I'm a level 3 Shaman (Ledd) and all alone in Grobb. I'll be glad to duo with you any time. Server has 1k+ and a ton of mid levels. I'm hoping it has enough community for some fun group time. I was always wanted to make a Troll Shaman, but was just always in the rat race of raiding during my EQ days.Rolled a human, so that I could start in freeport. I basically rolled one because I saw Bob in the tunnel decked out with epics and cobalt and it gave me an instant chub. My main was a warrior in live years ago, so it was nostalgia overload. I kind of don't know if I should go through with being that I don't have any friends to play with and I remember how group dependent they were.
That would be awesome being that I was making my choices based on not being able to get a port out of the shitty starter zones.Warriors are pretty awful until high levels. Huge Argo generation issues, and very expensive to gear for a new character starting out.
If you guys need ports from starting cities just send me a message in my inbox here. We'll try to set up a time to meet up
If you are gonna play a warrior and don't plan on raiding, I say roll a halfling for the dex anyway. Procs are gonna be your best means of Agro generation IMO.That would be awesome being that I was making my choices based on not being able to get a port out of the shitty starter zones.
Necro or mage, probably, at least until 20. Enchanter and Druid are probably up there, too. Nec/Mage/enchanter have to contend with the pet experience thing (Need to do more than 50% of the damage or you get half experience). But with mages you can just do a reclaim/resummon before the mob dies, and necros can do the same (If you have tons of chips) or for later levels, necs really have no problem doing more than 50%. (And honestly? Even if the pet takes half, nec/mage soloing is so fast, it's still efficient.)What's currently the most op class for leveling up? Doubt I'll ever get into the raid game.
http://wiki.project1999.org/Loraen's...election_GuideWhat's currently the most op class for leveling up? Doubt I'll ever get into the raid game.
Do you want to group or solo?What's currently the most op class for leveling up? Doubt I'll ever get into the raid game.
Ya, so they can still facetank any non raid-mob in the game while never going oom via their ridiculous slows, it just takes a little longer to kill them ;PYep, on bards, don't forget though, the experience debts are in. Bards get 40% reduced experience--so with most races, bards level at 56% rate. They kill ridiculously fast, though. Shaman are OP, but they nerfed out the spell line dot stacking, so they aren't quite as OP as they were on live during this time. (Shamans on live could stack the same spell line, so they could put like 6 dots on a mob at later levels, this combined with their slows, canna mana regen and chain armor made them retarded. They still have the other things, just not the dot stacking.)