Woah, that's the same guy? I remember the UFC event, but I had no idea he was that actor, nor that he did all that heinous shit.Joe Son. You can also watch him getting his nuts destroyed at one of the earliest UFC events.
Woah, that's the same guy? I remember the UFC event, but I had no idea he was that actor, nor that he did all that heinous shit.Joe Son. You can also watch him getting his nuts destroyed at one of the earliest UFC events.
D'onofrio had some issues back in the 2000s. he might have even been given the kiss of death label "difficult to work with" which is worse than being labelled a conservative.I would probably opt to just watch the original if it hurts the film, because if I go into it with a fresh mind, and imagine this kind of dropping out of the blue (which it did rofl), I start to crack up just at the madness of the whole entire opening dance idea.
And the follow ups still can easily get me too.
I watched The Cell. That movie reminds you, J-Lo is an adrenochrome QUEEN, and that before he sunk his entire personality into playing "COPE DUDE!" on TV, Vincent D'Onofrio could have easily turned into a Christopher Plummer type character. A horror veteran type. Because his charatcer was evil as fuck.
But he did not. He "copped" out.
Holy fuck, the poor guy actually had to work.D'onofrio had some issues back in the 2000s. he might have even been given the kiss of death label "difficult to work with" which is worse than being labelled a conservative.
Things began to unravel for D’Onofrio in season four, the year he collapsed from exhaustion, because not only was he filming 23 episodes a year, he was in nearly every scene of the show. “I had to stay ahead two days on dialogue. To actually have to be learning scenes two days before you shoot them while you’re shooting other scenes that you learned two days before that.”![]()
Vincent D’Onofrio On His ’Law & Order: Criminal Intent’ Reputation
In what he describes as the worst time of his life, D’Onofrio admits that he scarred some of his co-workers for life.uproxx.com
On top of that, D’Onofrio also lost his sister and his step-dad during that time. In fact, his sister died while reading a letter to her dead step-dad. “She had an aneurysm and died … [Criminal Intent] wouldn’t even allow me to go to the services. They wouldn’t give me any time. So, I had a lot of anger, and angst, and total exhaustion.” On top of that, D’Onofrio’s relationship with his wife at the time was “f*cked, because we never saw each other.”
“There’s not a lot of things I deserve in life, but I deserve a trophy for [getting through] that period of time.”
He added that, at least with respect to his time as an actor on Criminal Intent, he gained something of a bad reputation because he was so unhappy on the set. “I really pushed it so far on Criminal Intent that the people I worked with are scarred for life … I think I’ve affected some of those people in a way that they’ll never recover. I think they talk sh*t about me. I don’t think they want to, but it’s involuntary. It’s like a seizure,” like PTSD, D’Onofrio explained.
He was carrying what was supposed to be an ensemble show.Holy fuck, the poor guy actually had to work.
The poor fucking bastard;
On top of that many episodes. Shows have burned out many actors.He was carrying what was supposed to be an ensemble show.
yea i doubt SAG or whatever would have said, tough luck, no double funeral for youShe had an aneurysm and died … [Criminal Intent] wouldn’t even allow me to go to the services. They wouldn’t give me any time. So, I had a lot of anger, and angst, and total exhaustion.” On top of that, D’Onofrio’s relationship with his wife at the time was “f*cked, because we never saw each other.”
an obese dead guy is hanging upside down like a slab of beef in a butchery, and the good guy is hiding on the butthole side and the bad guy is on the dick side. So what does the good guy do? Stick the gun (long pointy barrel type) into the dead guy's asshole and into the dick, like he's getting an erection, and shoot the bad guy through the dickhole. I mean, come the fuck on.
Alita Battle Angel. Disney big-eyes on a terminator girl, with plotholes to match. Manga originally. Has Christoph Waltz. Speed Ball 2 Brutal Deluxe is the core entertainment. I wish I’d seen it in the cinema, cgi looks good. I’ll give it a solid 7-11, tasty snack when you’re hungover, no wish for a rewatch.
just an fyi, because the movie comes close.. but doesn't quite get to where it needs to in explanations.Vivarium -. It seemed to be a remake of a twilight zone episode. Moved too slow and it's full of wtf but not actually terrible. 6/10. Needed more wtf.
I am careful about how badly I shit on his movies, but this one is just too far. If I had to choose, I would watch nothing but GLOW for the rest of my life over this fucking movie. Feel free to watch it yourself and see if I'm overreacting! Make sure you watch all the way to the "twist" ending!-10/10 stars??? My jaw would of dropped at how bad-its genius/good- that scene was. You got to admit that is very creative, i'd of been howling.
Please be nicer to your friend, especially if he is kinda slow and gets his feelings hurt easily. I think thats kinda endearing that he is a zombie film nut and gets excited about it. Just take yourself back to jr. high, when you and the bros would talk about all the crazy shit that went down on sunday night WWE or GLOW.
lol, that sounds like me in my teens and early 20s. i watched all manner of shit that i could find at the local video rental store. i didnt go around bragging about it though. i knew i was watching shitty movies.My coworker watches literally every shitty zombie movie that Netflix, Prime, etc. shoves in his face. And he likes most of them, even the absolute shit ones. He's also what I'd consider lukewarm IQ, but a super nice guy so I try not to crap all over the movies he wants me to watch too hard. Often I just straight up tell him that it doesn't sound like it would interest me, and I have too much other shit I would rather watch. He kinda gets hurt at times if he particularly liked it, but whatever.
The other day he comes in and tells me he watched one of the most disturbing movies ever. And he really wants me to watch it so we can discuss it. I say, direct quote, "But what if it really sucks, and I hate you for making me watch it?" And he says, but there's nudity, including full frontal, and Danny Trejo is in it even!, and just a ton of crazy disturbing shit. I'm like, if I want full frontal I'll just go to Pornhub, and Danny Trejo does not inspire me that it is a good move, is the movie truly disturbing, like Martyrs or Antichrist, or just shitty and going for shock value? He has no idea what Martyrs or Antichrist are, but assures me that it is so disturbing that I'll want to watch it and discuss it with him. I even bring up the fact that what he considers bad ass is nowhere near what I do, like the scene in Riddick where he bicycle kicks a knife across the room into a guy's head. He raved about that, literally one of the first things he mentioned when talking about Riddick, while I thought it was insanely stupid.
So I watch it. It is called Bullets of Justice. I almost stopped 5 minutes in, but I said fuck it, I'm going all in. It is literally the worst movie I've ever watched. -10/10 stars. It was filled with painful acting, painful dialogue, full frontal MALE nudity (some female, but CLEARLY body doubles, they even "glitch" once to make sure you realize it (my coworker didn't, of course)), I mean lots of dicks, including obese fat guy dicks, a nonsensical plot, shitty color washing, and then a "twist" at the end that has to be the product of an actual retard. And a bicycle kick of a clip into a guy's head...I mean, it was like I was having a prophetic vision.
When I came in and told him that was the worst movie I've ever seen, he tried to backpedal and say he hated it too, but wanted to talk about the crazy shit they did, like (spoiler alert, but you should never watch it anyway) an obese dead guy is hanging upside down like a slab of beef in a butchery, and the good guy is hiding on the butthole side and the bad guy is on the dick side. So what does the good guy do? Stick the gun (long pointy barrel type) into the dead guy's asshole and into the dick, like he's getting an erection, and shoot the bad guy through the dickhole. I mean, come the fuck on. So for the last few days he's been butthurt that I am mad at him for "misunderstanding" that he hated the movie. Bullshit, he didn't hate it, he thought it was "disturbing" which is code for terrible but kinda cool at the same time. And since he is married and doesn't understand how to use the internet on his phone, he never watches porn, so seeing boobs and some bush (or lack thereof) is the height of sexiness for him, even if he has to see a couple dicks along with it.
TL;DR Bullets of Justice, with Danny Trejo, is the worst movie I've ever had the misfortune of seeing. Do not watch it. Whatever intriguing thing you think might make it worth your time, it is not. It is an abomination of shit. Actually, I'd rather watch a video of someone taking an actual shit, in smell-o-vision, than ever watch this movie again.
it also sounds like you should never be in the lockerroom alone w/ your co-workerTL;DR Bullets of Justice, with Danny Trejo, is the worst movie I've ever had the misfortune of seeing. Do not watch it. Whatever intriguing thing you think might make it worth your time, it is not. It is an abomination of shit. Actually, I'd rather watch a video of someone taking an actual shit, in smell-o-vision, than ever watch this movie again.