Because the box army guild only has three real people in it. If they had like 10 six boxers, they could do whatever they wanted I guess. They tried to recruit me. (and it was sort of tempting, I may join them for a couple raids for kicks) Their inability to find more boxers does sort of highlight how it's not as common as has been reported though.not sure why box army is staying in luclin.
Damn you're right I must be shilling for my own server, clearly I enjoy playing on P99 more when I don't want my AC to work and I'm seeking a corrupt RMT filled experience. However, when Im not feeling like wasting all my time, I play onThe Sleeper.
They should just learn to box more lol. Its too bad you have to pay for your subs now 1:1 ratio, I mean you could still trade plat for gamecards Im guessing but when that 16 boxer boxed he would hold onto gamecards until triple station cash days then get years on each account. I still have my necro with a year left on it, ezmode. I liked boxing in the guild bc it let us do stuff late night when everyone was asleep, we had raid time then "late night box raid crew" which helped gear up alts.Because the box army guild only has three real people in it. If they had like 10 six boxers, they could do whatever they wanted I guess. They tried to recruit me. (and it was sort of tempting, I may join them for a couple raids for kicks) Their inability to find more boxers does sort of highlight how it's not as common as has been reported though.
I had a twink to fuck ranger on p99 before Kunark launched, it was horrible.Don't roll a ranger. Really.
Groups? Nope. Solo? Better than a rogue or warrior but..
Fucking horrorshow.
Nonsense--they get...jolt! And uh...weaponshield. And...tracking's a bit more useful? :3Rangers don't get 'fixed' until AAs (Luclin).
Pretty sure they only thing they are useful for in Velious is weaponshield - and that's only used on raids with tank switching (AoW).
This is all subject to my memory of a video game from over a decade ago, so ya.