Dont euthanise the dog even if he lose the leg,he looks healthy even with that problem, he could still be happy and live many years! I learned this lesson from a friend that everyday (twice a day) had to give his cat a shot cause of diabeties and he lived much more than the vet antecipated! He was almost def but he was happy, playing with other cats like a young one and doing his stuff in his own time..My dog Klaus started limping about a month ago. Would get a bit better, then worse, but never back to fully 100%. Anyway, got to the point now he is seriously struggling to walk up any steps, or even stand upright for long without wobbling.
Took him to the vet. He apparently hasCanine degenerative myelopathy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, which has no cure and leads to eventual paralysis. Oh but it gets even better. He also happens to have a probably malignant tumor in his leg that would require amputation of the leg just to get to, simple surgery couldn't remove it all because of its position and even then it could be dodgy. My poor dog has not one, but two pretty much guaranteed things that are going to kill him.
This fucking sucks. I don't plan on euthanasia as long as he can get around at all, but this sucks.
Here he is in happier times.
Unfortunatly, he passed away a few months ago... My friend was devastated for days, but the other cats and dog that he had helped him to get through.. Treat your pets like one of your own.