Tried playing this game, I understand it, played it on my tablet and my phone, both seem to be doing horribly, got a few what i thoguht were nice things, but they cost 20 so i can never use them, end up using like Catwoman Bao or batman or robin, simply becasue they dont cost too much
You end up starting slow or grinding out dungeons to build up both stamina and team capacity. 20 isn't too much of a cost once you figure out some good low-cost subs. Post what you have and we can help.
Well fuck Df~ I don't know. Is anyone here using them? Do they like them? Do the non IAP players that don't roll during Godfests like them for Descends? Seems like plenty of people on the other P&D forum are using them for plenty of the descends with 0 stones. For fucks sake I like you guys more than random scrubs there and appreciate the community. What would you rather talk about? Guess we can go back to glib one liners and just continue telling everyone without a Luci to fuck themselves and have fun hating the game.
I love my Balance team. lvl98 cuchu, Zeus-Dios, Fully awoken Green Odin, King Woodsie, Max ulti-evo Toytops, Cuchu ally.
CuChu will get maxed next Super Emeralds. I'm contemplating leveling up the top evo and highlander I have just to awaken him. If I had a surplus of +eggs they would probably go on him just because I really do enjoy this team so much
My Zeus Dios is in the 60s (I think?) and is used only because he's a balance sub and has good/decent stats. I don't have any skill ups (and probably won't), so I don't think he is required for the team. I can probably sub out, but he is a trophy and a stat-stick.
GOdin. Nuff said. Well, not really. two skill boosts for everyone (3 turn to get my heartbreakers/heartmakers, fuck yeah), small autoheal, and big HP and decent atk. Another trophy/stat-stick.
King Woodsie is to get that inevitable 27x that I never end up needing. The gambler in my says "YOLO! Put in ZEAL!", the pussy in me says "He's your safety net, SAFETY NET! Stall more!". No skillups yet, max awoken (maybe 1 skill up?).
Toytops is down to 5 turns, so good synergy with CuChu to convert all hearts AND blue orbs to green. Let's me put up the big numbers for Neptune in OoH. I don't really use him for anything but this team, though maybe for some resist stuff later.
Because of the team, I have zero fear running Super Sapphire Kings Descended with my Balance team. It's great. I run anything that is somewhat blue to mostly blue with it. Even red isn't to bad given it's still a 4.5x multiplier and does good damage. I've not tried any of the other descends with it, but I think I might be able to do two heros or something similar if I had some good luck with orbs. On the other hand I have a berserker and highlander in literally every form already (and almost all of them max skill and close to the appropriate max level) so it's nothing but bragging rights if I can put it off. When water mechdragon comes back, my balance team will be attempting to farm master and/or legend.
Biggest problem is my Zeal isn't max skill yet (nor have I done the busty/ult on it yet for the balance sub).