Puzzles and Dragons


Which brings me to my question: how the hell do I beat Legend? I don't have a UFO v.2, or even Ra/Bane. Is double Gravity + sweeping my only real option to kill the dragon in time? Only way I can field a team with both Awoken Hera and Hera-Is in it would be to replace Orochi with Hera-Is and drop RK down to a dub-Mythlit to make the team cost work. That leaves me with a little less than 13k HP and 2200 RCV.

Alternatively, I was thinking about something like Jester Dragon, Drawn Joker / RK / RK / Echidna / Lilith / Ao's D/D Hades. That works out to ~12k HP and ~2000 RCV, which I believe is enough to survive if I activate RK for the boss. What happens after you survive the Annihilating Light? Does he start counting down again, or does he just start hitting every round for 7290 (or 729 since I have DJ+Hades and would be chaining RK's)? I considered using SoD Luci friend lead, but I think that would be a problem on the trash due to the demons being able to bind Luci because he has light sub?
SoD Luci friend shouldnt be a problem, considering you can pretty much stall forever on rounds 1 and 5... then run Jester, Hera-Is, Hera, Vampire, Echidna, SoD Friend.

Dont finish round 6 until you have at least 3 dark and 3 blue orbs on the board and SAVE those orbs for the boss! You can use LOLCannon to finish off round 6 if you want.

Round 1 35HP
Double Gravity -> 18(rounding?)
LoLCannon(if its up) -> 17 HP
match 3 dark orbs, 12HP,

Round 2
match 3 dark orbs, 7,

Round 3
match 3 dark orbs, 2hp

Note: You have Jester + Vampire available. this will turn Light to Heart and Heart to Dark. Use this combo on turn 2 or 3 and try to get 6 dark orbs from it!

Note: You still need about 3 sources of non dark dmg... so matching a set or blue or red orbs is also useful!


<WoW Guild Officer>
SoD Luci friend shouldnt be a problem, considering you can pretty much stall forever on rounds 1 and 5... then run Jester, Hera-Is, Hera, Vampire, Echidna, SoD Friend.

Dont finish round 6 until you have at least 3 dark and 3 blue orbs on the board and SAVE those orbs for the boss! You can use LOLCannon to finish off round 6 if you want.

Round 1 35HP
Double Gravity -> 18(rounding?)
LoLCannon(if its up) -> 17 HP
match 3 dark orbs, 12HP,

Round 2
match 3 dark orbs, 7,

Round 3
match 3 dark orbs, 2hp

Note: You have Jester + Vampire available. this will turn Light to Heart and Heart to Dark. Use this combo on turn 2 or 3 and try to get 6 dark orbs from it!

Note: You still need about 3 sources of non dark dmg... so matching a set or blue or red orbs is also useful!
No light orbs since it's Mystic Dark though

the problem is he needs to hit 9/8/8 for dmg sources, and he's only got 8. So he needs another gravity to bring that down. Unless he can use RK, then it's 7/6/6/6 and he's fine. I don't even know what happens after the cataclysmic hit comes. Is it 102k every turn after, or does it countdown again, or does he hit normal after?


just introed a coworker to the game (god help both of us).

Any suggestions for starter god? I have him rerolling, first was a titan (womp womp). Was hoping he'd pull Isis or something easy-to-use.
Other than Lucifer:

I really like blue/light hermes -- he allows for some well-rounded blue and yellow teams: Hermes, Amaterasu, Kirin, Hera-Is, etc..can even stack Lucifer in there.

Amaterasu makes the game easy at first, and eventually she can be switched to a nice sub.

Kirin is definitely a keeper, but there is a skill curve to her.

Baal makes many of the early dungeons a cakewalk and then becomes an ok sub.


WOMP WOMP WOMP, no light haha.

Mah bad!

His sources:

DJ (dark/blue)
Hera-Is (blue/dark)
Hera (Dark)
Echidna (Red)
RK (Dark)
SOD (Dark)
(Gravity#1 10HP)
(Gravity#2 7HP)
(LOLCannon 1HP)
Why do you think he needs to hit 9 8 8?
35 - 10 - 7 -1 = 17HP after premptive shield + skills.

Match 3 Dark orbs for 5 sources, 12 HP Boss says 3
Match 3 Dark orbs for 5 sources, 7 HP Boss says 2
Match 3 Dark orbs for 5 sources, 2 HP Boss says 1
Match 3 dark orbs for 5 sources, collect gold egg

My brain might be scrambled... but pretty sure thats how it would work out...

I maxxed my Persephone already or I would happily run the dungeon again right now to verify :p


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I went ahead and did it with: D/B Drawn Joker / RK / RK / Echidna / Siren / D/D Hades. Completely trivial, first WW round I got charmed with Echidna left active and Menaced, second WW round I timed an RK on the turn I brought her below 30%, and the boss wave actually allows 4 turns to kill not 3. So, Gravity, 8, 8, 8, 1, dead.

I didn't bring double gravity because I would have had to sacrifice a RK to get Hera or Hera-Is in there and still be under my team cost cap (116). Siren should probably have been AB Bluebird or Lilith just to speed up the WW kill on round 5; I never actually needed to make hearts with her.

Thanks for the tips. I guess I should run it twice more this weekend to awaken Nebradisk, eh?


Skilling up Nebradisk could be useful too... but if you dont have persephone, you can get nebras skillups from other colors as well... (Light dragon has Apollo skillups, Green Dragon has green angel skillup, Blue dragon has blue angel skillups, Red dragon has red angel skillups)


<WoW Guild Officer>
WOMP WOMP WOMP, no light haha.

Mah bad!

His sources:

DJ (dark/blue)
Hera-Is (blue/dark)
Hera (Dark)
Echidna (Red)
RK (Dark)
SOD (Dark)
(Gravity#1 10HP)
(Gravity#2 7HP)
(LOLCannon 1HP)
Why do you think he needs to hit 9 8 8?
35 - 10 - 7 -1 = 17HP after premptive shield + skills.

Match 3 Dark orbs for 5 sources, 12 HP Boss says 3
Match 3 Dark orbs for 5 sources, 7 HP Boss says 2
Match 3 Dark orbs for 5 sources, 2 HP Boss says 1
Match 3 dark orbs for 5 sources, collect gold egg

My brain might be scrambled... but pretty sure thats how it would work out...

I maxxed my Persephone already or I would happily run the dungeon again right now to verify :p
9/8/8 is for single gravity team. But if you get four rounds it's 8/8/8/1+


Golden Squire
Challenge mode will be interesting if for no other reason than you will probably see some people leave up 'non-standard' leaders for pal points just to fill out teams (e.g. I plan on slow-rolling with my max awoken BOdin soon as it hits since there are a billion teams that want him, even though his leader skill sucks). At least I hope that is the case.. as fun as it would be to run all Luci and all Valk teams...

You do get PAL points in Challenge mode? If not... ugh.


PADherder got an update: added the start of a friends list:Visit someone else's page and click the 'Add friend' button in the header thing. This doesn't do much right now, just lets you quickly visit their page via the dropdown in the nav bar. In future it will let you get team stats with their specific monster as friend leader, honest!

Just started updating for the first time in a while. Reminds me how much money I threw away last summer:http://www.padherder.com/user/recalcitrant/


I can't say that I have noticed any difference on friends list due to challenge mode...

I haven't attempted challenge mode for the 99stam dungeons yet... not sure what teams would work well for that.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Mine be here, mostly up to date. Missing a few levels on monsters here and there.

BTW any of you using Kirin, please add me.


Now that I've got her evo'd and somewhat leveled I need a lot more of her to use. Have like 2 occasional users on my list. Haven't gone out and hunted down more yet.


Mine be here, mostly up to date. Missing a few levels on monsters here and there.

BTW any of you using Kirin, please add me.


Now that I've got her evo'd and somewhat leveled I need a lot more of her to use. Have like 2 occasional users on my list. Haven't gone out and hunted down more yet.
Invite sent. My Kirin is evo'd and level 43 at the moment. If I'm not practicing with her or trying to level her subs, I'm usually running Lucipher or Hermes. If I can get some luck with dubtopalitz, I'll get a Light Dominion Raphael up.

Here's the complete list:PADherder: coldherder - Monsters

If you want anything just holler.


Golden Squire
New red odin looks to be a fire mirror of blue but with a poison and 6X Awoken slots (including 3 for skill boost like blue). Interesting that they are adding poison to red, mixing it up a bit now that they broke the mode with adding delays to black.


Golden Squire
10X poison is unheard of as well.. even Neptune is only 5X. Be a lot of teams looking to add him as a sub.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Finally getting my shot at Two Heroes tomorrow, and I need to get at least one of each.

Anyone see a flaw in: Haku / RK / CDK / Hera-Is / Echidna / Haku ?

I don't plan to charge Gravity, only Echidna and Haku. Hera-Is is just my best blue stat stick. I can take a Berserk hit with about 100 hp left to spare, and I'm confident that I can blow up them both with just orb changes. More concerned about the vamps than the bosses, tbh.

Red Odin: DO WANT. I assume he's going to be added to the godfest-only list? Sounds like godfests will suck less in the future at least. They reduced the drop chance of all the 3* shit that shouldn't even be in the REM list to begin with. Figures it happens a week after people probably spent an ungodly amount of money on stones for the PC fest.