Puzzles and Dragons


Potato del Grande
Damn the tuesday dungeons cost a ton of stam. I take it the light/dark ones only show up randomly? How hard are these, if I can clear the Castle of Satan am I good to go? (also is there a drop list for them?)


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Damn the tuesday dungeons cost a ton of stam. I take it the light/dark ones only show up randomly? How hard are these, if I can clear the Castle of Satan am I good to go? (also is there a drop list for them?)
Be interested to know your success and team stats. I'm Rank 33 now and have about 4.6k hp with a good Friend Leader. It is a ton of stam and not sure I'd get anything useful out of it at this point anyways.

Sir Funk

Lord Nagafen Raider
Managed to pull this 6 star Loki on my with my 3rd set of magic stones.

I'm assuming there are 5 and 6 star variations of these guys and 6 stars is much more rare, correct?



Molten Core Raider
Managed to pull this 6 star Loki on my with my 3rd set of magic stones.

I'm assuming there are 5 and 6 star variations of these guys and 6 stars is much more rare, correct?


I would think they are pretty damn rare. I have rerolled until my fingers were bleeding and have not seen any 6*. I did, however, reroll a Great Valk in the beginning before reading this thread and have not seen another in at least 65-70 rolls.


Potato del Grande
Ah so Tuesday dungeons drop Keepers (evo material for generally the last evolution tier) and Golems? Meh, not that far along yet with anything except my Valkyrie. I'm trying to read the evo materials for my Valkyrie and the chinese wiki names them as "the deification of gold mask" (divine? lol) and "Mysterious mask." (mystic?)

Those are probably too hard to get for now anyways. Feels like I should be focusing on getting Marine Goblins for my Siren? How do you do this and not run out of stam before you level?


Potato del Grande
I would think they are pretty damn rare. I have rerolled until my fingers were bleeding and have not seen any 6*. I did, however, reroll a Great Valk in the beginning before reading this thread and have not seen another in at least 65-70 rolls.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I rerolled until I got a great valk, now I have not gotten a single healer type since. My subsequent pulls have all been junk, a vampire, a mystic ice knight, and agdrall a 4* red dragon. Not sure what to do from here!


Holy fuck the expert Mechafiredragon must have 12 zillion hp, just past halfway after about 15 minutes
Had to put volcano dragon in the lead for the fire damage resist and the highest ranked StE I had access to and still only survived being hit by 2 ogres at once with 300 odd hp!

Grats on the 6*!

A sobering IAP tale in the SA thread today, someone had a $50 itunes giftcard lying around and with a lack of anything else in mind to spend it on, chucked it all at stones. Got a single god. I decided not to share Diamess' good fortune with him


Could this be dependent on rank? I only got a single stone.
Hmm dunno then? I was sure I only had 2 and then noticed I had 7 so presumed we had been gifted 5.

Fucking boss didn't drop after a 25 minute bossfight, FML. 8k xp from a single clearance at least and another fire starter drop from the midboss battle?!


Silver Knight of the Realm
They open after you finish certain normal dungeons. I think the first one is after Castle of Satan?

Just got an Archangel out of my Rare Roll, very happy about that. Now I'm running Greater Valk, Archangel, Ivory Dragon, and two Carbuncle guys. So almost an all healer except for the Ivory Dragon, which I like b/c it has nice ATK and have a lot of friends that give 2x to Light when I can't whore out Daezul's Valk. No idea how many times I've run the Succubus dungeon at this point, probably 60 or so without a drop. Thinking about switching to farming the Siren dungeon and try my luck there. Alternatively I could go on to the Normal Dungeon that has the Succubus and Naga at the end. Feeling good about this team though.
Are you using your Archangel as your lead?

Well, I got a green and a light starter dragon, and a lvl 30 archangel from a rare egg. Looks like I may start a light team.
I couldn't praise Archangel enough, ever since I pulled one I can clear the dungeons that were giving me a hard time with no problem. Grats!

Holy fuck the expert Mechafiredragon must have 12 zillion hp, just past halfway after about 15 minutes
Had to put volcano dragon in the lead for the fire damage resist and the highest ranked StE I had access to and still only survived being hit by 2 ogres at once with 300 odd hp!

Grats on the 6*!

A sobering IAP tale in the SA thread today, someone had a $50 itunes giftcard lying around and with a lack of anything else in mind to spend it on, chucked it all at stones. Got a single god. I decided not to share Diamess' good fortune with him
Haha, you should have!


Also, what are people pairing their great valks with?


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Are you using your Archangel as your lead?
Not at the moment, may switch it out for a round just to see. Have a few Greater Valk / Valk friends that I wouldn't lose too much damage from. Going back to farming Siren and Succubus. Cave of the Siren isn't giving me quite enough EXP to level to refresh my Stamina after a full round of farming. And the succubus one stopped giving enough for that a long time ago.

Also, what are people pairing their great valks with?
Right now my Archangel and a couple of Max level Carbuncle, either Sapphire, Ruby, or Dark. Was going to go evolve one but haven't bothered with it. The last spot is for my Ivory Dragon so that I have one nuker. Ultimately going for the multicolor team with a Siren and Succubus and / or Naga. That way all healers with the 2.5x from Greater Valk, Poison from Succubus, and other utility. Really like teaming with Alraune though. For a healer she seems to have nice attack.


So I am new ...and when I go to battle it gives me 3 helpers from which I pick one....are these just random players lead monsters? If so, how do I get my leader listed to help random people? I understand you can invite someone to be a friend but what about these random 3 that pop up each time i start a new fight? Do they get XP for my battles to....?

A bit confused on that part.


So I am new ...and when I go to battle it gives me 3 helpers from which I pick one....are these just random players lead monsters? If so, how do I get my leader listed to help random people? I understand you can invite someone to be a friend but what about these random 3 that pop up each time i start a new fight? Do they get XP for my battles to....?

A bit confused on that part.
Yeah the "explorers" are just random people, it's GungHo's way of getting you to find people to make friends with. If you use an "explorer" instead of a friend you still get their atk/hp etc added to your totals but you don't get to use the units leader skill. You/they also only get 5 PAL points instead of 10. If it's a unit that can help you throw a help request their way, I've not seen all that many listed in this thread yet. The SA thread has a googledocs spreadsheet with 120 odd people on it so it's much easier to get going from that.

Might be worth organising something like that if enough people join in, the threads getting pretty busy!