Hey, I'll ping you in game. My Shaman is Ledd. Still digging the game, as I haven't really played EQ since 2002.Level 33 necro named Nawcor if any lowbie needs help/pp, I can't donate tons but dont mind helping. If anyone is interested in setting up groups as well.
Did you try EQ Atlas? The old maps are out there and its pretty easy with all of the paths and other landmarks. If you can't cast invis or can't afford pots then run through loio, preferably after begging a sow in FoB. I can still remember how much I hated the run from Cab to Dreadlands without run speed mods via loio... so much empty space.If any porters get on tonight and have a kind heart can you shoot me a tell on my character "Yyuck". I'm trying to get from Cabilis to EC which is no small task. I tried to wall hug Warslik's but they put blinding... BLINDING goblins on the walls which has made it nearly impossible to navigate through at my level. Long story short, I lost a corpse, then another, and now I'm just hoping to find an easy out to EC haha... ugh...
Thanks for this one Zaide, funny stuff.The first couple pages of this thread are some of the best on P99 Forums.