With respect, you replied in 10 minutes; you didn't even look at it all.Yeah, there's some good stuff in there, but I didn't see a bunch of things. The conversations aren't all there. The quests aren't all there. The cards and such aren't there (from what I could see). At least the Theater is captured but I couldn't watch the whole thing (I'm at work). Did he kill the puppets/BB?
Edit: There is more in the directory above that. Way more. So yeah, looks like it might all be there. Nice.
How are resists now on beta in general? I haven't been around, but it was damn near impossible to get a tank to resist anything, which made some fights ridiculous.Plane of Mischief had 10x the documentation that any other aspect of EverQuest ever had. There's an entire forum dedicated to it that you can still find on the wayback machine complete with all the dialogues etc.
They were only missing one piece of dialogue that I found and submitted from that forum, so the zone's complete. They just need mob tuning feedback etc.
The Velious beta server on a whole is pretty solid, especially once they implement all the feedback from the forum. The 255 resist change really helped things out a lot, resists still aren't entirely accurate but they're waaaay better than they were previously. Some major bugs (like being able to land stuff like MoK and Cripple on MR immune mobs) haven't gotten any response yet but hopefully it's easily fixable stuff and we'll be seeing Velious sooner than later. Again, I don't know if I'm being an optimist but the beta server feels better than Kunark did when that launched. It won't ever be perfect and the vast majority of fine tuning and fixing stuff will happen after launch.
Didn't get a ton of experience (beta server has been down for awhile now), but the difference is mind blowing. It's way fucking better, man. I'm sure there's probably some quirkiness that I couldn't find from just a few hours of testing but it's a huge improvement. Moved Velious from "wtf is this mess" to "almost ready for launch" for me.How are resists now on beta in general? I haven't been around, but it was damn near impossible to get a tank to resist anything, which made some fights ridiculous.
Which mobs supposedly had high combat regen? I've yet to find one or read about one. Not counting mobs that had lifetap abilities.Problem with killing mobs and basing that has max HP is velious is when they started using mob regen as a tactic in making mobs harder... some boss mobs had few(er) HP but tons of regen.
Yes. Well the very FIRST incarnation Thrones actually fucking dropped. Not very many people actually remember this version or were there. I was lucky enough to have a necro pal from the #1 guild (best fucking dude ever, Squrt from Paradigm on solro) show me (obvy after he farmed all his flowers and robe). The next version was fucking BRUTAL with throne droprates. I was bound in POM for MONTHS and regularly kept the every soloable throne dropping mob on lockdown and youd go without seeing ANY thrones.One of the super early incarnations of PoM is straight boring as fuck. Maybe the first iteration? Whatever version of PoM was on EQMac. I'd be surprised if it could sustain more than 1 group of players and that may be pushing it.
I sat in that zone for a very long time. You run through that place once trying to do the things like cards. I never once saw a White Knight/Queen whatever. Not fucking once in my entire tenure there did I ever see that card drop or get sold. I guarantee you that item was the rarest thing on the server barring some kind of artifact.
It's just a few people rabble rousing. Nothing will come of it.What's the deal with TMO purportedly reviving FE for alt characters so they can also raid in the rotation? Is it just nonsense, or?