Quake Champions


Trakanon Raider
I went 65/11 in a sacrifice match with friends then they retired from Quake again. Like Dota, and Rocket League before it, my casual friends just can't hang in Quake. They had to go crawl around as bush wookies instead. But if you're an old school Quake god, come back, its worth fragging scrubs in quake. Also some good challenging games too. 42/10 in a 8 man FFA, so fun.

It's pretty great initiating newbs on demand.


Hahaha, that's how I'm feeling. Quake feels right at home, although I never played Q4 and am having an insane amount of trouble getting used to Slashes crouch sliding, gonna take some time.

I feel like the new game mode of course you can still be a god in, but it offers itself up to new players pretty well imo. I'm glad they're sort of closing that gap because before playing quake as a new player and just getting absolutely shut the fuck down in every single game is probably a big reason why the only people that continued to play quake are the people that have been playing it for 12 years lol
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Trakanon Raider
The matchmaker and the skill algorithm behind the scenes are key here. Assuming critical mass of players. No multiplayer game can honestly survive today if new players can't get shuffled into new player safe spaces. Games with extremely high skill ceilings without a matchmaker are destined to die these days, its just a requirement.

More than anything Quake Champions should be the first well supported arena shooter that can shuttle newbies through the ranks to god tier. I hope the player base is stable enough to keep it populated. I wish it was on Steam and not inside Bethesda's launcher.

I never played Q4 for a second, Q3/Qlive very very sporadically, and I detested Q2's anemic rockets. I'm pooping on people with more or less my Q1 skills resurrect, its really super satisfying when the announcer calls you a Rocket Launcher God. Only the Aspie Quakelords you mention above kick my shit in, but at least I can hang around in those games.
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Trakanon Raider
This beta phase is until the 21st, I think its open to anyone now. I have no idea on dates beyond that.

There is room for two more game modes to be added in the play screen yet. They are up to 4/6.


Rapha was also saying apparently there's supposed to be up to 3 more characters on launch as well which is p cool


Trakanon Raider
The matchmaker and the skill algorithm behind the scenes are key here. Assuming critical mass of players. No multiplayer game can honestly survive today if new players can't get shuffled into new player safe spaces. Games with extremely high skill ceilings without a matchmaker are destined to die these days, its just a requirement.

More than anything Quake Champions should be the first well supported arena shooter that can shuttle newbies through the ranks to god tier. I hope the player base is stable enough to keep it populated. I wish it was on Steam and not inside Bethesda's launcher.

I never played Q4 for a second, Q3/Qlive very very sporadically, and I detested Q2's anemic rockets. I'm pooping on people with more or less my Q1 skills resurrect, its really super satisfying when the announcer calls you a Rocket Launcher God. Only the Aspie Quakelords you mention above kick my shit in, but at least I can hang around in those games.
The title keeps surprising me, but I honestly hope they reconsider their presence on Steam, that alone could torpedo any chance of success the game has. Discoverability is huge and I'm not installing another bloody client.


They're not going to. Everyone has to have their own shitty ass client that sucks multiple dicks and that includes Bethesda.

In about 2 or 3 years if the game is struggling they'll release a steam version I'm sure. I wish they would just put it up now.
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Dude I haven't played Anarki since the first test and he feels different now but like in the most amazing way. He was always good, maybe it's just less server lag or something.

But I spent an insane amount of time (like at least 2k hours) playing jump maps in TF2 and just overall having amazing air control, it transfers SO well to that character. I felt fucking unstoppable lmao played 3 or 4 games of TDM with him all with at least a 9:1 KDR

Think I found my main.. until they fix rockets and I start getting directed constantly (which btw they're fixing rocket/nailgun delay!)


Trakanon Raider
Nowadays publisher do not want share revenues with steam anymore, so they go with there own shitty launcher, like here for Q champion. Look at Destiny PC, not on steam but Blizzard.net...


Trakanon Raider
Nowadays publisher do not want share revenues with steam anymore, so they go with there own shitty launcher, like here for Q champion. Look at Destiny PC, not on steam but Blizzard.net...
Blizzard is at least tolerable since everybody plays something from them and their teething phase with Bnet ID and region lock bullshit is mostly over. It's unintrusive and works.


Steam is ultimately the copout when the game is failing later on after launch. I feel like Quake will do very well (in Arena shooters anyways) but with no mapping the game isn't going to last as long as Q3, etc.


Trakanon Raider
I could see it lasting a very long time. This needs to be a supported product, like rocket league, dota, or league. If they are not either remaking old maps, or releasing new ones, improving game modes and performance. Social interaction in the client. They will definitely fail. This is not the type of product you can make these days and leave when it launches. They want this game to be a revenue stream like the other F2P titles with cosmetic hats that make piles of cash. To do that right is to do that right, anything less is a doomed game.
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Fully agree if they continue to support it. I've read that they're using Maya (3d program) to build entire levels which isn't obscure or anything, but that's the main reason I think we'll never have any form of mapping. It really just comes down to if they can actively support the game in 3 years unlike what they did with Quake Live.

slightly related: they mentioned the issue with projectiles (rockets and nailgun) feels like shit is it's currently tied to client side and to solve the issue they're making it server side instead. So there shouldn't be a delay and you might actually be able to dodge rockets. I assume that also means server lag is going to impact that gamestyle even more but we'll see what happens. I can't wait though.

I also can't wait for the release already