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Molten Core Raider
Two weeks ago, my girlfriend heard some very loud, bossy sounding meowing from outside and saw a little, tiny kitten crying. After being fed and watered, the kitten returned every day for a few days. By the end of that week, my girlfriend had caught her, bathed her and taken her to the vet. She is barely two months old, underweight, and borderline malnourished. With no mama cat in sight and no one to look after her, the two cats we have became three. My girl named her Calypso and after just a week inside, she's adjusted very quickly. She seeks out pets and cuddle time, emulates the one year old black cat to a frightening degree, and she loves to watch tv.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The wife rescued an orange tabby that showed up hiding under something leaning against the shed. She brought it food and water, and it basically didn't move for a couple of days, looked pretty starving and in rough shape. She got it into a trap, although even then it seemed really happy to get pets and be handled, and took it to the vet. It has a skin condition that was fucking it's paws up, so I guess it got bad enough that he couldn't hunt anymore, and if anyone had been feeding it, they had long since stopped. He may have been someone's outside cat, but not fixed, no chip, and no local missing cat reports. Vet says he's 4ish years old and clean bill of health other than the paws and the starving.

He's finally getting some exploring privilidges after being quarantined for a while, and he's basically the most cuddly, chill cat ever. He even mostly puts up with the dogs trying to chew on him. It's hard to imagine that he didn't have humans, but he doesn't know things other cats do like how not to get stepped on/kicked by the walking humans, etc. (I mean, the other cats get under your feet sometimes, but this one takes it to an entirely different level.) He's very oddly politely assertive though. He's like "I'm gonna do this thing. No? ok. I'm gonna do this thing though" but in the most polite way possible. He's a little too interested in going back outside, but other than that, he seems to really appreciate getting pets and not having to hunt for food, which is a nice change from the other entitled mongrels that we have around.

Also, the dog, every fucking morning, /sigh:

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So it's been about a year since this old boy showed up in our yard almost dead. Now he's about the same shape and demeanor as me. He has this expression 100% of the time, and I think I probably do too. Maybe not ideal (for either of us), but sure beats the hell out of starving to death.
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