Reddit is on fire


<Prior Amod>
Yeah, I can count the number of times I've been on Reddit on one hand (other than reading bits and pieces of AMA's posted to other sites) but I acknowledge how big it is in internet culture. It's pretty crazy to watch all this happen and how dick headed their CEO is.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Jesse Jackson came into the buzzsaw that is a reddit AMA completely unprepared, clearly expecting nothing but softball questions. I'm not sure how that's her fault.
I was under the impression that it was her job to vet the questions. Reddit AMAs aren't like Twitter AMAs.


But it's not like they have days to do it. It's still a very spontaneous thing on site that is both vicious and silly at the same time.


<Gold Donor>
Can't stop laughing at all of the mods stating they aren't going dark because this issue is "petty" and "doesn't involve them", or that they're staying up to "defend their community". What a load of self-serving horseshit. These people should be shamed so fucking hard.

Only KotakuInAction gets a pass because they're deliberately staying up to catalog the insanity.

edit: another default subreddit bites the dust. /r/lifehacks is dark.
I've never been a reddit user but i was just wondering the same thing while reading through the live feed of subreddits that are going down and the ones that choose to stay public. Even the ones that are openly decrying the situation and posting letters of solidarity but not going private have to be classified in the same boat as the ones choosing to just outright ignore this right? So why even take a stance on your subreddit when you choose to not act in any way that will affect the zero sum nature of the protest?


Silver Knight of the Realm
I've never been a reddit user but i was just wondering the same thing while reading through the live feed of subreddits that are going down and the ones that choose to stay public. Even the ones that are openly decrying the situation and posting letters of solidarity but not going private have to be classified in the same boat as the ones choosing to just outright ignore this right? So why even take a stance on your subreddit when you choose to not act in any way that will affect the zero sum nature of the protest?
Absolutely. In a lot of ways, silence is better than "solidarity" in this situation. I'd much rather you say nothing and keep your subreddit chugging along than come out with some opaque load of bullshit about standing alongside fellow dark subreddits.

Every single mod group that publicly announced that their subreddit is staying up BUT are still in support of #redditrevolt prove they are nothing more than limp-dicked self-serving nancies. It's clear they care more about their mod status and the sanctity of their subreddit than actually making a difference. It's such a sad fucking cop-out to keep their subreddit running but claim they "support" others.


The Big Mod
But it's not like they have days to do it. It's still a very spontaneous thing on site that is both vicious and silly at the same time.
from what i read, part of her job was to meet with or phone with the the individual doing the AMA and read them the questions she wants them to answer (generally the most up voted ones). so, potentially she could have actively chosen to present Jesse Jackson this question, which i'm sure infuriated that cunt of a CEO.


<Prior Amod>
Whats to stop Reddit from just forcing the closed ones to go back public and strip the mods of their powers?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Whats to stop Reddit from just forcing the closed ones to go back public and strip the mods of their powers?
Having to get new mods or risk the subreddit just becoming overrun with Chairman Pao memes.


Golden Squire
It's possible the user edited their post after the question was asked?

Either way she shouldn't have been fired, I don't know what the fuck they were expecting to happen when they have a controversial figure on there when the majority of people who are aware of him probably don't like him very much.

It wasn't originally a platform for douchebags to cherry pick their q&a's, it was ask me anything for a reason, Woody Harrelson got absolutely shit on when all he wanted to talk about was some shit movie he was promoting. The fat dyke chick from Orange is the New Black did one last week and was as candid and upfront as fuck, when you that they lap it up.


The Big Mod
Every single mod group that publicly announced that their subreddit is staying up BUT are still in support of #redditrevolt prove they are nothing more than limp-dicked self-serving nancies. It's clear they care more about their mod status and the sanctity of their subreddit than actually making a difference. It's such a sad fucking cop-out to keep their subreddit running but claim they "support" others.
agreed. either put some skin in the game or shut the fuck up.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
The fact they run questions by someone before an AMA is pretty much bullshit anyway.

Yes and it could get worse. Crazy right.


Buzzfeed Editor
Well, like you mean what's already happening?
No, not like this. Right now all they are doing is losing content. If the Admins decide to come down and fuck with large Subs, they will have their front page filled with "protest posts", which will include everything as topics they don't want (Most people on Reddit only read the front page, and usually shit posting doesn't float up to there.) . For example, when they banned a forum making fun of fat people, their front page was filled for days with things making fun of fat people, or calling Pao a cunt, or bringing up her legal troubles (And hosts of other things they hate on the front page)...In short, during a real protest people go up vote shit (To push it to the front page) that would shock casual internet users (And certainly make Pao's investor buddies dicks shrink).

In any case, this is an especially bad time to rock the boat thanks to back to back scandals keeping the whole site on edge. SRS (Shit Reddit Says) and other "pet forums" have essentially been openly talking about censoring Reddit with the Admins (The one being a douche in that post linked, no less) to make it a "safe space"'s created some pretty deep divides, even among the larger and more neutral subs. (It's one reason why the GG boards grew by like 20k members in the last month--all the sudden their free speech advocacy, and Anti-SJW shit was starting to appeal to a broader audience.)....So if they push now, that front page is going to be filled with everything under the sun that skirts what any moral society would call legal. (And once they have to sanitize major subs? It will be the end.)


FPS noob
victoria's position apparently got eliminated because the new regime wanted to do stuff like video AMAs and have PR people do AMAs and victoria pushed back, so they decided to let her go. nothing to do with the jesse jackson stuff

this will definitely die down after a week but its hilarious to watch live

also never take anything SRS says seriously. It was taken over a few years ago by somethingawful members, who are sort of uber-trolls. They push the SJW agenda hard, even though they are all neckbeards who would piss on a tranny for laughs. They basically try to get real SJWs to say the stupidest shit possible, and troll racists/redpill/MRAs/etc non stop. They're like what would happen on the internet if tanoomba and keg had 100 babies.


Potato del Grande
If she was getting paid to do it and didn't even get 2 weeks notice that really sucks and just shows Kung Pao and her SJW brigade is worthless.