Trakanon Raider
- 3,249
- 913
While the differences and comments are by no means excusable or worth dealing with on a daily basis the actions are petty, immature and ridiculous. I don't care which side began throwing the poop at the other, the fact that people are so desperate for "power" or "authority" over others need to really put this in perspective. Regardless if it is P99, TAK, or P2002, people had the opportunity to do something nice, and yes this is nothing more than a nice gesture, have taken this way too far. It's not to say your work isn't difficult, frustrating, required skill, and personal time but the world will keep turning and this impacts a few hundred people out of the millions that play games. To think that personalities are so contrary and toxic over something like this is unbelievable. I worked in software for 5 years, I get it. I've been in a director's position for nearly 10 now, I get it but understand this between both camps (and even P99), you will always have to settle for mediocre results instead of something that could be really special among the people it matters to (again, probably not many but more than it is now) but you choose to act like idiots that exhaust your emotions and air your dirty laundry on forums so you will have to deal with small populations, forum fights, and a declining number of staff members as it becomes less worth their time.The differences aren't 'petty'. I'll let you all try and guess which one of them sent me a hate filled (one of several he sent to Haynar and myself) PM to me which included these lines:
The public has no idea of the history between us, because if I outlined it all in a massive post, what inevitably results are "the drama turns us off to both servers" comments. So their narrative is the one that is believed.
Trust is absolutely required to work on a project like this. You can't just sign people up to work on your database without trusting them to both do a good job but also not to break (intentionally or otherwise) things; or worse, edit things in a way that favors them or their friends in-game.
Some people just can't get along with others.
**No offense to the level headed people that are involved on any and all of these projects as i'm sure there's more good people than bad in this but still frustrating to say the least.