If you're reliably clearing that for 0 stones, what's left to work on for your team anyway?
Edit - just read Saban's post, he's got a notably better box of leaders than me. Man, I feel inadequate now.
I've got:
Mono Red thanks to most things being farmable archangel Uriel+starter ripper/toy/echidna/maxed skill gigas/knight + belial + skydragon)
Blue: Archangel Gabriel, maxed siren, starter, ripper, beast rider, knight, ice guardian and Niflheim, (Only thing I really want/need is the heartbreaker)
Green: Archangel Michael, Artemis, dryad, Yggdrasil, GOdin, knight, toy, starter, elemental
Dark: Starter, Golem Mk3, Vamp, Knight, Ripper, Lilith + ghost, Tiamat, Hades, Toy, plus of course rainbow keeper
Holy: My weakest team, Apollo, Ripper (3 of them if I wanted to level them up), Knight, Golem, Cupid
I think I've successfully graduated into the "mid-level" game. I've got the basic ability to run a mono team of each color, plus I have an Isis (my initial tutorial roll) to
run weekend dungeon (and I used her + about 4 stones to get through master level ancient blue dragon, my burst damage is kind of crappy)and Godin helps cheese lots of other dungeons.