Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
That post was a week ago and you were doing it again today and you're not even in the affected guilds. Utterly bizarre fetish but it seems to make you happy at least.
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Literally every other server of every other game is better off with P99 players all playing together on P99, IMOThat's the purpose of GM enforced rotations - for everyone to see content. If you establish GM-enforced rotations and a guild states, "I want to do The Rathe Council" and there's another guild in line, the other guild gets it when it next spawns, has a set period of time to clear it, and then it becomes FFA.
This works for all content in the game, fyi. There's not a single mob (sans something like Vaniki, who is group content) who would not fall under this category and work with this system.
It may mean your uber-zerg guild may not get 5 Rathe Councils in a row, but the system exists to serve everyone on the server, not one guild.
It also encourages guilds to not compete with each other. P99 players sit there and plot how they're going to make each other fail, while TAKP players help each other by design of the enforced rotations.
I just spent maybe 15 minutes watching a guy named Bellringer on Twitch, he spent maybe an hour or 2 dissecting how a guild was in the right and another one was in the wrong regarding 'petitioning another guild', and I couldn't help but wonder what the fuck P99 players are doing with their time playing there still.
They say their competition is a 'mental illness' that they're proud of. I say that P99 is a pox on the MMO genre at this point. These people do not paint EverQuest in a good light, and P99 needs to have the plug pulled on its raid scene until the classic EQ vision can be restored.
There's nothing rewarding or fun about sitting for a mob's spawn window only to either succeed or fail based on the 'skill' (read: internet connection and attention span) of your 'pull team'. Anyone who attempts to justify it or try and say 'come up with a better solution for competing' as I was told in this guy's stream should really get their priorities straightened; the solution is obvious... either enforce rotations on P99 like what has been proven to work on TAKP, add instancing, have GMs be hands-off (and have the system remain unenforced by GMs), or disable raid content until a better solution can be found.
This 'First to Engage' tagging system for specific content is a disgrace to EverQuest and what classic EQ stands for. Classic EQ is more of a 'traditional pen and paper RPG' but in a 3D game world; most peoples' fondest memories involve the journey to 60, and not the endgame raiding scene.
Guy legitimately seems happy being the post "The Man Show" Jimmy Kimmel of P99. I can't blame him for having fun, but I can judge him for basically castrating himself.That post was a week ago and you were doing it again today and you're not even in the affected guilds. Utterly bizarre fetish but it seems to make you happy at least.
Literally every other server of every other game is better off with P99 players all playing together on P99, IMO
Literally every other server of every other game is better off with P99 players all playing together on P99, IMO
Daybreak agrees. During the talks with Rogean for the agreement they mentioned they want certain players to stay where they are.
Namely red99, but it was open-ended.
All you nerds over dissecting the weird % of p99. The point of p99 is to just relax and see/play old school EQ. Not to get into all this drama and other bullshit. Jesus christ. I guess this is why I'm an Enchanter, so I can just go do dungeons by myself for a few hours and relax. I love that there is a place that I can always go back to to experience the old zones and just listen. I'm not a psycho that gets over invested and gets into guild drama in a 22 year old game.
Go watch and see him chill and play. That's how you should play p99. Not like a weirdo.
Fucking THIS! This is what the best fun in EQ is.All you nerds over dissecting the weird % of p99. The point of p99 is to just relax and see/play old school EQ. Not to get into all this drama and other bullshit. Jesus christ. I guess this is why I'm an Enchanter, so I can just go do dungeons by myself for a few hours and relax. I love that there is a place that I can always go back to to experience the old zones and just listen. I'm not a psycho that gets over invested and gets into guild drama in a 22 year old game.
Go watch <snip> and see him chill and play. That's how you should play p99. Not like a weirdo.
Guy ghosted once he got hired by Microsoft! He was a great Master of Coin.Vitality is a good dude
I have a really hard time playing EQ without PvP. Played Vallon Zek to Zek, and Red99 was a blast until it wasn't. Right now getting ready to give new world a go with my old EQ guild.I always wondered what happened to him.
You guys should just come to Mischief
I was part of the Bear Caves red group. That was some USDA Organic, Free Ran fun.I don't think it's illogical to get upset over seeing p99 so mismanaged, as it's over-the-top blatant whoring of IP that we hold sacred. S Secrets , remember our red99 stint w/Mario Speedwagon, Vitality, Flex, Lachius, etc..? Those were some EQ experiences done right. I think you were part of the kedge seahorse charming group when we ground out 40s/50s right?
The threat of pvp enhances the PvE as well though. You gotta stay frosty and occasionally you get to fuck somebody up with a charmed seahorse (if they don’t have pumice stones).I was part of the Bear Caves red group. That was some USDA Organic, Free Ran fun.
EQ needs more of those condensed experiences. Those were more fun than actually playing pvp on that server.