

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Poor brikker missed a critical few days and now finds himself an isolated level 16 rogue. Brikk maybe I can get some time to throw charity plvls your way.
I never expected much from this server, and it's gone way beyond my expectations. Last time I played P99 was on blue back 4 years ago, and any emulator since has lasted a week before I got bored, and quit.

RR bros are why I'm still playing on this after a few weeks? a month maybe? and fully intend to give back. As said my expectations were never very high, so if I can get to 50, and just be porting and PLing for the rest of my days, I'll be happy.

Planar gear and epics are superfluous to helping out the RR bros!

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I never expected much from this server, and it's gone way beyond my expectations. Last time I played P99 was on blue back 4 years ago, and any emulator since has lasted a week before I got bored, and quit.

RR bros are why I'm still playing on this after a few weeks? a month maybe? and fully intend to give back. As said my expectations were never very high, so if I can get to 50, and just be porting and PLing for the rest of my days, I'll be happy.

Planar gear and epics are superfluous to helping out the RR bros!
dis ni99a rite here. he gets it.

So, here is the fruits of my week and a few days of hustlin so far.

Magelo Red:FlexSK - Project 1999 Wiki

Didn't intend on SK, but I got some bangin deals last night, so fuck it. IDK what race yet tho, and would have to buy/sell a few items to accommodate that, but that would be like a 1-2 hour endevor. (iksar can't wear mithril, trolls can't wear kylong boots, etc) Got one item to sell and I'm going to buy some SoW pots and give the balance to brikkar or crone or one of the newbie lurkers and I'm ready to go.

Erudite have great int, +5 MR racial, and have decent old world faction. no slam. shit melee stats.
Dark Elves can questReaper of the Dead - Project 1999 Wikiezpz without needing to make a mule, dont need shrink. no slam. no regen.
iksars are baller in velious, dont need shrink, can use throwing boulders. no slam.
trolls are trolls, but being big and have -20 SV Fire sucks. slam/regen.


Trump's Staff
Poor brikker missed a critical few days and now finds himself an isolated level 16 rogue. Brikk maybe I can get some time to throw charity plvls your way.
sadly true. I sat LFG for about 4.5 hours last night in NFP bank. Been playing this little iksar necro a bit, up to level 7. Actually usually some people in FoB/Kurns to group with most of the time. Maybe I'll just give Poseidon sexual favors to PL this character :p though I'd really prefer to be a rogue at 50+ than anything else...

I work 3pm-11pm CST this weekend but have Monday and most of Tuesday off. Will be around those days.


Silver Knight of the Realm
sadly true. I sat LFG for about 4.5 hours last night in NFP bank. Been playing this little iksar necro a bit, up to level 7. Actually usually some people in FoB/Kurns to group with most of the time. Maybe I'll just give Poseidon sexual favors to PL this character :p though I'd really prefer to be a rogue at 50+ than anything else...

I work 3pm-11pm CST this weekend but have Monday and most of Tuesday off. Will be around those days.
Let's plan on hitting a bit of plvls mon/tues. IMO roll a mage though instead of that rogue, since it's your first char. It will make plvling a breeze, and I'll give a complimentary Oracle Robe


Trump's Staff
Let's plan on hitting a bit of plvls mon/tues. IMO roll a mage though instead of that rogue, since it's your first char. It will make plvling a breeze, and I'll give a complimentary Oracle Robe
Hm, I do love mages...was my classic EQ main through PoP.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
do it man, their epic pet is a fucking monster

IMHO gather up all of the shit on your various chars and hustle it, get some int/resist gear and go HAM on a magician


Trump's Staff
do it man, their epic pet is a fucking monster

IMHO gather up all of the shit on your various chars and hustle it, get some int/resist gear and go HAM on a magician
Yea, I'm gonna fuckin do it. Keep rogue as my future first twink. And with pbaoe class maybe I can get PL caught up. Plus I can still solo as a mage!

Race: Gnome for small target in pvp?

Vit, when I see you next let me toss these weapons back to you (and the harpoon to Ismaris if that one is his).


Ain't heard nothing about a discord box.

Go ogre or troll for SK so you can bash with non epic 2h (tantor/primal).

You guys are doing it right by circling back to help those left behind or coming in later to the game. A strong foundation/core of bros is required for any real pixel gains let alone an empire like current Holo. More to this but it should be obvious that the time spent helping 3 friends up that play actively pays off ten fold over, say, farming plat for a BCG for yourself.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Don't give up! haha

I tend to always get on as you are getting off and posting here late at night.

Rogue is baws. Although mages are pretty awesome too.


Cleric rogue and warrior are god tier staples.

Barb rogue
Ogre warrior
Any "robe race" cleric (gnome is pretty dope)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
My goal is to get Black chitin legs, brown chitin protector, RMB wrists, and GEBs and look like a BAWS Druid. That's the classic look I long for. I could die happy at that point.

Or roll up a twink Warrior!


Trump's Staff
The problem is rolling Rogue as a fresh newb to the server; I should have listened earlier when people said roll a caster as a first character. No gear but the handouts I have and in a level range that seems to be less common for grouping means every time I've logged on with many hours to exp, I've sat LFG for hours on end because I'm not twinked and can't solo for shit =/

Mage can at least solo decently without gear and give me some QoL stuff like gate...

Rolled up a Gnome mage for the mini-target; name is Tackle.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
My goal is to get Black chitin legs, brown chitin protector, RMB wrists, and GEBs and look like a BAWS Druid. That's the classic look I long for. I could die happy at that point.

Or roll up a twink Warrior!
If you want to start a warrior I got a couple noob tier weapons for you

Deadwood Club and a Dark Defender

Go ogre or troll for SK so you can bash with non epic 2h (tantor/primal).
IMHO with AoN or Shroud of Undeath illusion you're going to have to shield swap / epic swap bash anyway. Unless they add nameplates to Skeleton form racial slam is good, but not great. What I need to know is what kind of faction grinding (if thats even possible) do I need to farm Reaper of the Dead clickies as a non Dark Elf without making mules and shit. I want to be able to solo replace those as needed. Innoruuk Worshiping troll is probably the closest I could get to being able to do that, but I'm not sure how viable it would be to farm warmly faction on a non DE with The Dead and that queen faction.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Ain't heard nothing about a discord box.

Go ogre or troll for SK so you can bash with non epic 2h (tantor/primal).

You guys are doing it right by circling back to help those left behind or coming in later to the game. A strong foundation/core of bros is required for any real pixel gains let alone an empire like current Holo. More to this but it should be obvious that the time spent helping 3 friends up that play actively pays off ten fold over, say, farming plat for a BCG for yourself.
This server would be 0 fun without a group of bros to play with, so it's kind of a priority in my mind to make sure we include people. Wish I'd had more playtime lately so I could help get people up to speed.

Once we have a solid couple groups at 50+ we'll be able to handle most of the content for epics, etc..


Silver Knight of the Realm
The problem is rolling Rogue as a fresh newb to the server; I should have listened earlier when people said roll a caster as a first character. No gear but the handouts I have and in a level range that seems to be less common for grouping means every time I've logged on with many hours to exp, I've sat LFG for hours on end because I'm not twinked and can't solo for shit =/

Mage can at least solo decently without gear and give me some QoL stuff like gate...

Rolled up a Gnome mage for the mini-target; name is Tackle.
Nice man. It's a good choice in the long-run. I'm glad I made a druid for my first char, as leveling has largely been a breeze, and I have a ton of utility / farming ability.


We're almost in range to have our main group start getting blood points and what not for people leveling rog/war

Hopefully we can figure out a tank for Seb or HS etc.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
If you want to start a warrior I got a couple noob tier weapons for you

Deadwood Club and a Dark Defender
Thanks Big Flex, but the Warrior is on the back burner for a while. I'm actually thinking more along the lines of a Bard, because swarming is just silly fun. Last night were 2 noobs that had never seen swarming, and their jaw dropped as the mobs started falling. Was amazing!