Puzzles and Dragons

I think you're over-valuing Lucifer. At the very least, you can find plenty of people that use him to add to your friends list, and I haven't found a single dungeon I'm unable to complete because I don't have a Lucifer of my own. I would absolutely not advise someone to re-roll until they get him. That sounds like a sure-fire way to have someone hate this game before they even really begin. I started with Indra, and I did fine through most of the dungeons before Lucifer was even released. If I were to recommend re-rolling to get a God at all, I would recommend rolling for one that forces you to become better at matching. Having good matching skills is going to make a bigger difference in the more difficult dungeons than having a Lucifer of your very own.


Trakanon Raider
Right but what have you gotten out of the rem/how much cash have you dropped. I'm sure if my account didn't pull pure blanks on leaders lucifer aside it'd be in a better place. But it isn't because I have none of those leaders. What leaders are you beating content with teddite?

Edit:Valuable Monsters - Puzzle Dragons Wiki
This may have some bad info - I just glanced through it. Its a starter article for non-iap advice. I feel like you're either getting lucifer and free riding to success on the back of rainbow keepers in the early game. Or you should get a horus, maybe a haku (because she's dark) At least that way you can field 12.25 or 16x teams. Matching skills can only get you so far if you can't get a multiplier leader.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I feel like the only downside to starting with a spike leader instead of Lucifer is that there's half a dozen good spike leaders but only one Lucifer. Meaning if you pull him as your freebie it's easier to grab any one of the others at a godfest later on, while the opposite can be a real pain in the ass.

That said, there's nothing I've been unable to beat with Haku. Anything I've skipped so far has been due to my subs sucking. I know I can take down Hera-Is, Zeus, Valkyrie, Two Heroes, and Goemon next time they're up. Probably Hera-Ur too, though I haven't researched that one extensively. Haku might run into problems for Mythicals, but I've got Horus and Kirin being built up for that.

Lucifer sounds really slow compared to doing descends with 12.25-25x teams, so I can't really say I'm looking forward to anything that he's actually required for. :/


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Luci is super, but you could reroll for a month and not get him. At some point you will just get sick of it, so fuck it.Playthe game. If you decide it's that important to you then reroll when the next Luci featuring Godfest comes up, but fuck never actually playing the game because you didn't get the one specific roll.
I haven't ever spent any money, and have had alright luck with the machine. My Persephone paired really well with Lucifer allies, for sure, but I could have done those dungeons with different teams if necessary. I'm not saying that Lucifer isn't amazing when he works for a dungeon, I'm just saying that I would never recommend someone re-roll specifically for any one monster.


Trakanon Raider
Give what's in my monster box, I'd trade half of it for a Horus or a Lucifer. I'd even trade part of it for your Persephone, because outside of leader skill she's only .5 multiplier off of hp/rcv of a luci. She is literally the best non-luci dark co leader if you're trying to make a team with 1 friend Lucifer. I think Haku is the next best multiplier god because she's Dark with Red/Blue (Naga/Mermaid/Orochi/Neptune/RK). Kirin, Ra, and Anubis are god tier for players who can activate them. If you glance through the descends on puzzledragonx for recommended teams, you will be hard pressed past Hera and 2 Heroes to find many teams that don't involve a spike lead or a Lucifer. I would reroll everyday of the week for a luci or horus.PADherder: Dandain - Monstersif you want to give me any insight into what I'm missing.


You can also start the game off with just the starter dragon... and never use the REM yet still manage to clear most of the games content...

Going with a 0/2ATK/2RCV leader of any color and matching it with a friends 2hp/2atk greek2 or 1.5hp/1.5atk/1.5rcv indian or 2atk/2rcv norse or 2hp/rcv angel...

Yet eventually at some point or another... the content will just be too difficult for a way below optimal team. Either the preemptive will kill you if you are spike, or the limited turns before enrage will obliterate your grind team. At which point... you will need to find a leader/subs that will allow your skill level to clear the content.

All teams are not created equal...

Spike Teams:
Haku, DMeta, Kirin, Horus, UmiYami, Bastet?

Grind Teams:
#1.Luci, and then ... Astaroth.... then any other 2HP/2RCV Leader...

But but but... but what about Isis and other 9x teams?! They just dont cut it at the tippy tippy top of mythical content.

But but but what about
180 regular dungeons
100 technical dungeons
26 metal + weekly dungeons
13 Descended
18 Mystic Knights + DJ + Echidna Dungeons
19 legendary dragon dungeons
19 sky dragon dungeons
15 mech dragon dungeons
20 ancient dragon dungeons
15 samurai dragon dungeons
15 mystic dragon dungeons
+ collabs + freebie dungeons
that can be cleared by completely non REM teams...

That still leaves you with about 31+ dungeons that require something from the REM...

Whether you start your journey by grinding the tutorial REM until you get something that lets you clear the 31 dungeons... or whether you pause at 440 dungeons cleared and use limited stones to grind the Godfest REM until you get something that lets you finish the last 31...

All this is moot if you plan on throwing money at the game... but if you dont... you previously had a limited number of stones within which to acquire the tools to finish the last 31... but the current trend gives out lots of stones and tamadra every 2 weeks or so.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Heh, first try of Hera-Is went to hell immediately. The board came out favorable, I set up a Haku combo that should have barely killed the first demon, and the next thing I know shit is just raining down from the sky and I end up with a 10 combo and it not only kills the first one but takes about 40% off the other. And then to make things worse, I stall for 5 turns and I'm getting nothing but dark orbs and barely any hearts at all. Ended up with 13 or 14 darks and 1 heart so I cleared the board and decided to try to stall again on round 2. Nope. Same shit again, no hearts at all. At that point I was looking at 10+ stones to win so I said fuck it.

I'd swap out my orochi for siren for stalling duty but sadly my siren is brand new and still needs 4 more skill ups.
First try was with a different friend's Lv.85 +60 Haku too, definitely not going to try again until the guy with the maxed out one is online.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Sounds a lot like my Hera-Is run.
First floor np face roll, 2nd floor manages to not get me 5 different colors 3 times in a row, 4th rime i pulled of a 25x with double kirin but the dragon eat me in return.
So basically i got GongHoed again.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
2 stones, but I ain't complaining.


Basically I ran into the same problem again in round 1, but rounds 2 and 4 went well until skyfall Haku combos gibbed each of them. Finally ran out of stalling time on 5 and had to eat stones to get Gravity down to 2 turns remaining. Went into boss wave and stalled with Orochi, game over once Gravity was up as expected.
I managed to 0 stone Legend using Umi and Yama late last night (too scared to try my balance team). It would have cost me stones if I didn't bring Echidna. The only guy on my friends list that uses Umi/Yama hasn't popped up yet today for me to try mythical. No drop on Legendary, but I'm happy to have it completed. Will gladly throw a few stones at Mythical if necessary to have it completed.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I just can't stall for shit. Maybe I'm overextending because I need a heart combo plus 3 others to heal back to full after a demon hit. If I could get a couple hundred more RCV I could do hearts +2 but that's less orbs being cycled and I think I'd just run into orb trolling issues. Not really sure how to fix it really, short of skilling up my Hera(s). I could bring Siren or Drawn Joker as a heart maker, but that means no Orochi (and I needed Echidna twice to help stall on the way), plus neither is max-skilled.

It was easier to stall vs. Elysion in wave 2 because he has so much more hp even if he does hit harder. Same with the mechdragon in wave 4. I was stalling fine in each until skyfall combos dropped for 500+k each.

Oh well, at least it's done. Now I have to take a couple weeks and just rank up so I have enough team cost to even think about evolving Hera-Is. 60 cost is insane.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I managed to 0 stone Legend using Umi and Yama late last night (too scared to try my balance team). It would have cost me stones if I didn't bring Echidna. The only guy on my friends list that uses Umi/Yama hasn't popped up yet today for me to try mythical. No drop on Legendary, but I'm happy to have it completed. Will gladly throw a few stones at Mythical if necessary to have it completed.
I'm in California so can't really refresh today but will try to if you need an U&Y or Horus


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So I'll keep deleting the data file, until I roll something good. I didn't know that all were still available just at al lower percent. I'm going to conquer this REM raid boss damn it!!
I'm in California so can't really refresh today but will try to if you need an U&Y or Horus
Thanks, but don't worry about it. If I need a U&Y I can always find one via the Facebook group. Right now I'm actually about to attempt Mythical with a Robin/Bastet team. I Robin'd my way through Athena with 1 stone, so maybe I can do the same here.

Edit: Just got around to finishing the dungeon. Managed to finish with 1 stone. I know I got lucky a few times, and only screwed up on Hera herself. I managed to get her HP down before she got her first turn (thanks again, Echidna!), so she did her first turn bind, followed by her low HP bind, and my stone use when when my whole team was bound (expect Odin). Probably could have 0 stoned it if I had taken another Robin instead of Bastet, who I thought would make things safer, somehow.


Super Gold Descended... dropped 5 stones (better than a REM roll) and managed to max level my Athena after getting a SUPER!! on 5 kings and store up 12 supers for future use.

Still waiting for the twinlit evo's to go live on US side... HORUS DEMANDS LIGHT!!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
wishing theyd do a non super gold run for once, sitting on a dozen gold pengdras waiting to get evod to max my light gods crew.


Yeah... but with PAL point spam and running dragons of the tower for 3 stam during stone refreshes... I get enough of the little golds in box...

Whereas I can always make room for more kings/supers!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Mathed it out, started super golds with zero stam. Used a stone, which I very rarely do for stam(twice ever). Ran 2 and had the exp set so I'd level from a run of Tower to the Sky stage 5 after a half hour or so. Then I got distracted until 8:03 and missed the second half of my plan. I am a dumb.

Oh well, got Kirin evo'd and leveled up some at least.