough up is a testament to a job well done.
I'm sad whenever I see someone take a beautiful thing and make it ugly. Piercings are worse though. Way worse. I've found an unexpected piercing before and noped out.
tl;dr: women are whores.
You are missing the point of arguing politics. It's to call people faggots posts memes and shit post at odd hours. You don't actually think anyone is changing their minds do you? Faggot.
That's why I don't participate here. My preferred method is to make fun of people who fail at basic reasoning, or don't understand how charts and graphs work, or don't understand abstract thinking. The fun stuff where you ELI5 how they are stupid in a forum where their mothers and co-workers can see it. Yelling faggot seems so pedestrian, plus I respect a lot of faggots so its more of an insult towards them if that was my go to.
I'm sad whenever I see someone take a beautiful thing and make it ugly. Piercings are worse though. Way worse. I've found an unexpected piercing before and noped out. I suppose I am, quite literally, sometimes a judgemental fuck. Ink, I'm fine with.
tl;dr: women are whores.
Ok I got you. You're the typical I'm better then everyone which is why I don't participate type of pussy. Thanks for letting everyone know how smart you are.
Piercings are sexy as fuck.
Tattoos can be extremely sexy as well.
I pierced my own cock years ago and sex has always been more amazing since I did so. Fuck the haters.
Apdravyas Look it up faggots.