I rewatched it just for you Araysar. Almost every single scene where anything more than a trivial decision needed to be made, a bad decision was made. The obvious ones already recounted, but also scenese like sticking electrodes into a severed head and making it explode with little concern for contaminants...or ruining the head itself, which apparently they might have gotten a lot of info from.
Scenes where decisions didn't have to be made, but something fairly important was happening, there was no logical reason for it to be happening. Let's skip stuff like whether or not you'd be able to find a single alien outpost on a planet roughly the size of Earth in 3 minutes, no matter what advanced tech you have. We can chalk that up to trying to keep the pace exciting. Instead, let's take stuff like the whole hologram recordings of the engineers fleeing and dying. Why did that particular scene replay right then? Why not any number of countless recordings that were probably taken of that same hallway? Did someone survive and set that to auto-play for some reason? Why were they running back into the room with all the black goo? If someone set it as a warning, wouldn't they want you to run away from that room? How did Fassbender know wtf to do to open the door? How to speak with the engineer? How to operate the gel pad keyboard?
All manner of scenes and situations made practically zero sense. I could go through and list dozens of things like those above. Almost every single time they picked the wrong choice, or something random happened at exactly the right time to heighten the suspense or drama (that hologram playing right then being chief among them). If I list the good choices they made (again not including things like not crashing the ship upon landing), that list is woefully small compared to the bad choices they made.
Like others, I expect some of that in a movie just to further the plot without making us wait extra long for crap like scanning the planet and locating the installation (even though there was zero nod to even trying something like that, they just fucking found it by pure luck)...but I don't expect practically every scene to contain those shortcuts or plot-furthering serendipity.
And yes, I realize I am probably being trolled even if he says he isn't. Just the fact that I watched it again, and responded, means I got trolled. But this truly is one of the worst written movies ever, in the history of movies, and I will accept being trolled to reinforce that fact. I'm sure he knows it is as terrible as I'm saying it is and relishes the fact that he made me subject myself to it all over again, but I can live with that. And if he truly thinks it is good, I still *feel* like I was trolled