I watched "Higher Power" on Hulu recently and really enjoyed it. The acting is definitely not going to impress anyone but I liked the concept.

Guy on my team in Iraq was like this, but for shitty slasher movies, mainly Rob Zombie/Michael Meyers movies. This mother fucker would fuck us all over by downloading said movies over our shitty satellite connection. Fucker would take a week to download a movie all the while killing the connection making it unusable as he would be the one hogging all the bandwidth. Worst of all we paid out the ass for this connection $300 or so a month and it wasnt like there wasnt a shortage of movies. We had literally hundreds of movies at our fingertips to watch but nope this fucker wanted to watch rob zombie movies.My coworker watches literally every shitty zombie movie that Netflix, Prime, etc. shoves in his face. And he likes most of them, even the absolute shit ones. He's also what I'd consider lukewarm IQ, but a super nice guy so I try not to crap all over the movies he wants me to watch too hard. Often I just straight up tell him that it doesn't sound like it would interest me, and I have too much other shit I would rather watch. He kinda gets hurt at times if he particularly liked it, but whatever.
Go watch Bullets of Justice and tell me that I'm wrong.it also sounds like you should never be in the lockerroom alone w/ your co-worker
are you trying to drag me down in your movie shit hole? nope you get the honor of being the only FOH'er that has watched that horrible movieGo watch Bullets of Justice and tell me that I'm wrong.
Guy on my team in Iraq was like this, but for shitty slasher movies, mainly Rob Zombie/Michael Meyers movies. This mother fucker would fuck us all over by downloading said movies over our shitty satellite connection. Fucker would take a week to download a movie all the while killing the connection making it unusable as he would be the one hogging all the bandwidth. Worst of all we paid out the ass for this connection $300 or so a month and it wasnt like there wasnt a shortage of movies. We had literally hundreds of movies at our fingertips to watch but nope this fucker wanted to watch rob zombie movies.
Also wtf man
lol, 20 yr old me would definitely watch that. they missed an opportunity to have cow people as their allies too. it definitely looks better produced than the bad movies i watched as a young person.
damn, all the movies they called terrible back in the day are now considered classics. i couldnt tell anyone about Chopping Mall or Deadly Friend or Maniac Cop or even the Exterminator without getting looks like there was something wrong with me. now its like, "oh that movie rocks dude!". definitely a shift in thought since then.Chopping mall is awesome and Frankenhooker is an underappreciated classic.
They are terrible, but they were made with drive and passion. People took what they had and made movies better than the sum of their parts. These movies are awesome BECAUSE they are not "good films" but what they manage is something that modern movie makers have forgotten;damn, all the movies they called terrible back in the day are now considered classics. i couldnt tell anyone about Chopping Mall or Deadly Friend or Maniac Cop or even the Exterminator without getting looks like there was something wrong with me. now its like, "oh that movie rocks dude!". definitely a shift in thought since then.
lol ok here is another that takes is to a whole other level... need my hand held past lvl 4 by the way
You should give this a watch.Holy shit.
I went for a nostalgia trip and watched: Red Sonja
I'm pretty sure I watched it the once when it was first out on VHS. I can remember from then that the best parts were whenever Arnold was on screen. Being heavily into D & D there was a hope that sword and sorcery films would become a main film genre, this was a stepping stone despite being flawed. #didnthappen
I'll give it 2 / 10
Brigette Nielsen is such a crappy actor. Cringe watching her scenes. They have a young asian kid playing the Prince, he might be only slightly better than her, but their scenes together are terrible. I think back in the day my teenage self thought Brigette was one of the hottest things on the planet, so this all slipped by ( now knowing the train-wreck she became has killed my boner )
Oh yeah and the dialogue is so clunky with bad exposition thrown in where no one would be saying that - feels so jarringly un natural. It's worth watching for laughs at the script mostly.
In truth to my earlier self, the best parts are when Arnold is on screen. He was at the growing part of his career and was radiating personality.
I read up about the film after watching it, turns out Arnold was conned into his role. He was told it was a cameo, he'd film for less than a week. Turns out he was there for a month and his character was the second main character. He ended his 10 film contract with de Laurentis as a result. However he did get to plow hot young Brigette.