ReRolled Minecraft Server III


I'm Amod too!
Not sure I've ever heard of it going on sale. You can always sign up for an account and play the demo on Mojang's website to get a feel for the game if you're uncertain.


Riddle me this...
Downloaded the demo yesterday. Holy shit it really is just like legos for adults. the demo is huge, Ive been learning how to craft and just exploring. I am going to easily spend $30 on this. As Skanda said though download the demo first, its pretty kickass just by itself.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
When you feel ready, be sure to check out the Game of thrones and mithrintia academy servers to see what kind of crazy shit the MC community makes.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I've been playing Terraria the last couple weeks. A pretty cool play on this genre, though not nearly as immersive being in 2D. I hope that SOE can pull off fun exploration/building with Landmark.


Well pulled the trigger since the code-cards are only $25 here, will now have to find some good texture packs and Thaumcraft seems interesting


Direwolf20 is very stable now (as of 1.0.8) if you are interested in modpacks. Server is running smoothly and no client crashes whatsoever (for the 3 players we have that is). Very nice change of pace from vanilla. And AFAIK they got rid of the EE bullshit.

I built the smeltery over the week end and that was boner worthy. It's a multi-block structure and you actually can see the molten metals gather in the furnace's 5x5 hollow tank. There's even a spout you can stick on the side of your structure to pour that shit out into casts or basins.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Well pulled the trigger since the code-cards are only $25 here, will now have to find some good texture packs and Thaumcraft seems interesting
Play single player survival vanilla for a bit before you get into mods

It's worth it to learn the basics. Plus, vanilla is still awesome.


<Gold Donor>
Play single player survival vanilla for a bit before you get into mods

It's worth it to learn the basics. Plus, vanilla is still awesome.
Do this, because once you start playing with mods vanilla will seem boring. It is worth it to spend some time getting the basics down first, and then expanding your horizons later.

Thaumcraft is my ultimate, #1 favorite mod of all time, and I have a Minecraft crush on Azanor (the creator).

Azziane, Tinker's Constructs is the only way to make tools anymore (which you are starting with the smeltery). One tip I could give is that once you get a little further into it and start using Cobalt and Ardite, make yourself a fluid transposer (Thermal Expansion) and put cobblestone and water in it. 9 of those in a crafting table will get you a ball of moss, which you can add to your tools to make them slowly repair over time. Once you make a couple of nice tools (hammer is the shit) with moss, you'll never have to make another one again.

You can do the same thing with IC2 or RF (Redstone Flux, the TE power system) so that you just put them into a battery to repair them, but the moss is so cheap and easy, and if my pick is getting too low I just go and build some machines or do some farming or something while it repairs a little.


**Nvm that's what you meant by moss, just gotta figure out how to apply it. Thanks for the tip!

Ok I think I got that part down, just need to get the mats and figure out what the best binding is. Seems like paper would be a winner for the extra slot it gives. I think I am set on cobalt head and Mayullyn handle. Also realized hammers dig 3x3 which is sweet and not so terribly OP as the destructo-wand thing I used to use in tekkit. Now...

  • Is there a mod that I can look at that will let me go up the path of upgrading armor past what vanilla offer? Not looking for the best armor set but the next step up from diamond basically.
  • I would like to do the same thing for food. Is there food you can craft/mix/cook that is better than steaks? Not trying to min-max - again just looking for the next step up. I'm taking my time this time around!

Oh and this is with DW20 1.0.8 if that matters. Not wanting to upgrade as that version seems very stable to me and the patch notes don't seem to change all that much at my "level".


<Gold Donor>
Armor is fairly shitty in Minecraft still. Your best bet is the Powered Armor mod I believe (don't quote me on the name). You'll know which one it is when you search NEI for "armor" and then find the neat looking armor that requires mostly iron and then a circuit or two. It also requires an armor mod station, which you'll know because the recipe requires one emerald along with the other stuff.

Unfortunately, you also pretty much need at least a basic IC2 setup since it requires a bunch of rubber for the circuits (extractor gives 3 rubber per resin), although technically you can do single rubber if you really want, it just takes a lot longer. I hate IC2, so that was kind of a sticking point for me, but IC2/rubber is mostly necessary for Minefactory Reloaded too, so might as well make a few basic machines anyway.

That powered armor lets you install different modules into each piece, such as shock absorbers in the legs or boots to negate fall damage, armor plating, , sprinting, jumping, jetpacks, etc. And of course it doesn't wear out, just loses charge that you can replace. You just have to make sure you don't go over a certain weight (I forget) so you don't get slowed down.

That's pretty much the only mid-tier armor that I can even think of. Stuff like Quantum suits and shit are way, way too far down the line. And you have to kill the Wither to get the necessary piece for getting to the Promised Land, which is where you can get Amethyst, which is just like iron armor but WAY more effective. You won't ever kill the Wither with just iron armor though, unless you get lucky, or zerg rush him, or figure a way to glitch him. Well, I suppose it might be possible with some of the new Ars Magica spells and Thaumcraft and such, and maybe some golems to help you. But that's a lot more fucking work than just making some IC2 machinery, so you're probably going to want to make power armor, which will last you pretty much all game if you really want it to, honestly.

There's no real secret to food either. I'm a fan of potatoes early game if you can get one because they are easy as shit, and do a decent job when cooked, but once you get 3-4 types of berries growing in mass quantities, you'll have so many fucking berries you won't even stop to pick them any more, and if you combine those in a bowl you get a berry medley that not only fills a good chunk of your hunger bar, but is saturating, which means that it fills you above and beyond the end of your hunger bar so you stay at full much, much longer. And they stack now (bowls that is), so you only need 2 inventory slots, one for the medleys and one for the empty bowls that you get back. That's my food of choice, because I hate wasting something like a steak when I'm only down 1 hunger and need to heal. Or, if you have a ton of steaks, just bring extra berries with you as well because each one restores half a hunger bar, so they are easy to use to top you off if you get hurt before you are down enough to get decent use out of the steak.

EDIT: Oh yeah, about the binding, it depends. For a weapon, always paper for the extra slot. For a tool, you probably want something with decent durability. Obsidian is nice because of the reinforced stat it gives (more durability), but I forget if cobalt or manamanamanon gives it too. If not, use obsidian unless you have the cobalt/ardite sitting around doing nothing. You probably won't need that extra mod from the paper on a tool, and the reduction in durability is pretty huge. With a weapon your durability isn't as much of a factor, and you can easily add another level of sharpness from that paper slot. I ALWAYS put moss on everything I intend to keep, even my sword, and if my tool is a little slower or my sword slightly less sharp, so be it. Once you've mined enough cobalt and ardite you won't ever have to go look for it again with moss (assuming you don't lose it). That is worth it to me.


<Prior Amod>
I miss playing this with everyone....but after playing on SErver II and getting used to that I couldn't get the hang of the rules on Server III and just couldn't seem to enjoy myself. I then got lonely on server III and ended up leaving my tree unfinished


<Prior Amod>
I'm a creature of habit and just couldn't get used to the things that were missing from Server III that were on Server II. It's my own fault for not being able to get used to it, I don't blame you or anyone else.


<Gold Donor>
  • Is there a mod that I can look at that will let me go up the path of upgrading armor past what vanilla offer? Not looking for the best armor set but the next step up from diamond basically.
Perfect timing. Direwolf20 just got to the point where he wanted to make Powersuits (the name I was trying to come up with) in his single player series. Fast forward to 11:40 to see him start making them. EDIT: And I learned something new as well, that there is an alternate way to make them without IC2. Awesome.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I just don't care for currency systems on SMP servers. I like that certain minerals are hard to get, or that we have to create farming systems to obtain things. Give me a lock on my chest asked that's all I need O:)