So this is pretty fucked up, I'm sitting in the hospital right now with me 29-week pregnant wife. Here's how we got to this situation:
She goes in for her general checkup today, and the doctor ends up sending her to the hospital for 24hour monitoring due to high blood pressure and the risk for preclampsyia(sp?). I am kinda freaked out, but that's fairly common so whatever. Has an ultrasound, measurements look fine, etc. So I run home to get her overnight bag for the stay and she calls me all hysterical saying that an ambulance is taking her to another hospital with a better high risk maternity ward, and that the baby is only in the 2nd percentile for size which is an emergency and they may have to induce labor ASAP.
So I race to the new hospital to meet her ambulance there, and we get her into a room, and and doctors and nurses are swarming everywhere, and and we are freaking the he'll out. They are running tests, and and we are asking a million questions and I finally ask why the ultrasound just 2 hours earlier measured the baby as fine if it's in the 2nd percentile. They kinda stop and dig that paperwork up and start examining it. They finally agree that the measurables(head, femur, abdomen, etc.) look fine, but they don't know why this is flagged as lowest 2% in size. They do another ultrasound, remeasure everything, and this computer, with the same measurements, spits out 40th percentile, which is basically average.
So the entire panic, transfer, and darn near early enduced delivery was apparently some sort of weird computer glitch on the first ultrasound machine when calculating the results.
So we are still spending the night at the hospital but will more than likely just end up going home tomorrow with some blood pressure medication, and hopefully waiting 10 more weeks for delivery like we should.
Talk about a fucking heart attack
(please excuse typos an grammar, typing on my phone from the hospital room)