I started playing last week, and I haven't seen an FOH related guild around that I know of. I joined a zerg invite guild called 'Supremacy' that seems to have a TON of lowbies levelling at all hours of the day. I'd send someone a tell for a /guildinvite. People, for the most part, seem to be decently knowledgable, yet still new to the game. Guild atmosphere is very casual and friendly, with a 'raid guild' atmosphere. Lotsa F-bombs, casual racism/sexism, homophobia, dick jokes etc etc, exactly as it should be. The guild bank is quite active and generous, with regular gear give aways... over all really enjoying my time online.
Keep in mind, I said 'raid guild atmosphere'. This is NOT a raid guild, nor do I think it has any aspirations to be. Just seems to be a bunch of people who want to play with a global chat channel and enjoy easier grouping. Awesome.