Is it possible P99's anti-cheat is providing MAC/ Machine ID to the p99 project? They seem to have a way to identify individuals months later, it's definitely not by IP address that they make these busts. Rogean refuses to comment on the nature of the anti-cheat when asked.
Yeah, it probably logs MAC or NIC info. That info isn't personally identifiable beyond the scope of you being logged into the game, though.
MAC addresses can be spoofed, so no PII there.
Local network interfaces can provide info about if the client is running on the same LAN. Mostly would be used for boxing. Hell, I'd do it, and Daybreak does worse.
As someone like in P99's position, you could possibly use those interfaces to query routing tables, or to query an external server (like the same one you're connected to on p99) to send your external IP for each one of those interfaces. So even if you're not connected to the game using one NIC, and are using a VPN for another, that would be a great way to find out who's boxing.
Also, P99 does not collect window titles to identify users. They look for specific programs that are queried by GMs on demand, or if they're prepping a ban wave, they may just do it once as opposed to every time you zone to a new area (like I did).
You won't be able to find that information just running the game normally, so modifying the client via injection techniques is almost always needed to track boxers.
People are stupid and think they can get away with anything, so it's best to keep detection one step ahead of everyone. But you certainly don't need to take the extreme I did on classless to catch people cheating. I found that after I digged for information on who would be brazen enough to cheat, and turns out, most are intimidated and don't bother to cheat.