It ain't easy but it's possible. And I did say cults you're right, because I think all religions are cults. But Warren Jeffs is extreme even in that regard, and I mentioned extreme outliers too.You straight up said "religious cults in this country"
I am quite skeptical that I could roll up and become a hardmode jew. Their entire organization is built around insulation and wresting control from the outside world into their own society.
Are you really still arguing that racial segregation is in the same ball park as a religious group saying "we only want people to teach our beliefs in this school, so you have to be part of the religion if you want in, it may be difficult but you can convert if you want to"I bet you one American dollar that it would be easier for me to become accepted into the west side crips than into a hasidic school.
Well, that actually wasn't my point because I feel like voluntary segregation is a slippery slope that can very easily turn into forced segregation. Rather, some segregation is based on "you'll never be one of us, you'll never get in and there's nothing you can do about it" which is true segregation (like racial segregation) while others are just really exclusive clubs that can be joined if you put in the effort, and that's not really segregation (like religious schooling). And I think this whole "gays only" stuff is one of those weird, grey area middle grounds that can be considered "voluntary segregation" but can very easily turn into forced segregation. You can't really convert to the other team to join their clubs.You guys are harping over one tiny exception to Khane's point, when his overall argument stands true. There's a big difference between forced segregation, and voluntary segregation.. I won't argue that there both retrograde forces, but there's a big difference between the two..
won't their interview process sniff out any gays? If 2 men come in for an interview, probably not gonna be as innocent as "My 2 Dads"/ rejected.A lot of non-catholics send their kids to catholic schools FWIW. I think any of these schools would have to accept kids that were not from GBLT families if they wanted to go or it would be considered discrimination and illegal right?
It's like UC Irvine is being run by Mikhail/ItzenaA portion of the resolution reads: "(F)lags construct paradigms of conformity and sets homogenized standards for others to obtain which in this country typically are idolized as freedom, equality, and democracy."
freedom of speech, in a space that aims to be as inclusive as possible can be interpreted as hate speech.
UC Irvine needs an injection of rednecks or something. This is pathetic, you don't fuck with the flag, i mean all the other flags can go of course, fuck the mexico flag, there's probably a burrito shop around the corner, but don't fuck with old glory.What the hell is going on at US universities these days? It's like they've been taken over by SJW's and Muslims that read Chomsky 24/7.
UC Irvine Students Vote To Remove American Flag From Campus Lobby CBS Los Angeles
It's like UC Irvine is being run by Mikhail/Itzena
No, the school administration actually needs to remove the ultra-left wing academics/professors that are responsible for spreading this belief system to fragile minds..UC Irvine needs an injection of rednecks or something. This is pathetic, you don't fuck with the flag, i mean all the other flags can go of course, fuck the mexico flag, there's probably a burrito shop around the corner, but don't fuck with old glory.
I'm not even an army guy, this what the boy scouts taught me!
Unless you're a white cis male, then you're apparently a shitlord pissbaby if you segregate yourself.It's OK when someone segregates theirself willingly. Segregation is not OK when you are forced to do it.
LOL @ the whole line of reasoning. I mean, how is not labeling all white establishments 'white only' not segregating yourself? This is like Tanoomba logic here.Unless you're a white cis male, then you're apparently a shitlord pissbaby if you segregate yourself.