Puzzles and Dragons


Trakanon Raider
Yea I just did it on a whim with my Odin + Vel's amat. EZ PZ no rippers... trying to level one up -.- sooo much work.
Feels good doesn't it? I keep blitzing the adept version for 15 stamina to get huge xp at my level.

This is like twinking in EQ with the sword from avatar of war and my Amaterasu is a motherfucking fungi vest~


Molten Core Raider
Hardest part is judging what I can handle - I mean it seems like Odin + Healer can handle retardedly hard dungeons as long as you dont mind wasting an hour and you have staggered mobs. Got a light / green / blue dragon that I need to get up to level 70 and evolve... what a pita. Then I guess I can try my hand at master dungeons.


Just post what you got in your box here and what you want to try and we can help you out...

I try to post the requirements for the different dungeons when they pop.. complete with lots of useless stuff no one reads.

One dragon guardian expert run... 3 MSK on the account that had none. At least now I can work on skillups rather than just drops.

Relevant stats for the boss:
50% green resist -> 2179 damage per round in healing needed (3 targets)

You get recovery orbs and they attack every three rounds. AO needs 436RCV StEetc need 726

Aim for having your HP at 8719 (not needed, but worst case scenario says you should have this) The better you are at managing hearts etc... the lower this number can get. But you need a minimum of 6537HP to survive worst case boss scenario (all 3 on same timer)

Devils attack every round, knights every 2. If you need more info let me know, I am sure everyone else is sick of this.


Molten Core Raider
I have Odin / Isis / Bestet / Ifrit / Freyr / Ares / Fenrir Knight Kamui / Phoenix Knight / the little dragons for Blue/Light and a 3/4 evolved Green ripper.

Been putzing along with Odin at the moment with Bestet and some terribles until I can equip higher...
Not sure what is the best place to farm either.


Yeah... thats not ready for Expert Dragon Guardian... but shouldnt have much trouble setting your 3/4 green ripper as leader and one of our healers as helper and clearing novice and probably Adept (depending on your HP)

Feel free to level up your Odin, but do not evolve him for a long while. Do not bother with ifrit, the xp cost is so high for the little return he gives you for a long time.


Does Echidna become less useful later on in the game? She makes farming really quick early, but her leader skill doesn't seem like it will scale well late game.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
One dragon guardian expert run... 3 MSK on the account that had none. At least now I can work on skillups rather than just drops.
Are you serious? Ran that fucker three times just now and got fuckall.

Just running a higher HP mostly red team, Shiva leader. As long as I make sure and stall on the 4th round it's NP. 2 hits at the same time won't kill. Had all 3 lined up once, but used Rainbow Keeper half dmg skill and didn't even need to since I burned down the first knight in time.

Did adept once for the egg as well, My Horus + Crafty Horus = hilarity. x16.0 damage is the best thing ever.

Does Echidna become less useful later on in the game? She makes farming really quick early, but her leader skill doesn't seem like it will scale well late game.
Yeah it doesn't scale well. Even the guy with the beefier version of that skill that does 5x instead of 3x(Hino Kagutsuchi) isn't enough later. When the trash has 100k+ health a 6k or so tick isn't that useful. Especially in a leader slot where you could have a real damage booster or resist or heals. They are great for when you get stuck farming lower content though. And you will.


Yeah it doesn't scale well. Even the guy with the beefier version of that skill that does 5x instead of 3x(Hino Kagutsuchi) isn't enough later. When the trash has 100k+ health a 6k or so tick isn't that useful. Especially in a leader slot where you could have a real damage booster or resist or heals. They are great for when you get stuck farming lower content though. And you will.
I figured as much. I pulled a Ra this weekend... I guess it's time to stop being lazy and learn to ultra combo with a 5 color team.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
I don't know much about this game, but I do know that Ra is absolutely fucking useless. I pulled him, a genie, a cupid, Ceres and some other green shit yesterday. I wouldda been better off feeding him to the Genie, rather than the other way around. Ran multiple dungeons with him as leader and could get 4 of the 5, but haven't seen a 5 once.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
I paired him with a Yomi... Can cheat every 30 turns or so...
That was my thought too, that was the only way he'd ever be useful, but the cooldown on Change the World means that there's always going to be more efficient things you could be doing.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I am leaving up my Flare Drall if anyone wants to kill dragon guardian. Fire team + flare drall = success.

Dragon Guardian Expert in a single round:




<WoW Guild Officer>
This fucking company... splurged and rolled another 6 times...

Green Odin +RCV
Green Odin

:| Overjoyed to finally have a green odin... but what's a second even good for? Trading needs to be put in so I can send this off to someone for actual usage.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
:| Overjoyed to finally have a green odin... but what's a second even good for? Trading needs to be put in so I can send this off to someone for actual usage.
40% chance of a skill up feeding him in theory right now. You will have the best Odin IN THE WORLD!

He has decent health leveled up, but if that's all you want for a filler you could farm up a green golem...


<WoW Guild Officer>
40% chance of a skill up feeding him in theory right now. You will have the best Odin IN THE WORLD!

He has decent health leveled up, but if that's all you want for a filler you could farm up a green golem...
I evolved one green golem and rolled a level 30 previously... so I'm up to my ass in high HP mobs. I think I just need to crack down on leveling my Amat to 50 and Evolving my Odin so I can use either depending what my friend list has up to start tackling the more challenging dungeons. I was doing a double-horus on the lower technicals while farming pendra (thanks Crafty, that guy is a fucking beast), and once I hit the 4x part, it was just a shitstorm of damage.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
HoHo is an awesome combo, but I have never sworn so much at my tablet. Spaz out and miss that 4th color by 1 orb...FUCKDAMN!I@#$UYVB)*&

Even if it's a meaningless fight=P

Horus/Isis for x12 or Horus/Bastet for x10 is way more relaxing.

So on the alt account I rolled up a Green Odin on yesterday I was stuck using Tyran until like level 10 before I could even equip Odin, obviously. Got to the 25 team cost and put on Odin, didn't even play just put him on and switched accounts. Came back to 21 friend invites. I'M FINALLY POPULAR!!


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Man, I need me some kinda dragon knight to fill out my team, but i'll be damned if they drop from the dragon guardian dungeon I've ran 4 times already today. And when you've only got 39 sta, you can't make that run too many times before you're stuck with your thumb up your ass.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm 0-5 from Expert on that fucker. Saw 1 MSK mid-dungeon and got happy but the fucker didn't drop. And the 3 ADK bosses are not generous with me at all.

edit: Oh wait here's an MSK this round...liveblogging if it drops!!

It does not...

edit 2: Aaaand 2 drop the next run=P


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
I'd be happy with a MSK, I've seen this on level 3 about every time. But still nothing!

I am starting to get the hang of this shit though, thanks for the advice guys. I've got a goal list mapped out, and as soon as special dungeons stop derailing it, gonna be making a Siren the Enchanter, evolving my red starter dragon, and a pair of my green rippers.


Trakanon Raider
I pulled 2 from an adept run on my alt account today.

I have a pretty badass little green team going.

Oh before the end of godfest last night I decided to drop some coin on a few rolls to fill out the team. Snagged an Odin and Parvati for gold rolls and my "crappier" rolls were pretty nice. Snagged a 4* highlander. Instant green team go go go!