

The Big Mod
I have a huge problem with procrastination. As I've progressed in my career and earned myself the ability to work more independently, I find myself more and more inclined to just keep pushing this shit off. I pulled an all nighter last night because I had to catch up on some work that I had been pushing off for weeks for no good reason. To be honest it's a nasty habit that I've had pretty much my whole life. I remember back in high school there were many times where I would keep procrastinating doing any studying at all until it was way too late then either stay home "sick" the next day or come up with a way to cheat through the test or project. I probably would have benefited in the long run from this biting me in the ass big time when I was younger and would fail a test or something when the stakes were lower but somehow it hasn't. Anyone have any advice on how I can establish healthier working habits?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I have no advice on how to not do it since I do it regularly. Its gotten the point I've convinced myself I just work better under pressure and shortened timelines because it is second nature to go from "I'm not doing shit" to "Oh fuck I have to do all this shit right now" that I've forgotten how to just leisurely get work done over a period.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I usually attribute this to having shit I absolutely don't want to do.

So I do something else, including looking for another job.


<Bronze Donator>
I'd actually attribute this to being proficient with computers. Which, obviously everyone on this forum is(except Hoss), so they go looking for a different reason. Plain and simple, if the ability to do something more desirable is an alt-tab away, or a game you have installed on your "work-at-home" computer, or some show/porn you just finished torrenting, you're likely going to do that stuff instead.

Sorry keg, can't help you with this because I do it too much as well. I specifically avoid working from home unless it's a problem I actually want to work on.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I just found a sure fire way to fix this problem Keg. I'll post it later tonight.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I think about how awesome it feels to get shit down and not have it hanging over my head. I've never liked the feeling of being out on a Friday and knowing that I have shit to do the next day because I put it off. I much prefer the feeling of having everything done and not needing to think/worry/stress about it while I'm trying to enjoy myself.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I've been meaning to make a thread about this for a long time now.

Also fuck you deathwing, whoever you are.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I'd actually attribute this to being proficient with computers. Which, obviously everyone on this forum is(except Hoss), so they go looking for a different reason. Plain and simple, if the ability to do something more desirable is an alt-tab away, or a game you have installed on your "work-at-home" computer, or some show/porn you just finished torrenting, you're likely going to do that stuff instead.

Sorry keg, can't help you with this because I do it too much as well. I specifically avoid working from home unless it's a problem I actually want to work on.
I agree with this. That proficiency also allows me to push things off to the last minute and finish them quickly.


The Big Mod
Also, I think Parkinson's Law is partly to blame here. You know the task won't take X hours, so you procrastinate for a bit, get the work done, but still feel bad for procrastinating.

Parkinson's law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
eh i don't know. now that i'm thinking back on shit i've done in order to not to work some of it is pretty extreme. here's a few that come to mind:

- in high school i had to read and do a project on the Hunchback of Notre Dame. of course i didn't read it, or even bother reading the cliff notes. the morning the project was due, i finally got around to copying and pasting some Alice and Chains lyrics and calling it "poetry" inspired by the book. i got a C+. i'll take it.

- Spring semester my senior year of high school i was taking a psychology elective. we had to write a 10 page paper. of course i couldn't be bothered. i asked a friend of mind who had taken the class the previous year to send me her paper and i'd use it as a "guide" and change the wording and stuff. well, i couldn't even be bothered to do that, so i just turned it in as is hoping the teacher was too stupid to realize. he wasn't, and he failed me. however, i had already taken a social sciences credit that year so i didn't need his class to graduate and the only consequence was that i ended up with another free period.

- there were multiple times where i would put off writing a paper by converting a winzip playlist file to .doc and emailing it to my teachers. of course they are all so technologically inept they would assume they screwed the file up when it comes up as gibberish and tell me to resend it in a few when they figure it out.

anyone got some others to share?


Tranny Chaser
Work smarter, not harder. Works for everything, except male porn stars.


A Mod Real Quick
Now that I have a kid and a house I find myself procrastinating way less. The fear of being homeless is real.


<Bronze Donator>
I work at a tech company and surprising majority of people that I've seen use a computer still right click -> open in new tab. Great for looking at porn and queuing up a bunch of picture links to load simultaneously.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I usually Ctrl-Left Click, but now I can do that without getting lube all over the CTRL key.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Middle click also closes the tab if you middle click it. It makes browsing a ton easier.

Prior to modern browsers IE let you (and Chrome still supports it but its mostly worthless with Omnibar) just type in "yahoo" then ctrl+enter would append the www. and .com to the start and end. There are other keystroke combinations for .net and .org but I never took the time to memorize them.


The Big Mod
fuck i just said some real dumb shit on a conference call because i haven't sleep in 36 hours. hope i don't get fired.