Puzzles and Dragons


<WoW Guild Officer>
only managed 2 angelits with two dub-mythlits (and no mythlits). I guess my subs just aren't at the right spot for a zeus team. 9x from him just isn't strong enough to actually burst shit down. Time to max my hera, godin, and the Nagas.


Molten Core Raider
only managed 2 angelits with two dub-mythlits (and no mythlits). I guess my subs just aren't at the right spot for a zeus team. 9x from him just isn't strong enough to actually burst shit down. Time to max my hera, godin, and the Nagas.
I found myself wishing I had maxed my Viper. I definitely would have used it over a Echidna. That extended delay is sweet and cooldowns were easy to get, you stalled out Zeus ults afterall.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I don't think we have had the collab for Viper skill ups yet? But yea now that mine is ultimate evo'd and has some decent experience behind him I am very excited about using him in my U&Y team as a regular member.

I did the Zeus run once and didn't really like it so went back to Luci. That may have been the 1st time since the very first time Zeus descended that I actually used him as a leader.


I found myself wishing I had maxed my Viper. I definitely would have used it over a Echidna. That extended delay is sweet and cooldowns were easy to get, you stalled out Zeus ults afterall.
Bleh take 2 of mine. I made three rolls during godfest and got two orochis. Now at three total.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Was discussing my chances of beating Hera-Is on legend Sunday with Ao today and this is the best I could come up with for her:

I know AB Bluebird is pointless, but until I beat Hera-Is or Siegfried I literally have nothing else to use for blue. I could use Orochi but I have no blue keepers left to evolve it this week and I couldn't afford the team cost without replacing RK with CDK anyway.

My Haku is 50 and awakened, Echidna is 78 and skill level 3, AB Blue is 50, Hera will probably be about 45-50 by Sunday, and the friend Haku I'll use is completely maxed out.

My assumption is that I will 0-stone it if I don't make any mistakes while stalling in wave 1 or get orb-trolled on waves 2-5. Once I get to the boss wave, Gravity + double Haku is overkill for the amount of hp she has on legend.

Anyone else have thoughts on beating her with what I haveavailable now?


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Well, I'm probably done with this game, unless I can find some sort of "breakthrough". After watching multiple videos, it's very apparent to me that I'll just never have the "skill" needed to succeed at the game. I "understand" how to solve the 5 basic patterns, I very rarely have problems pulling off an Isis team. However, when it comes to more than 4 combos/colors, forget it. Unless I get lucky with drops or a really good setup, I just can't get past that 3-4 threshold consistently. After watching the videos and seeing people sweep their boards nearly every round, it's just insanely disheartening. I don't know if it's a lack of speed, lack of planning, or just "uncomboing" a solved set, trying to make a new one, but ever since attempting Hera, this game has been one giant ball of frustration. There seems to be something so obvious that I'm missing, but I just can't figure out what is..
I forgot about your post until just now but wanted to come back to it. I felt (and still feel) that my matching skills are crap. And really they are, I'm sure it is bottom percentile. I see you say you have Isis and was going to suggest that what helped me the most was using nothing but Horus. A leader that forces you to match more kind of makes you see the board differently. If you have a Kirin, Horus, U&Y, or something like that (I think Isis is going to change with more colors too?) I would say switch over and just push through learning it. It'll make four combos automatic and usually give too.

I find this also helps my mono colors as well. I'll just never be someone that can pull 6, 7, 8+ on average, even with a ton of staring at the board.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I forgot about your post until just now but wanted to come back to it. I felt (and still feel) that my matching skills are crap. And really they are, I'm sure it is bottom percentile. I see you say you have Isis and was going to suggest that what helped me the most was using nothing but Horus. A leader that forces you to match more kind of makes you see the board differently. If you have a Kirin, Horus, U&Y, or something like that (I think Isis is going to change with more colors too?) I would say switch over and just push through learning it. It'll make four combos automatic and usually give too.

I find this also helps my mono colors as well. I'll just never be someone that can pull 6, 7, 8+ on average, even with a ton of staring at the board.
Isis ultimate B/L goes to 3x @3 colors, or B/B 3.5x @4, 4x @5 or 3x @3, 3.25x @4, 3.5x @5.
B/L is physical type with a bit more HP and bit less RCV, B/B is healer type with similarish stats.

My combo strategy is always stupid, but I figure if I can stare at a board and get 5-7 combos, I'll get another 1 or 2 falling. It's 15 orbs changing (1/2 the board) with a 5 combo, so I've got to get something.


Molten Core Raider
I always trip out when I'm burning turns, hit 3 on top row, and next thing you know 10x combo snowball.


Trakanon Raider
I feel like the biggest thing I do not do - is prep the board for the next turn in a substantial way. What kind of approach do you high combo achieving players use? Do you constantly use setup turns? I can see 3-4-5 combos on the live board, I can swipe my shit around, and the next turn I've got like a derth of hearts or off color gems clogging up rows or columns so I have dead turns in the middle. Additionally do you prioritize horizontal or vertical matches? Do you try to mass match colors off the board you don't want? How do you deal with a board setup that say has 3 of a specific color - but they are so far apart it would take half the turn to manipulate them together?

Feel free to answer one, all, none of these questions, but I feel like I need to shake up my approach.

I always feel that way AO- that if I match 15 gems up for sure shit will cascade - I find that half the time it doesn't even hit 8 because of the garbage I've left in the remaining slots.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I feel like the biggest thing I do not do - is prep the board for the next turn in a substantial way. What kind of approach do you high combo achieving players use? Do you constantly use setup turns? I can see 3-4-5 combos on the live board, I can swipe my shit around, and the next turn I've got like a derth of hearts or off color gems clogging up rows or columns so I have dead turns in the middle. Additionally do you prioritize horizontal or vertical matches? Do you try to mass match colors off the board you don't want? How do you deal with a board setup that say has 3 of a specific color - but they are so far apart it would take half the turn to manipulate them together?

Feel free to answer one, all, none of these questions, but I feel like I need to shake up my approach.

I always feel that way AO- that if I match 15 gems up for sure shit will cascade - I find that half the time it doesn't even hit 8 because of the garbage I've left in the remaining slots.
Me: "I just cleared 24 gems with an amazing 8 combo, watch two sets of 3 drop to replace and get me a nice match"
Gungho: "LOL u get nothin"


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
iFunBoxis installed on your computer, and you can use it to delete/backup files on the phone while connected via USB. Doesn't help if you're not at a computer, but it's got to be much faster when you are. Supposedly doesn't need jailbreak either.
Works like a charm! iFunbox that is. Man, this is much faster!!!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Jumped in to easy mode Take today with my red team just for shits and giggles. Forgot about the demon brothers stupid one hit combo, was trying to mass kill both instead of just killing the light one fast. Splat. Oh well.

20 minutes later went in and did THE EXACT SAME FUCKING THING. I don't even smoke pot, what the fuck is wrong with my brain?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Not too invested into this game at all. Never got Horus and now the festivals are over. Still keep rerolling for something?

I can still roll a God, they just won't be level 30? Or how does it work that we don't have any specials going on.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Blue festival is on now. You can roll a Lv.30 Umi&Yami, that's about it as far as useful starters. You can also roll other gods, just at a reduced % and yeah, they'll be level 1 (which isn't that big a deal).

What you should not do while there's only a festival going on is use the REM a second time after you get a good starter. Use stones to expand box size, and bank the rest for a proper godfest.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not too invested into this game at all. Never got Horus and now the festivals are over. Still keep rerolling for something?

I can still roll a God, they just won't be level 30? Or how does it work that we don't have any specials going on.
Just lower chance of good eggs.

If you have any kind of slightly decent leader just start playing. Save up as many stones as possible for the next Godfest. As nice as it is to start with a Luci or something like that it's not truly necessary. You can grind out a good deal with just whatever starter you took(hopefully Red).


Was away recently so I didnt have time to keep up with this thread...

So after the first appearance of twinlits on US side...
Angelits: 11
Devilits: 10
Tamadra: 9
DubMythlits: 12
Mythlits: 7

Stamina used: 1560
Attempts: 26
Successes: 21
Stones used on stamina: 8
Continues: 3

Fastest run: 3m45 seconds (double anubis just to see if I could...) With only 2 subs not being bind immune, it made the whole thing easier...

Still waiting to use the evo mats for the Red/Light Horus... any ideas when that stuff goes live on US servers?


<WoW Guild Officer>
Jumped in to easy mode Take today with my red team just for shits and giggles. Forgot about the demon brothers stupid one hit combo, was trying to mass kill both instead of just killing the light one fast. Splat. Oh well.

20 minutes later went in and did THE EXACT SAME FUCKING THING. I don't even smoke pot, what the fuck is wrong with my brain?
I was an idiot and went in with my Luci team... which is all dark and blue.
Brothers were "easy". Grav, BlOdin, Luci nuke and the light one is gone, 42k every other turn from dark was ezpz.

Tak killed me though, I brought him down to 25% before I had enough of my abilities up to blow through the last 1.25m (and I didn't bring something to reduce damage on it) and he hits me for 83k.
If you've got a Robin/Anubis just use him for Tak.
Grimm, I've done the same type of thing before. Entering the same tricolor dungeon with a team mostly consisting of those colors, twice in a row.

Think I might actually attempt Hera-Is this time. One of the suggested teams in a simple 9X Balance team, but that looks a little suspicious to me.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Hera-Is actually looks pretty easy to me for a spike team, at least on Legend. I refined the team I posted a couple days ago to include Orochi instead of my AB Bluebirds. So basically I will blow up one demon on round one, stall for all skills with the second, then sweep rounds 2-5 with Haku combos, and finally take out Hera-Is with Orochi, Gravity, and both Haku orb changes. Echidna is there to stall if I get orb trolled at any point during waves 2-5.

Seems to me you could replace Haku with any spike duo as long as you can still bring a delay or two and enough burst skills to take her out quickly. I'd be doing it on Mythical if my subs were higher level and I wasn't restricted so badly by team cost (I'm using unevolved Hera and Orochi and that puts me at exactly 103/103). I don't think 14k hp quite cuts it on Mythical.

Maybe I've overlooked something, but at this point my biggest concern is finding the dude on my friend list with a Lv.99 +287 Haku during the 1 hour I get to use his leader. :p (Edit: And the 40% drop rate at the end...)


Trakanon Raider
Just lower chance of good eggs.

If you have any kind of slightly decent leader just start playing. Save up as many stones as possible for the next Godfest. As nice as it is to start with a Luci or something like that it's not truly necessary. You can grind out a good deal with just whatever starter you took(hopefully Red).
If you actually think you will enjoy this game, just reroll until you get a lucifer. At that point it doesn't matter what the REM gives you later on during godfests, because you'll already be able to access the first tier of descends with nothing but lucifer and account levels. My first account was logged in 267 days since last january, I collected probably 90% of free stones. My box is full of useful cards but I have never looted one combo multiplier leader(horus/isis/bastet/anubis/or the new ones like haku) or a lucifer. I'm not good enough to activate more than maybe 3-5 combos a turn (naturally). Half the teams people talk about have many subs from descends or just fall back on the luci for his nuke power if nothing else. I got through hera, and I got through two heroes, but given that I don't intend to buy stones - the account is just in stasis - I will continue to collect stones on it and maybe one day it will get lucky and I'll play it again. In the mean time, I just spent hours rerolling until I got a luci on my new phone instead of migrating the account.

All this means less if you have every intention of buying stones to toss at the REM - but if you have absolutely miserable luck and moderate skill your account will stall out in its ability to progress after a certain point without REM luck. Leaders unlock the game, subs give you control. Get an end game leader, I wish I would have just restarted my account last march on one of the lucifer godfests then, he's too useful for 99% of content, and once you beat a lot of the content you can field your 9x teams to just farm it all faster.