The answers were verbatim from them. Not altered at all. I happen to type at the speed of light : ) Our goal as reddit admins is to ensure that all AMAs as close to instantaneous as possible-and that's part of my awesome job.
Taylor went on to explain that, while admins may be the typists, the celebrities are not divorced from the AMAs at all.
I typically walk everyone through what reddit is (if they don't already know) and then they start going through questions. Literally once you start a thread, it can go absolutely crazy with hundreds of questions coming in at once, so just trying to ensure that people don't feel overwhelmed. They're typically in the same room.
On a related note, one of the things I'm most proud of is getting people who participate in AMAs as truly, tangibly excited about reddit as I am. The "before" and "after" an AMA can really be incredible. Oftentimes people are apprehensive before starting an AMA; they don't know what to expect or who's out there, and then afterwards they are incredibly excited about it and want to come back. So I'd like to think that's a good thing.