Recommend a dating site


Mr. Poopybutthole
My wife has a pretty high pitched voice. I definitely noticed it when we first started dating. It didn't bother me, but it was definitely...unique? I've been married for almost a decade though, and I honestly don't even notice it being weird anymore.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Come on, you know men might not care about physical aspects of their body but women obsess about that stuff.

You really cant compare yourself to them unless you've gone full Jerlelys on us and never told us.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
A lot of black women quickmatch me on Okcupid and visit my profile.


Got something right about marriage
I get a decent amount of winks from black women, even a message here and there. But they are all from da hood and probably just lookin for a sucker white boy to buy them fancy shit, like juicy sweatsuits.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, I dont go for that.

Dont get me wrong, I want to summit all 7 peaks of dating but I'll wait for a better specimen to come along.


Still a Music Elitist
You're meeting for coffee in a public place. What are you worried about? Her luring you into a dark alley with her pussy?


Golden Squire
2nd date down with the one from my last post. Wasn't really a date. She came over, we watched Warrior, had sex, went to chilis, slept till I had to go to work.

Disabled my okcupid account. Found a keeper.


I had a really bad break up in March of 2012. I took a few months to try to collect myself and started dating again in July. In that time I've used all 3 of those sites on and off. I've been on what I would estimate as ~40 first dates. Of those I felt compelled to ask about 25 or so on second dates. Of those 25 only one of them didn't want to see me again, but none of those ever lasted more than 2 months and only 2 of them made it that far. I'm starting to get frustrated, exhausted, disenchanted and apathetic towards dating. The amount of women close to my age (30) that still have no direction and haven't established themselves is laughable.
IMO, the problem with online dating is that you start to commoditize the other sex. Something went wrong? There's always another. I have seen my friends make this mistake, but to me, it takes some hard work and sticking your neck out to get from dating to a relationship. Not saying that you, in particular, are doing this, but the girls might be given that they likely receive a lot of attention through those sites.

When I was younger I was very noble and idealistic about dating. When I was 23 I met two girls over the course of a weekend. I liked both, both liked me but I refused to date two women at the same time so I chose one. We dated for 3.5 years and it ended amicably.
Honest question: How do you date for 3.5 years and end up not getting married? I feel like at that point you have long decided whether she is "the one" or not. I've been dating my current gf for 1.5 years and I figured out around the end of year 1 that she was wife material (after the holidays, birthdays, and a cross-country road trip). We have both largely established our identities, being in our late 20's, though.


Musty Nester
Yeah, but if you're the type that's gonna think the grass is always greener you're gonna do that no matter where you're meeting people. Generally that problem is either self-correcting or time renders it moot.


So after being on Match for close to a year and getting my fair share I decided to try Okcupid from this thread. I am using the same tactics and so far it has been slowly working out (I've gotten 2 dates since Sunday). If you haven't tried it yet it is miles and miles better then PoF. For those of you who paid for a sub, are most of your "quick matches" aka people who think your hot, just a bunch of fat women or is it worth it to sub for a month to see who is picking up what your putting down from your pictures?

The Master

Bronze Squire
I haven't tried it, but OKC in addition to the A-list sub also has an option for paying to make your profile appear more frequently. I assume that means in quiver matches, nearer to the top for searches, etc. Considering how much selling anything, including yourself, is exposure that seems like it'd be worth the money if anything was.


Got something right about marriage
IMO, the problem with online dating is that you start to commoditize the other sex. Something went wrong? There's always another. I have seen my friends make this mistake, but to me, it takes some hard work and sticking your neck out to get from dating to a relationship. Not saying that you, in particular, are doing this, but the girls might be given that they likely receive a lot of attention through those sites.

Honest question: How do you date for 3.5 years and end up not getting married? I feel like at that point you have long decided whether she is "the one" or not. I've been dating my current gf for 1.5 years and I figured out around the end of year 1 that she was wife material (after the holidays, birthdays, and a cross-country road trip). We have both largely established our identities, being in our late 20's, though.
Well I was the one who ended it with the girl in every situation but 2 so I think it may be me. Though I don't know if it's a "grass is greener" attitude or I just haven't found anything that excited me. As for the 3.5 years with no marriage. Well, we were very young when we met (I was 23 she was 20) and the relationship was over about a year before it was actually over. It was one of those things where you fool yourself into thinking "we can work it out, relationships are hard work" until we realized we were better off as friends.