Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again


lol u nerds still jerking off to elf women

i am busy getting blow jobs + pussy every night from a beautiful blonde

stay virgins u fat fgts

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
lol u nerds still jerking off to elf women

i am busy getting blow jobs + pussy every night from a beautiful blonde

stay virgins u fat fgts


Avatar of War Slayer
same thing happened to me with the rotgus camp in Droga like a day into Kunark. Server confirmed corrupt
lol the vent during that run to the prod camp was lulz "where are you?!" "how did you loose the bard?!" "should I go back?" "NO keep going!" all to keep people from power leveling in HS (screw that the real peeps did Kedge!)


Bronze Knight of the Realm
lol the vent during that run to the prod camp was lulz "where are you?!" "how did you loose the bard?!" "should I go back?" "NO keep going!" all to keep people from power leveling in HS (screw that the real peeps did Kedge!)
Isn't there a fraps of this somewhere?


Molten Core Raider
Being able to 'give' camps away to buddies instead of camps going to the guy who got there second and sat his character in the room for many hours waiting for the first guy to leave was a ridiculous policy and was entirely to blame for that nonsense.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Being able to 'give' camps away to buddies instead of camps going to the guy who got there second and sat his character in the room for many hours waiting for the first guy to leave was a ridiculous policy and was entirely to blame for that nonsense.
Note, I never really played P99 to any gear camping levels but how is this any different from EQ back in the day? Plenty of times when I can think of calling into guild chat that I was planning on leaving X camp and invited anyone in guild to come take it from me. You owned the camp, you can invite whoever you like to join you. If you leave shortly after... that's just how life went. No random guy could just show up and demand it, regardless how long he sat on his ass watching you.

(I am thinking everthing from AC camp, VP key medallions, to loot mobs all worked this way)


Silver Knight of the Realm
Note, I never really played P99 to any gear camping levels but how is this any different from EQ back in the day? Plenty of times when I can think of calling into guild chat that I was planning on leaving X camp and invited anyone in guild to come take it from me. You owned the camp, you can invite whoever you like to join you. If you leave shortly after... that's just how life went. No random guy could just show up and demand it, regardless how long he sat on his ass watching you.

(I am thinking everthing from AC camp, VP key medallions, to loot mobs all worked this way)
My experience of live was that what you are describing would have resulted in a confrontation of who can outdamage who. If I was sitting waiting for lguk frenzy to open up and random guy shows up 2 minutes before the guy camping it leaves he better be able to outdamage me. GMs wouldn't have bothered getting involved unless we are talking about a raid mob.

P99 rulings in this regard go to far. You can leave and as long as your chosen replacement gets there soon it is ok. That is simply bullshit.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Note, I never really played P99 to any gear camping levels but how is this any different from EQ back in the day? Plenty of times when I can think of calling into guild chat that I was planning on leaving X camp and invited anyone in guild to come take it from me. You owned the camp, you can invite whoever you like to join you. If you leave shortly after... that's just how life went. No random guy could just show up and demand it, regardless how long he sat on his ass watching you.

(I am thinking everthing from AC camp, VP key medallions, to loot mobs all worked this way)
Thats what happens when you have neckbeards camping worthless shit on their 5th or 6th fully geared alt.
Being able to 'give' camps away to buddies instead of camps going to the guy who got there second and sat his character in the room for many hours waiting for the first guy to leave was a ridiculous policy and was entirely to blame for that nonsense.
What happened at Jade Chokidai on Kunark-up was the following:

1. Daltheb (DA) arrives at Chanc camp

2. Azeth (DA, on a bard alt) arrives at Chanc camp

3. Gwence (IB) arrives at chanc camp

4. GM (Hobby) shows up after Gwence i assume identifies that IB has officially lost the race and says

"Okay first spawn is DAs (daltheb), next is IBs (gwence), third is DAs (me). Only fair way to "solve" this issue is by alternating"

5. I arrived second therefore should have second priority

6. When Daltheb got his prod he left and gwence and i stayed

7. IB start filtering into the zone

8. Gwence gets a spawn and prod

9. Gwence hands the camp to IB

10. DA forever loses Jade Chokidai camp til about 2 months later once IB was fully keyed
Only caveat/nuance to that story is DA actually did get the camp back about a week later only to be immediately backstabbed by an IB alt that we thought was a normal/full DA member. Got his prod and gave it back to IB


Avatar of War Slayer
But TMO had locket camp bros... masters of PoM.

That I am sure have like 2 left in guild and will only be used for bro's.


Molten Core Raider
10. DA forever loses Jade Chokidai camp til about 2 months later once IB was fully keyed
IB was 'Transatlantic Rampage' by then which somehow they typed with a keyboard while submitting their new guild name.

I made an iksar to log into to do /whos in LOIO every day, and TR and their butt-buddy guild (forget the name) still had control of the camp long after I hit 60. Musta been nice to only have to wait one cycle each for the entire guild at everybody else's expense.


same thing happened to me with the rotgus camp in Droga like a day into Kunark. Server confirmed corrupt
Sadly, I was involved enough with p99 to know this isn't true. TMO held the locket and circlet camps for about a week straight. I remember getting the first locket after about 12 hours of camping and after the first two days we had a few lockets and a bunch of circles. I actually remember you trying to crash the camp after things had kind of died down and the locket wasn't dropping anymore but the pre-nerf circlet still was.

I can't believe I remember all that. Spent the entire first week of Kunark getting locket, circlet, necklace of superiority, and those earrings from forest giants (not forest loops... Earring of power?) . Took about that long before we were able to snag some of the more popular key component camps since this was before the DA merger when TMO really took off.
I feel like i want to give you this 28 mage i leveled up waiting for my mains to be restored, but i dont know you

hes naked but has the torch of alna, shovel of ponz and stein of usilla.


Molten Core Raider
Note, I never really played P99 to any gear camping levels but how is this any different from EQ back in the day? Plenty of times when I can think of calling into guild chat that I was planning on leaving X camp and invited anyone in guild to come take it from me. You owned the camp, you can invite whoever you like to join you. If you leave shortly after... that's just how life went. No random guy could just show up and demand it, regardless how long he sat on his ass watching you.

(I am thinking everthing from AC camp, VP key medallions, to loot mobs all worked this way)
As one of the few Wizards with IC in classic, I took whatever I wanted from any dungeon. It was all about damage dealt, Guides/GMs started to care later on closer to Kunark release when "play nice" rules were implemented, but I was able to circumvent that by telling the group that I was willing to share with them and we'd alternate: one kill for me, one kill for their group, one kill for me.... People lost their damn minds (obviously) and would just try to contest it. Loot was awarded to the highest damage dealt by a PLAYER, not a group... so KS'ing a wizard with IC required a cleverly timed mem blur and smart Enchanters weren't very common in classic.