So the wife complained about ... "pain" yesterday. Called me during the day that she's having contractions. Told her to call the midwife and doctor in that order. Both said to get to the hospital. We're in week 32 so it's a bit early still.
Drive home from work, take her to hospital, no clothes aboard because she's like "they'll give me a pill and we'll be out of there".
Lung development shot to the mother's ass, and an infusion for 24+ hours to stop the contractions.
Having to stay the night (and another night) sent her over the edge, hormones and all that shit. So there I was, kid at home with grandma, wife in tears, and a trip back home to pick up some underwear and stuff for the wife to deliver right back. While picking clothes and toothbrush, take kid to bed and explain why mommy is not there.
Got up for work at 5:45.
Went to bed at 0:45.
Don't want to do again.
Nothing has opened so far so I'm content that there's nothing wrong. Must have been the leg-shaking orgasm I gave her sunday night that kicked this off.