Puzzles and Dragons


<WoW Guild Officer>
Haha holy shit, I didn't know Susanoo's busty got balance. Fuck yeah my Leeks will do something worthwhile!

Honestly, the best part about the team is the 9x for Blue/Purple/Yellow makes it easy to clear off smaller enemies while saving up turns/greens/hearts.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Shiva,Catwoman BAO,Phoenix Knight, 2 demon,1 divine,1 red evo mask
Bastet,Puzzdroid,Keeper of forest,Dragon fruit,Dragon flower,divine mask, green evo mask, emerald pendraga,2 dragon seed
2 Tamadra,Dragonrider,Dub-topalit,Amaterasu,Present egg,Keeper of light,
Incarnation of Bayakko,Haku ,Mythlit,black knight, coupel masks

thats whats on my tablet, phone is dead and I'll post that later on if you could help that as well


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Haku + 2*dub-mythlit + dub-sapphlit + dub-rubylit + Haku friend will take you a long way and the team cost is practically nil. Bastet would work too, if you can cover the other four colors with dub's, then you just use friend Bastet or Horus for easy farming. Next you'll want a rainbow keeper, a naga, and some orb-changers (mystic knights, vampire, titan, etc.).

Dub's come from the Friday dungeon on expert. With your box, I would probably do them with red ogre + 3*red masks + Shiva + friend Amaterasu. All you do is stall for 22 turns while storing up red orbs, then pop Shiva and sweep all the way to the end. You can beat the wednesday mask dungeon on expert with that team easily too.

Edit: You should evolve and max level your present egg too. If it's red or blue it's a good sub for Haku or Bastet, if green then only for Bastet. Once you don't need it as a sub anymore, it's worth 1.5 million xp to one of your gods (so I hope you got a green one as Bastet is probably your best use of that much xp in one hit). If it's red I suggest you hold onto it to feed to EoS Echidna once you get a naga and evolve her all the way.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just sharing a goofy comp video I stumbled on from a pretty boss Anubis player I also stumbled on.

Yeah, +3.5 seconds of move time(3 from Yomis, .5 from Anubis. Ranger unawoken or would add .5 more)) is ridiculous.


As for Balance, it's probably my favorite of my 3 shitty quarter-assed 9x teams(devil healer also). Can take a hit unlike Valk, and can heal up after unlike Hera-Ur. But I've never put any real focus on these(don't have a king shynee/baddie/woodie even), and right now most of my grinding is focused on my Kirin team.

edit: Another goofy one. This guy does some descends with a team full of Awoken and highly +'d Goemons. Pretty impressive HP control.

Speaking of HP control, we're supposed to be getting some kind of visual indicator eventually for when HP dependent leader skills are available. Until then here's this wee lil' guide in case it hasn't been posted yet.


edit: Watching more videos from the guy that did the first one posted, he's a GD PAD robot. I wish all his videos were 720p, because they're stupid impressive. He runs Ra with none of the usual delayed planning stage, triggering him without any time spent planning. As soon as he can move the orbs he's going and getting it at will.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So... here's a pretty damned useful team, been doing a lot of farming with it, I prefer it over my Bastet God team. Feels like it has better potential to take to extreme levels, except where light/dark are limited..

Yomi, Izanagi, Verche, Light Metatron (hoping she gets buffed soon), Dark Metatron (swapping to light/light ra when it's available in the u.s.), Yomi. 80% chance of dropped enhanced light orbs is pretty killer and I get massive time to set up combos each and every round. I can also swap in Bastet if/when I ever need Mass attack.

I'd definitely throw stones at the Baskin Robbins Collab if it ever comes to the states, I'd not only be skilling up Bastet, but also both Gyps and Arthur, which would be pretty killer if I decide to make Dark Meta a staple in my lineup.

I mean, I like Parvati Artemis Yomi Izanagi as subs on a double bastet team, but no enhance makes bursting harder so I'll mostly use that team with Athena friends, but I don't have many of them. and it'd be aweful nice to have ANY kind of bind immunity (too many stones spent on twinlits descended last week) Yomi, in general, is just a better leader than Bastet, but it'd be nice if Parvati had an ultimate evo.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Watching more videos from the guy that did the first one posted, he's a GD PAD robot. I wish all his videos were 720p, because they're stupid impressive. He runs Ra with none of the usual delayed planning stage, triggering him without any time spent planning. As soon as he can move the orbs he's going and getting it at will.
I'm betting he uses some sort of script. There's just no way to memorize that amount of possible combinations/board setups.


Well fuck Df~ I don't know. Is anyone here using them? Do they like them? Do the non IAP players that don't roll during Godfests like them for Descends? Seems like plenty of people on the other P&D forum are using them for plenty of the descends with 0 stones. For fucks sake I like you guys more than random scrubs there and appreciate the community. What would you rather talk about? Guess we can go back to glib one liners and just continue telling everyone without a Luci to fuck themselves and have fun hating the game.
If limiting the choices to non IAP then the discussion of subs for teams gets very very narrow. If the question of the 9x teams is viability...

9x teams with low to no IAP (including devil, balance, attacker, healer, but maybe not physical) suffer from the same issues... they cant have it all. Either the team lacks HP or lacks RCV. Sure, there are videos of people 0stoning content with any team... its doable.

Orb changers are great... but their returns on usefulness are related to your matching ability . If you only match 12 orbs per turn, an orb change could get you 7 more orbs of your color! If you are matching 21 orbs per turn, an orb change will likely only get you 3 more. My reasoning behind this is if you are matching 12 orbs, its very likely you will be focusing on your main color and leaving behind hearts and your off color on the board. With 18 unused orbs per turn the rate at which the neglected colors will accumulate increases. With only 9 unused orbs, it is unlikely for them to be of any specific color over 5 turns, thus leaving you with 21 orbs with 1/6 chance to be changeable.

=at upper ends of the game, two things are used to dramatically increase damage. 1.Awoken +orbs and 2.Awoken +dmg when matching 3 horizontal. Orb changers only effect #2.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That reminds me, I'd really love to try a beefy Satan team with his 3 dark row enhance awakens. I didn't realize that if you get 2 separate rows it's double the bonus to that color. So with 2 Satans matching 2 rows is 2.2x dark damage that turn. I think.

Unfortunately I kind of suck at doing the separate rows. Always leave a connector between them when I try it with reds(Freyr has 2x that).


Dark and Blue Valks are coming to the REM Friday. And mystic beasts(Griffon/Kraken etc) are getting added to the PAL machine. Also high gold dragons, 2nd tier ogres, D/L ogres, mid/low ninjas, and fey creatures(Kelpie, treant etc) to PAL.

Also the 2% color resist awoken is getting buffed. No ides what to, but I'd guess 4 or 5%.


Challenge Mode on JP side is funny depending on friends list...

Going in with a 6 fully awoken satans on most content is just LOL


Challenge Mode on JP side is funny depending on friends list...

Going in with a 6 max level satans on most content is just LOL

Awoken skills dont work in challenge mode... but still good fun.

Double Satan Full Awoken leaders is a blast too!


<WoW Guild Officer>
My challenge mode teams will end up being Bastet WRV WRV Bastet WRV Bastet give my friends list is literally 1/2 valks or bastets


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
360 days later and still haven't learned to not play this at 4:30am when I wake up. 100 STA down the drain being a doofus on Flame Mech Legend just sleepily screwing up U&Y combos.


Challenge mode does not "use up" Friend leaders... Meaning you can run the same challenge team over and over and over from your friends list. Same as the endless corridors friendslist.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Anyone else get their 1year mail? I got two, two super king gold dragons... I want some stones assholes!


Lord Nagafen Raider
I got my one-year bonus on new years eve. According to the wiki, all we got left now is 400 days-10 stones;450 days-5 stones; and 500 days-10 stones.


<WoW Guild Officer>
just introed a coworker to the game (god help both of us).

Any suggestions for starter god? I have him rerolling, first was a titan (womp womp). Was hoping he'd pull Isis or something easy-to-use.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider

I think for someone just starting and not worrying too much about late game(Lucifer!) Bastet would be the best god to start.

Just managed Flame Mech on Legend with my clunky Kirin team(70 max skill Echidna, 25 9 turn WR Valk, 50 blue golem(to over a couple one shot damages), and 67 awoken Yomi for move time/CTW). I burned a stone when I got shit orbs on a simple devil/ogre stage 8. Must have had 15 greens on that fucking screen after 2 large clear moves to try and get 3 fucking blues to show up.

I am loving Kirin. Need to dump a bunch of exp in to Hera-Is and plug her in(OOH chaining this weekend will take care of that). I only realized after putting this team together that I do not have a light mystic knight at all, I must have fed him at some point. Swear I had one. Though honestly I kind of really like having Yomi and her move extend awokens in there. I'm maybe not the most efficient orb mover, some of the moves I make would not happen without that extra second move time.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I beat Disc of Ephemeris - Master last night using my standard Haku team: Haku / Echidna / Orochi / Hera / RK / Haku. I stalled on rounds 1, 5, and 6; used Echidna on 5 and Orochi on 6 so that I could finish getting Gravity ready without having to worry about healing. Without Orochi it would have been difficult just because it's hard to stall with Haku for long without getting D/R/B matches from skyfall when light orbs are gone.

Which brings me to my question: how the hell do I beat Legend? I don't have a UFO v.2, or even Ra/Bane. Is double Gravity + sweeping my only real option to kill the dragon in time? Only way I can field a team with both Awoken Hera and Hera-Is in it would be to replace Orochi with Hera-Is and drop RK down to a dub-Mythlit to make the team cost work. That leaves me with a little less than 13k HP and 2200 RCV.

Alternatively, I was thinking about something like Jester Dragon, Drawn Joker / RK / RK / Echidna / Lilith / Ao's D/D Hades. That works out to ~12k HP and ~2000 RCV, which I believe is enough to survive if I activate RK for the boss. What happens after you survive the Annihilating Light? Does he start counting down again, or does he just start hitting every round for 7290 (or 729 since I have DJ+Hades and would be chaining RK's)? I considered using SoD Luci friend lead, but I think that would be a problem on the trash due to the demons being able to bind Luci because he has light sub?

Any suggestions for starter god?
Speaking as someone still fairly new and knowing what I know now, my top 3 starters would be Bastet, Horus, and Haku with Luci as a no-brainer to keep if by some miracle it happens. Blue carnival ends today, so I'd be hoping that dark carnival starts up right after.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
1 gravity will knock 10 HP off him I believe. So you have 4 turns to do 25 hits after that. Should be a piece of cake.

edit: Oh, you have zero dual elements in there. Hmmmmm. Yeah, 2nd gravity is gonna be a big deal.