Red Pill Thread 2.0: Neckbeard Revenge


Tranny Chaser
you are going to need a better plan than "work out"
You are large enough for your weight to be a serious health issue and are putting yourself at risk for a myriad of diseases. I don't really want to see a post from you a few years down the line about how you got a blood clot in your foot while sitting at the computer chair and it had to be amputated.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Arb, if you are curious, that photo was taken outside of Belt's in Stevens Point a couple summers ago. You live anywhere near there?


To Lithose, let us not forget that consciousness is a product of our brain and as such is just a summation of neruochemical interactions. This doesn't change the fact that emotions like love, anger or empathy can be and are influenced by consciousness as well as the subconscious.

They can be quantified Dumar and stop acting as though the endocrine system (you are using Limbic incorrectly btw) has complete control over all actions.


I never said it had complete control over all actions: I said its responsible for carnal human desire, and that contrary to the narrative of society, rational choice plays no part. That's RP.


Got something right about marriage
I never said it had complete control over all actions: I said its responsible for carnal human desire, and that contrary to the narrative of society, rational choice plays no part. That's RP.
So you're saying we can't overcome our carnal desire? Or just that women can't?


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
You are large enough for your weight to be a serious health issue and are putting yourself at risk for a myriad of diseases. I don't really want to see a post from you a few years down the line about how you got a blood clot in your foot while sitting at the computer chair and it had to be amputated.
If and when that occurs (I am actually fairly physically active at my job, so the booze might get me first, heh), it will be my fault and responsibility. I am ok with that and its on me if I want to change gears on that. It is everyone's responsibility to live their life their own way. I take issue with it when a person's choices negatively affect others around them. While a lot of fatties lobby for special treatment, I am not one of those guys Fedor rages about. I pay for first class on flights, as one example. The major distinction I take here is that a lot of these "playa" guys (and I see shitloads of them in Cali, working at a College) are spreading their behavior and VD around. No one gets fat sharing a pizza with a fat guy.


I never said it had complete control over all actions: I said its responsible for carnal human desire, and that contrary to the narrative of society, rational choice plays no part. That's RP.
Dumar can't control himself and walks around with a raging boner all the time.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Does Karl Marx have any books about the western world's inability to control its boners or used up whores?


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
As Sebudai said, up your own ass. Keep digging. You'll find it.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Sorry Phazael, but I don't care how many interests or hobbies I share with a girl, if she's fat, it's a deal breaker for a relationship. You know where you go to the fair and get in line for the ride, and it says you have to be THIS TALL for the ride? It's the same concept. You have to be this thin to ride. It's just the standard I have. Is it unreasonable? Only if you're a fat girl that finds me interesting.

To be honest, as I get older, I'm having a more and more difficult time even being bothered to go out and date. I just don't see it having a good outcome. You go out, meet what you think is the girl of your dreams, get into a long term relationship with her, get married, have a couple kids, and live the life of the married man.

The problem with that is that I have friends going through this life, and all of them are having problems with it. 1 of my friends had his wife just up and leave on him. One day he came home and she was just vanished. He was left to fend for himself with his 3 sons for 9 months until she came back to explain what happened, and all she could tell him was that she was done, no explanation given. Keep in mind, this is a guy with a good job, doesn't have bad habits like gambling or excessive drinking, doesn't cheat, basically he did everything you're supposed to do. Doesn't matter, she left, and he was on the hook for child support after she successfully lobbied for joint custody, even after leaving him in the dust like that.

Another friend, early 30s, been married for about 10 years to a pretty smoking hot girl, and he himself is a good looking guy who works out and all of that. Granted, I'm not in his shoes, but from the outside looking in, it was the perfect married life. An ideal for me to look to and strive for. Dude had his own plumbing business making good money, she worked in a doctor's office, and they had 2 kids, a good house, lots of toys like jet skis, etc. It looked idyllic! Last year, she decides to blow up the marriage and cheats on him with some dude. The reason given? After talking to her it boiled down to: "I was bored." My friend did everything right, and what will that get him? Back on the dating market, but also stuck with the responsibilities of raising his kids, child support payments, and dealing with the machinations of his ex to fuck up his life.

And that's just 2 stories, there are others and that's just in my own circle of friends. These 2 friends also make way more money than I do, and are better looking in the second guy's case. So what hope do I have of coming out better than they do? The stats say that over 50% of marriages end in divorce these days. More than 70% of those divorces are initiated by the woman. The odds in the game of blackjack are 52% against you if you play everything perfectly, and Vegas makes a killing in blackjack all the time. Why should I play those odds, what is my incentive? It's all very disheartening.


Got something right about marriage
Sorry Phazael, but I don't care how many interests or hobbies I share with a girl, if she's fat, it's a deal breaker for a relationship. You know where you go to the fair and get in line for the ride, and it says you have to be THIS TALL for the ride? It's the same concept. You have to be this thin to ride. It's just the standard I have. Is it unreasonable? Only if you're a fat girl that finds me interesting.

To be honest, as I get older, I'm having a more and more difficult time even being bothered to go out and date. I just don't see it having a good outcome. You go out, meet what you think is the girl of your dreams, get into a long term relationship with her, get married, have a couple kids, and live the life of the married man.

The problem with that is that I have friends going through this life, and all of them are having problems with it. 1 of my friends had his wife just up and leave on him. One day he came home and she was just vanished. He was left to fend for himself with his 3 sons for 9 months until she came back to explain what happened, and all she could tell him was that she was done, no explanation given. Keep in mind, this is a guy with a good job, doesn't have bad habits like gambling or excessive drinking, doesn't cheat, basically he did everything you're supposed to do. Doesn't matter, she left, and he was on the hook for child support after she successfully lobbied for joint custody, even after leaving him in the dust like that.

Another friend, early 30s, been married for about 10 years to a pretty smoking hot girl, and he himself is a good looking guy who works out and all of that. Granted, I'm not in his shoes, but from the outside looking in, it was the perfect married life. An ideal for me to look to and strive for. Dude had his own plumbing business making good money, she worked in a doctor's office, and they had 2 kids, a good house, lots of toys like jet skis, etc. It looked idyllic! Last year, she decides to blow up the marriage and cheats on him with some dude. The reason given? After talking to her it boiled down to: "I was bored." My friend did everything right, and what will that get him? Back on the dating market, but also stuck with the responsibilities of raising his kids, child support payments, and dealing with the machinations of his ex to fuck up his life.

And that's just 2 stories, there are others and that's just in my own circle of friends. These 2 friends also make way more money than I do, and are better looking in the second guy's case. So what hope do I have of coming out better than they do? The stats say that over 50% of marriages end in divorce these days. More than 70% of those divorces are initiated by the woman. The odds in the game of blackjack are 52% against you if you play everything perfectly, and Vegas makes a killing in blackjack all the time. Why should I play those odds, what is my incentive? It's all very disheartening.
Your friends didn't do everything right. They aren't the angelic perfect male you're making them sound like I'm sure.

As a rebuttal every single married couple in my group of friends have very strong, very fulfilling, very happy marriages. All with children of their own. Most have been married for 10 years or more.

You're jaded and disenchanted because you've turned a blind eye to any successful relationships and chosen only to focus on the bad ones you've seen. You're a fatalist. And that's a terrible way to go through life if you ask me.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Ah, the old anecdote game! I always love how it's always the poor dude getting owned in these stories. Sure, there are plenty of dirtbag bitches out there, but I have known some seriously depraved guys as well. For every story you can tell about your poor bros, I can tell one about one of my friends/associates being terrible boyfriends and husbands. Some people are just shit. It's how it is.

I have a few friends who had complete disasters of marriages/relationships. I have a few that have had no apparent problems. I have many who have normal every day problems that people have. While this 50% statistic gets thrown out quite often. The statistic is stupid and is marred by dumb fuck 20 year olds thinking they know what they want. Marriages post-30 and post-education have a much lower rate of divorce.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I was gonna say, its pretty fucking clear they didn't do everything right. You're just making assumptions.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
You're missing the point. It's not that they're angels, it's that didn't do anything to deserve having their lives torn apart like that. As a married man, you're supposed to: support your wife financially, remain faithful, help raise your kids, treat her well. If you do those things, you should have a reasonable expectation of staying married, shouldn't you? The only possible thing the second guy did wrong was working a lot of hours, but that feeds back into financial support, so I don't think something like that should be held against him.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
You really have no idea what they did or didn't do inside of their relationships.