I'm sure they told you this, but just having protein in your urine isn't necessarily dangerous for you or the baby, it's just 1 of the 3 or 4 indicators for potential pre-eclampsia, as long as the other symptoms aren't showing up (high blood pressure, vision/headache problems, or undersized fetus) it's probably just a weird quirk of your body set off by pregnancy. Watch that blood pressure closely though, watch for unusual swelling in your feet or unusual headaches, pre-eclampsia can come on crazy fast and with a vengeance. My wife went from 100% healthy at her 28 week checkup, to going in for her 30 week checkup, getting admitted to the hospital an hour later, and having a baby 3 days after that. She never once felt bad or anything. Shit can escalate fast.
At this point though, you're so close to your due date that I'm sure you're fine. If there was even an ounce of doubt that there were any issues, your doctor would just go ahead and induce you at this point, your baby is fully developed, it wouldn't harm anything. There must be a very, very, miniscule chance of anything out of the ordinary, they definitely always err on the side of caution.