At least their armor works, so it can't be that bad!There is *ONE* guild on The Sleepers. That's how low its population is.
At least their armor works, so it can't be that bad!There is *ONE* guild on The Sleepers. That's how low its population is.
Double EXP bonus this weekend onThe Sleeperserver, wont need a group through the low levels that's for sureGood luck trying to find a group to use your armor that works.
Won't need a group at the low levels and can't get a group at the high levels!Double EXP bonus this weekend onThe Sleeperserver, wont need a group through the low levels that's for sure![]()
What, you mean like this?For my level, I've seen one guy who has a scripted box crew aoe group. He has 2 chanters that start casting stuns 2-3 minutes before he starts, then he pulls the zone in small chunks for about 10 minutes then finally nukes it all down. I've seen the guy pulling and theres no break in his movement at all, so I have a hard time believing that at least the enchanters arent scripted.
Do we not fucking ban shills on this forum? Now he's shilling in a competitors thread. Mabe Furor should come over to the EQNext thread and start chatting people up about Titan. Oh wait.
So can we all shill our shit in any thread we want? NeatHe can shill as long as he's not doing the crappy copy/paste three page ad he was doing before.
He's just fine postin ga quick sentence or two with a link.
No wai, dawg. It has about 300 people playing and having a blast, Kegz said so himself. When has he ever lied to us?There is *ONE* guild on The Sleepers. That's how low its population is.
He's not just shilling, he is repeatedly steering the project 1999 thread toward a sleeper thread. Page after page. Please do something.He can shill as long as he's not doing the crappy copy/paste three page ad he was doing before.
He's just fine postin ga quick sentence or two with a link.
On fippy, we had people boxing at least groups. We would run two potimes side by side and we had a guy with 16 accounts. He would regularly raid ssra temple, and pow, poa, pof, poe with his 2 tanks, mages/wiz, 2 clerics lol. He didnt do the end raid bosses but he could do everything up to them. So not sure why box army is staying in luclin. He farmed planes pretty hardcore to sell loot rights to people too, so tedious though. I had my own group with a tacvi geared warrior, did whatever i wanted, good times.The two top uber guilds on Al'Kabor aren't boxed armies either. The only guild I know of that is full of boxed characters only does Luclin content + AoW. PoP raids have a lot of kiting involved so they are a little boxing resistant.
Admittedly my 'ideal server' would limit boxing to either two, or two + only accounts of 'mains' so your cleric or tank going to bed doesn't sink your group; that of course is impossible to police though. But it's nice to have the option of a non-boxed server and an unlimited boxing server to choose from.
In case some of you didn't notice, and based on the late ass reports you did not, he's been RRP'd since shortly after his last post here. When he gets out in a week if he keeps up posting purely to shill I will ban him.He's not just shilling, he is repeatedly steering the project 1999 thread toward a sleeper thread. Page after page. Please do something.
If you are really curious about his server he had a long running thread dedicated to it before he went all Kegz and got it rickshawed.A lot of hate here. It's it the shilling posts that bother people, or is the server actually shitty for some reason?